
I'm not sure humanity survives. But the earth will be fine. All these things are part of her chemistry. She'll wait a few hundred million years. Maybe go through a snowball Earth phase. As the continents reconfigure into another singular continent, the miracle of evolution will take control again, leading to another magical era of life forms, who the fuck knows what they look like.
I wish I could be an evolutionary bystander...
Its not. Its speculation. You would do well to keep that in mind as you post among some very smart people
Which part of me playing Devils advocate was speculation?
Russia being a part of the UN or him having "peace keeping troops" in the break away states?

I'm sure i do, its why i post here. Shame you interrupted a good convo with LED with insults.
They have only been "independent" states since Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014 and pried them away. Back in the USSR days, lots of Russians immigrated there, and it's these areas with large Russian speaking population that have been fighting (with help from Russia) trying to break away from Ukraine.
Trying to break away And go back to Russia? Then let them. Why does Putin feel the need to bring in any military to sign the territory back if that’s what they want. This is ludicrous.
Trying to break away And go back to Russia? Then let them. Why does Putin feel the need to bring in any military to sign the territory back if that’s what they want. This is ludicrous.
No it will be Biden and the UN to take the territory back for Ukraine. Well thats what might happen at the moment. Its gotten rather complicated today.
No it will be Biden and the UN to take the territory back for Ukraine. Well thats what might happen at the moment. Its gotten rather complicated today.
It has? Or are some making things more dramatic then they really are? The way I see it Russia is going to get the independent states and the USA is putting sanctions on them. Then those independent states will no longer have any ties to Ukraine and will then be considered part Russia. Just like they want. Such drama.
The borders were agreed to by Russia and without free and fair elections you don't know what the people there want. Vlad is violating the UN charter and there is no getting away from that. He recently invaded Belorussia and Kazakhstan to quell popular uprisings in independent countries with puppet governments. What makes you think ethnic Russians don't want to be Ukrainian citizens? Except for Russian propaganda.

Like I said cold war 2 is coming and I figure Vlad was maneuvered into it so sufficient sanctions can be applied to cripple the Russian economy. War would be to Joe's advantage right now with a midterm election in the offing, presidents and their parties always get a war boost and Joe might just throw the Ukraine under the bus to save America.
War over Ukraine? oh hell no

I think ethnic Russian minority in the eastern parts of Ukraine don't like their chances with the neo-Nazi majority in Ukraine.
It has? Or are some making things more dramatic then they really are? The way I see it Russia is going to get the independent states and the USA is putting sanctions on them. Then those independent states will no longer have any ties to Ukraine and will then be considered part Russia. Just like they want. Such drama.
Then why put sanctions on Russia?
Biden has been making it a huge deal for awhile.

Not a peep about the real threats to Australia's democracy?

Why is that?
2 years ago? "Zhao was found dead in March in a Melbourne motel room and police have been unable to conclude how he died,"
What would you like to talk about?
China owning the port of Darwin where lots of US ships dock?
China and America buying up farms?
China's rise by helping pacific islands?

Luckily we have to vote once we sign up to vote. That means we get in power who the majority want. Its not fool proof but its probably better than some other systems.
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War over Ukraine? oh hell no

I think ethnic Russian minority in the eastern parts of Ukraine don't like their chances with the neo-Nazi majority in Ukraine.
Not war, but a useful pawn to get the sanctions Joe wants and the means to wage economic warfare. Never wrestle in the mud with a pig, you'll get all dirty and the pig will enjoy it. NATO can crush Russia economically with a bit of international help, play to your strengths. This is gonna take awhile, years of misery. As for the two provinces in the Ukraine and Crimea, they can wait. This is part of something larger methinks, Vlad could have done this shit and taken the entire Ukraine when Trump was POTUS. Why now?
The Port of Darwin will be having a fuel line run from there into the adjacent American army's base. The scare campaign being run by Dutton and the Liberals in Australia is tried and tested. This is a desperate attempt to win votes.
Every time an encumbent Liberal government looks like loosing an election they cast an illusion of the possibilty of war.
Unfortunately Morrison who is politically aligned with the Republicans has done so much lying, just like Trump that nobody believes him anymore.
So he is getting Dutton to say it all. Dutton is a political exclusion zone.
The right of politics deserve nothing more than to be turned into canon fodder in a dubious war about nothing except greed and ego.
It is a lol. A ceremony of fuck all. I don't know how this ends well but it sure as fuck won't be at the end of a pen