Potemkin villageThey use glonass satellites for GPS, even cheap western commercial and hobby drones use multiple GPS systems like GPS the EUs and glonass too, for increased accuracy and reliability. It's yet another reason they will lose the war, it's turning out like the Wizard of Oz when the dog toto pulled the curtain back on the wizard and found him at the controls, but naked and jerking off.
Vlad had a Potemkin army, a false front of PR hiding a rotten and incompetent military that was exposed for what it really was when put to the test. The legend of the mighty red army is gone and soon most of Vlad's army will be gone too and along with it the fear of it by other countries, more of them will tell Vlad to go fuck himself, just as the Ukrainians did, they set the future pattern IMHO.
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In politics and economics, a Potemkin village is any construction (literal or figurative) whose sole purpose is to provide an external façade to a country that is faring poorly, making people believe that the country is faring better. The term comes from stories of a fake portable village built by Grigory Potemkin, former lover of Empress Catherine II, solely to impress the Empress during her journey to Crimea in 1787.[1] While modern historians agree that accounts of this portable village are exaggerated, the original story was that Potemkin erected phony portable settlements along the banks of the Dnieper River in order to impress the Russian Empress; the structures would be disassembled after she passed, and re-assembled farther along her route to be viewed again as if another example. The term is a translation of the Russian: потёмкинские деревни (IPA: /pɐˈtʲɵmkʲɪnskʲɪɪ dʲɪˈrʲɛvnʲɪ/; romanization: potyómkinskiye derévni).[citation needed]

Potemkin village - Wikipedia

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