
Pushkin Square, will soon to be renamed Putin square and they will have his name in 3 foot high gold Cyrillic letters... Why not he's acting more like Donald every day, maybe their the same, but Putin is smarter, or was!

Every one of those conscripts will end up in Ukraine and they will be taken from small rural areas, not the large cities, where the funerals would cause a stir. This is how they are selecting troops to go to Ukraine, mostly from Siberia or eastern Russian. What's wrong, no contract soldiers or recent veterans volunteering? The Ukrainians don't have any manpower issues, many join the territorials as volunteers because they probably get paid less than the army, if at all. They had 330 K mostly men return to fight a few weeks back and it could be up to 500K by now, some soldiers and reservists are even eager for combat and the chance to kill Russians.

So Vlad's green conscripts jump on the train, do they go directly to a depot on route get armed and shown one end of a gun from the other, back on trains and off to Ukraine to be slaughtered like sheep? Or do they undergo weeks or even months of training and then get slaughtered by even more Ukrainian soldiers who defeated those units they are to be replacements for?

These guys will be kept in Russia to deal with the ever growing crowds of unarmed protesters as more Russians get educated about what's really going on.

No f'n Starbux or new iPhone! Fuck that I'm raising hell! lol

I guess the Russian troops dug trenches in the red forest by Chernobyl. Now hundreds are being treated in Belarus. Some died. Not even Chernobyl techs are allowed in that area.
:o:confused:Incredible incompetence would be funny if not so sad,first the Russians shoot up the nuclear plant then they dig trenches in highly radioactive ground are these guys for real, the blunders just keep coming,hopefully they will FK up the Ukraine invasion 2.0 redux plan which is now to regroup and drive to Odessa making Ukraine a land locked country.
Looks they are taking it to the Russians, or it was a provocation by Russia.
Video shows helicopters attacking fuel depot inside Russia

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Yes, I'm In a motel room right now, they made us evacuate last night, but unless shit goes very wrong tonight, we'll go home tomorrow. It was quite bad last night,the windwas blowing hard, gusting up into the50s, blowing fire all over, they had at least 4 spots they were working on, butthe wind died down now and they're making good progress now
Fire is always scary in the mountains. Glad to hear they are making headway. Hope you guys get more rain, less wind.

We had a really big fire 20 miles south of us (but only 2 miles from BIL's farm) a couple three weeks ago. It looked like it was going to hang around for weeks, but then we got 10 inches of rain, so it's no longer a threat.
China buys us treasury bills, that's why they say they own part of the us debt....about the same amount Japan owns...Great Britain, Ireland, and Belgium own about the same amount between them....but big bad china owns our soul...:rolleyes:
What is the old saying? Owe someone 100 grand, and they own you. Owe someone a hundred million, and you own them.
I don't think the Russians have many killer drones, if they do, they are made from commercial RC parts, or will be.
They talk about Switchblade "systems", I don't think that means individual drones, but groups of them with a controller.
How Ukraine is using kamikaze drones to turn the tables on Russia

CNN's Tom Foreman explains how kamikaze drones work, and how Ukrainian soldiers are using them to gain an advantage against Russia.
Wait till the survivers get back to town, unless Vlad ships them all to a Gulag to keep the word from getting out.
The story of an elite Russian unit's war in Ukraine - BBC Newsnight

Russia’s 331st Guards Parachute Regiment is considered "the best of the best", but BBC Newsnight has been tracing the casualties as the unit battles through Ukraine.
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