
A 50% drop in the economy in a month! It's not over, but just begun, millions will be moving back to the land and peasanthood, again. Most will be young and pissed off as they take up subsistence farming and barter, on their grandparents dilapidated farms and try to scratch a living from the earth of Mother Russia. They will burn wood and sleep on their "stoves" in their log houses during the long winters, as their ancestors did, welcome to the new/old Russia.

Biden says Russia should be booted from G-20; Russia's economy has shrunk in half since invading
Come comrade, we go for little walk in the woods, don't mind the handcuffs...
Top Russian military figures suddenly vanish from public eye
If Vlad is unhappy with the situation in Ukraine now, wait a couple of weeks or a month when the Ukrainians are on the move with offensive operations and all manner of nasty business as they seek to chop up the Russians and cut them off from resupply. I think they are losing a thousand a day dead now and the rate is increasing, while the Ukrainians can feed in replacements and give the wounded better treatment, they can have them in the EU in hours if required. Between desertion, surrenders, the dead and seriously wounded, there are credible reports the Russian's are already close to 50,000 men out of the fight, most of them combat troops. If they reduced the Russians by 50,000 in the first month, then they should be able to do another 50,000 of them in the next two weeks of offensive operations, since they are better armed and more numerous than ever before, have combat experience and know their enemy's many weaknesses much better.
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How many dead Russians before Vlad throws in the towel and goes home?
How many wounded
How many prisoners?
Ukrainian hostages?
Dead civilians?

Did he throw in the kitchen sink from Crimea? If his southern forces are cut off from Crimea and destroyed or captured in Ukraine, who is left in Crimea to defend it? Blow the bridge in eastern Ukraine across the entrance to the sea of Azov to Russia and they would be trapped in Crimea. Anti ship missiles could make resupply or evacuation problematic for the Russians and AA missiles do the same for planes. I wonder how many soldiers, lackeys and quislings would be there, they would want to get the general and officers out who are bombarding those cities. Vlad might need his hostages, but if the Ukrainians offered those who surrender citizenship, they will stay in Ukraine, if they want. Others would have a real case as refugees and I don't think they will swap anybody who doesn't want to go, it might violate international law to send them to a war criminal like Putin. They are not POWs, but common criminals, there was no declaration of war or any UN permission, it was a all a violation of international law
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Check out control and ownership of the fields and production. Then find the records of bush chenney talks with bp and britian. Takes a minute. But dig more than a president or two back.
Checked, and as I thought, Iraq owns 100% of the oil fields, they do work with a bunch of companies, almost all are not American. I am fine with trade, and am sticking with we didn't go in there and 'take the oil' like people enjoy saying.

I don't see us 'taking the wheat' or whatever else 'people will say' about Ukraine.

That doesn't mean we won't trade with them afterwards, but we trade with everyone we can, it is just good economics. And mutually beneficial.

Hey is it true and did anyone post it already?

Some of those forced conscripted Russian Soldiers were driving some kind of special remote operations unit that can jam radar and other things and costs $42 million, on the freeway and it came off the Semi-trailer and tumbled down the embankment and they left it?
I think the video said that the USA and others really wanted to get a hold of one of these to check it out since it is super secret.

If so "Cha-Ching!"

I saw something about it on youtube but didn't know if it was legit or not.
A model airplane really.

View attachment 5107575
2.4Ghz spectrum rc inputs across 5.1 line of sight wi/fi and maybe neo 7 gps chip. And if that sad scratch built pictured could carry anything acrossed the room.

nice Times visual investigation piece, coordinating unencrypted radio communications, local reports, actual wreckage at reported battle sites, even security camera footage...
i have to say, the audio of the two or three russians soldiers they use talking to each other, does not cast them in a good light...these guys may have been sent in unprepared, but they sure as hell didn't seem to mind till shit went sideways for them
2.4Ghz spectrum rc inputs across 5.1 line of sight wi/fi and maybe neo 7 gps chip. And if that sad scratch built pictured could carry anything acrossed the room.
Under $500 for a newer better version, flight control computer and FPV video system are extra, analog is cheap, HQ DJI video FPV more expensive. Say under a grand easy for a digital FPV system version. Retractable gear and even vectored thrust like the real one.


nice Times visual investigation piece, coordinating unencrypted radio communications, local reports, actual wreckage at reported battle sites, even security camera footage...
i have to say, the audio of the two or three russians soldiers they use talking to each other, does not cast them in a good light...these guys may have been sent in unprepared, but they sure as hell didn't seem to mind till shit went sideways for them
Just another skim job. How long before we got up armored vehicles that we payed for in Iraq. And are the coast guards fast boats capable of actual reliable service to this day?? A long library of theft and yet you all scream for more.
Are we anything but more willing to pay at the register? And the coffer over filling taxes this BS is generating. As people are being terrorized to their deaths. So you can play on the net in large warm homes.
Under $500 for a newer better version, flight control computer and FPV video system are extra, analog is cheap, HQ DJI video FPV more expensive. Say under a grand easy for a digital FPV system version. Retractable gear and even vectored thrust like the real one.

As an RC guy who flies and built autonomous drones. You aren't commercially building, let alone finding capable pilots on gaming platforms. Thrust vectored? Please explain this to me in regards to static dynamics of geometry in material lay out and usage. Then demonstrate how this is applied to torsional variants affecting your axis outside of norms and therefore concluding in an illogical center of gravity.
And if that flips your wig? Please explain to e how to program a home base as well as the audrino and exponential parameters.

Seriously just stop spreading propaganda.
As an RC guy who flies and built autonomous drones. You aren't commercially building, let alone finding capable pilots on gaming platforms. Thrust vectored? Please explain this to me in regards to static dynamics of geometry in material lay out and usage. Then demonstrate how this is applied to torsional variants affecting your axis outside of norms and therefore concluding in an illogical center of gravity.
And if that flips your wig? Please explain to e how to program a home base as well as the audrino and exponential parameters.

Seriously just stop spreading propaganda.
Seriously, yer socially retarded and know shit about anything really.
As an RC guy who flies and built autonomous drones. You aren't commercially building, let alone finding capable pilots on gaming platforms. Thrust vectored? Please explain this to me in regards to static dynamics of geometry in material lay out and usage. Then demonstrate how this is applied to torsional variants affecting your axis outside of norms and therefore concluding in an illogical center of gravity.
And if that flips your wig? Please explain to e how to program a home base as well as the audrino and exponential parameters.

Seriously just stop spreading propaganda.
Here is my favorite drone video, something to do while you drool.

Just another skim job. How long before we got up armored vehicles that we payed for in Iraq. And are the coast guards fast boats capable of actual reliable service to this day?? A long library of theft and yet you all scream for more.
Are we anything but more willing to pay at the register? And the coffer over filling taxes this BS is generating. As people are being terrorized to their deaths. So you can play on the net in large warm homes.
As an RC guy who flies and built autonomous drones. You aren't commercially building, let alone finding capable pilots on gaming platforms. Thrust vectored? Please explain this to me in regards to static dynamics of geometry in material lay out and usage. Then demonstrate how this is applied to torsional variants affecting your axis outside of norms and therefore concluding in an illogical center of gravity.
And if that flips your wig? Please explain to e how to program a home base as well as the audrino and exponential parameters.

Seriously just stop spreading propaganda.
Seriously, here is my work bench, how about yours?
