
And this time the republicans, or a good chunk of them are on Russia's side, ready to stab America in the back. I think this kind of war would be bad for the republicans and Russians, including Vlad. The soviet union is in the dust bin of history, but lives on in Vlad's dreams, the world is moving on and in a way Vlad is losing touch in a larger sense with current and future reality.
Millions of Angry, Armed Americans Stand Ready to Seize Power If Trump Loses in 2024
Millions of Angry, Armed Americans Stand Ready to Seize Power If Trump Loses in 2024
'If'. There is no way he wins again. And outside of a small number of ever shrinking nuts and the cult leaders they follow I really don't see this happening.

Oof, I hope you have some wood nearby.
Ive been told that the world was ending since as long as I could remember.

People like to talk shit, but just look at the Oxford kid killer and his family to see how fast radicalized idiots run away form one another when the shit gets real.
Ive been told that the world was ending since as long as I could remember.

People like to talk shit, but just look at the Oxford kid killer and his family to see how fast radicalized idiots run away form one another when the shit gets real.

I fully agree with the first part. It's a common theme among tweeker types...branch davidians, jonestown, heavan's gate, qanon, etc. etc. But, I don't parallel trump winning an election to the end of the world. Winning an election has a real metric; votes. And, there has been a bunch of shitty legislation since "the big lie". And, he has actually won before.
I fully agree with the first part. It's a common theme among tweeker types...branch davidians, jonestown, heavan's gate, qanon, etc. etc. But, I don't parallel trump winning an election to the end of the world. Winning an election has a real metric; votes. And, there has been a bunch of shitty legislation since "the big lie". And, he has actually won before.
I thought that you were talking about the violence part, not the election part. As for that, if Trump was not able to win with 4 years of having the power that comes with the presidency, and allowing a foreign military to attack our citizens unchecked, I really don't see him being able to not get beat worse next time. But we will see.

Many Republicans are increasingly coming to see themselves less as citizens represented by the federal government, and more as tyrannized victims of that government.
Brainwashing by the right wing hate mongering propagandists will do that.

It reminds me of the Karen videos where they truly think that the police won't arrest them for trying to get someone else arrested for violating their made up 'rights'.
I thought that you were talking about the violence part, not the election part. As for that, if Trump was not able to win with 4 years of having the power that comes with the presidency, and allowing a foreign military to attack our citizens unchecked, I really don't see him being able to not get beat worse next time. But we will see.

Brainwashing by the right wing hate mongering propagandists will do that.

It reminds me of the Karen videos where they truly think that the police won't arrest them for trying to get someone else arrested for violating their made up 'rights'.

Ahhh I gotcha, I should have edited the quote.

But, I do see more violence coming too. "Millions" would seem laughable, because January 6th shows us that it's probably not anywhere near that.
Millions of Angry, Armed Americans Stand Ready to Seize Power If Trump Loses in 2024
Without organization and discipline they are just a mob and an organized disciplined force can handle a mob many times it's size when properly armed and directed. Any such attempt would be met by the US military who would snuff them in an instant, if Biden was POTUS and anybody who organized and lead it would be shot out of hand, let the courts decide in a decade or two. If they lost and wanted to take power by force he would declare the insurrection act rather than allow it to happen. By the next election they will have most of the assholes cleaned out of positions of command and the ranks are being gone through too. Most of these idiots are antivaxx anyway and are are being kicked out of the forces. Unlike Trump, Biden would have little difficulty declaring and enforcing the insurrection act and would have the military at his back in the event of violence.

What would they do, stage another storming of the capitol? They'd be mowed down like grass this time with miniguns before they reached the capitol steps. Nobody will lead them that far except Donald and the only reason he did was extreme desperation to avoid criminal charges.
Ahhh I gotcha, I should have edited the quote.

But, I do see more violence coming too. "Millions" would seem laughable, because January 6th shows us that it's probably not anywhere near that.
Exactly. Cant disagree with more, but that really is a relative term.
Without organization and discipline they are just a mob and an organized disciplined force can handle a mob many times it's size when properly armed and directed. Any such attempt would be met by the US military who would snuff them in an instant, if Biden was POTUS and anybody who organized and lead it would be shot out of hand, let the courts decide in a decade or two. If they lost and wanted to take power by force he would declare the insurrection act rather than allow it to happen. By the next election they will have most of the assholes cleaned out of positions of command and the ranks are being gone through too. Most of these idiots are antivaxx anyway and are are being kicked out of the forces. Unlike Trump, Biden would have little difficulty declaring and enforcing the insurrection act and would have the military at his back in the event of violence.

What would they do, stage another storming of the capitol? They'd be mowed down like grass this time with miniguns before they reached the capitol steps. Nobody will lead them that far except Donald and the only reason he did was extreme desperation to avoid criminal charges.
There is a case coming before the Supreme Court in 2022 out on NY i believe, that would allow universal carry firearms everywhere in the US. Just in time for the 2022 elections. It would not be illegal to carry guns into Washington DC.
America has a civil war coming.
Trumpers want a dictatorship. They won't like what they get but as long as "Freedom" and "Patriot" are used in big letters alongside lots of flags (Americans love a flag) and pictures of guns (Americans love a gun) then I fear the attempt at overturning Democracy again will have a good chance of succeeding. They will be upset they didn't plan better last time.

In regard to Russia, its their gas and they can charge what they like (Opec anyone) and are free to move troops within their borders. Will Russia try to win back their territory of Ukraine- possibly tis what bored leaders do. I wouldn't be surprised if China tries to retake Taiwan at the same time Russia moves into the Ukraine.
Considering America invade countries willy nilly and at will i'm not sure the American gov has any moral high ground.
America has a civil war coming.
Trumpers want a dictatorship. They won't like what they get but as long as "Freedom" and "Patriot" are used in big letters alongside lots of flags (Americans love a flag) and pictures of guns (Americans love a gun) then I fear the attempt at overturning Democracy again will have a good chance of succeeding. They will be upset they didn't plan better last time.

In regard to Russia, its their gas and they can charge what they like and are free to move troops within their borders. Will Russia try to win back their territory of Ukraine- possibly tis what bored leaders do. I wouldn't be surprised if China tries to retake Taiwan at the same time Russia moves into the Ukraine.
Considering America invade countries willy nilly and at will i'm not sure the American gov has any moral high ground.
lol @ 'their territory of Ukraine'.

Also at the fortune telling of a civil war here in America because a few thousand radicalized idiots are being spun up online to think that they are millions.

I do agree that it is likely China will try to push for Taiwan if Russia attacks Ukraine.
lol @ 'their territory of Ukraine'.

Also at the fortune telling of a civil war here in America because a few thousand radicalized idiots are being spun up online to think that they are millions.

I do agree that it is likely China will try to push for Taiwan if Russia attacks Ukraine.
Despite being an independent country since 1991, as a former Soviet republic, Ukraine has been perceived by Russia as being part of its sphere of influence.

Yes it doesn't take many to overthrow a gov and nearly 50% of voters are Trumpers.

It would makes sense for them to do it at the same time.
There is a case coming before the Supreme Court in 2022 out on NY i believe, that would allow universal carry firearms everywhere in the US. Just in time for the 2022 elections. It would not be illegal to carry guns into Washington DC.
They live in DC too and so do their families... As I recall the SCOTUS is not far from the capitol and they were scrambling themselves on 1/6
but the majority of the Supreme court are republicans.... o_O
We will have to see what the new year brings, Donald will either go to prison or Russia and covid is killing republicans in droves and will continue to until the election, it's fucking over even more of them though! The economy is improving, gas is dropping like a stone (covid), the 1/6 committee will issue a report, there will be squeal deals and convictions and big trouble for Trump, his family, henchmen and minions.
Despite being an independent country since 1991, as a former Soviet republic, Ukraine has been perceived by Russia as being part of its sphere of influence.

Yes it doesn't take many to overthrow a gov and nearly 50% of voters are Trumpers.

It would makes sense for them to do it at the same time.
Perceived being a part of their sphere of influence is a long way as being theirs. We can't claim Mexico or Canada 'ours' even though we have a lot of influence on them.

Yes it doesn't take many to overthrow a gov and nearly 50% of voters are Trumpers.

It would makes sense for them to do it at the same time.
Herding crazy cats with the power of the presidency vs just being some right wing hate monger is vastly different. These radicalized idiots took a shot and failed, now they are trying to take the democracy through legal means through state sponsored voter suppression with everyone seeing it in real time. So time will tell if that is successful.

But civil war is something that a bunch of entitled Karens will act like they are all about until their kids start killing their peers at school and they pretend like they had no idea and it is not their faults, while feeding that kid to the prison system. A handful of cult leaders and the radicalized idiots following them are not the making of a civil war no matter how much the Russian and far-right propaganda machines wants people to think it is.