honey bees are no joke, i got attacked a year back by over a thousand of them, got to the hospital they took 622 stingers out of me and told me i got lucky, most people who get stung that much don't make it....
I'd say Kyiv independents estimates are hugely inflated as well. Why wouldn't they be..
According to a BBC news article that came out Feb 23 2025, Russian desth estimates could reach 234k at the highest, with some estimates at 146k being the lowest.
Those numbers are for total casualties. Both dead and wounded. The Russians ratio is 1:3, like ours in WWII. Using round numbers to make the mathing easier, 1M casualties would bread down to 250K dead and 750K wounded.
For comparison of battle field medical, our two recent 20 year wars the dead to wounded ratio was 1:10 and 1:11.
Another factor to think about with the Russian war dead. It has been reported that they are leaving lots of their dead on the field and reporting them as missing in action. This helps out in two ways. It keeps the official numbers (and graves back in Russia) down while letting them not pay death benefits.