

Well-Known Member
To attack the poorest country in Europe with one third the population, a smaller economy and a fraction of the territory. Then get their asses handed to them and their military and economy destroyed in less than 2 years, must be humiliating to say the least! If the Ukrainians can defeat the Russians and drive them from their land while destroying their military and sanctions destroy their economy, then Vlad's blunder could be fatal for him. Personally, I think Joe wants Vlad dead with his own people doing him in, might as well roll the dice and see what comes up, he will make sure Russia loses before his first term is over. If you wanna fuck over Vald and Russia, Ukraine is your perfect eager instrument to make them feel the pain. As the Russians grow weaker, others will make them feel the pain too, or leave. A CIA clandestine donation to a drone group in Georgia would make Vlad feel a lot of pain.


Ursus marijanus
To attack the poorest country in Europe with one third the population, a smaller economy and a fraction of the territory. Then get their asses handed to them and their military and economy destroyed in less than 2 years, must be humiliating to say the least! If the Ukrainians can defeat the Russians and drive them from their land while destroying their military and sanctions destroy their economy, then Vlad's blunder could be fatal for him. Personally, I think Joe wants Vlad dead with his own people doing him in, might as well roll the dice and see what comes up, he will make sure Russia loses before his first term is over. If you wanna fuck over Vald and Russia, Ukraine is your perfect eager instrument to make them feel the pain. As the Russians grow weaker, others will make them feel the pain too, or leave. A CIA clandestine donation to a drone group in Georgia would make Vlad feel a lot of pain.
What; they’re now at war with Montenegro?


Well-Known Member

Ukraine’s deep battle is causing ‘serious trouble’ for Russia | Major General Tim Cross

14,600 views Sep 13, 2023
“This deep battle is causing serious trouble to Russia. It's probably in many ways more important than the frontline battle.”

Ukraine has "successfully taken out" Russia’s submarines and surface ships, says Major General Tim Cross.


Well-Known Member
To attack the poorest country in Europe with one third the population, a smaller economy and a fraction of the territory. Then get their asses handed to them and their military and economy destroyed in less than 2 years, must be humiliating to say the least! If the Ukrainians can defeat the Russians and drive them from their land while destroying their military and sanctions destroy their economy, then Vlad's blunder could be fatal for him. Personally, I think Joe wants Vlad dead with his own people doing him in, might as well roll the dice and see what comes up, he will make sure Russia loses before his first term is over. If you wanna fuck over Vald and Russia, Ukraine is your perfect eager instrument to make them feel the pain. As the Russians grow weaker, others will make them feel the pain too, or leave. A CIA clandestine donation to a drone group in Georgia would make Vlad feel a lot of pain.
Reel it in a bit. As likely, this war is going to last at least another year. Sanctions are biting but they won't destroy Russia's economy nor would the US want that. Barring an inside the Kremlin coup, Putin will hang in there to see Biden win another one, which will be bittersweet.


Well-Known Member
Reel it in a bit. As likely, this war is going to last at least another year. Sanctions are biting but they won't destroy Russia's economy nor would the US want that. Barring an inside the Kremlin coup, Putin will hang in there to see Biden win another one, which will be bittersweet.
It might last longer, but Putin and the elites in Russia appear to be worried about a collapse of the front and some military experts think Ukraine will have Crimea by next summer. The US wants the collapse and dissolution of the Russian federation but in an ordered and systematic way. It at least wants Russia as weak as possible for as long as possible. We have little control over internal Russian "politics" other than setting the economic conditions. Vlad might hang on until Biden's first term is finished, but his army can't, and Ukraine is setting the pace of the fight, unless Russia wants to leave Ukraine.


Well-Known Member
Wonder how they will keep the news from Russians? This is the only news piece on the attack.
Ukrainian Armed Forces shelled a plant in Sevastopol: the main thing for the night
On the night of September 13, the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) fired at the southern site of Sevmorzavod in Sevastopol. URA.RU tells what is known about the attack.
  • The Ukrainian Armed Forces tried to strike the plant with 10 cruise missiles. The air defense system destroyed seven of them, the Russian Ministry of Defense reports. In addition, three naval UAVs were deployed. All of them were destroyed.
  • The regional governor, Mikhail Razvozhaev, reported 24 casualties and four in moderate condition.
  • Telegram channel Baza writes about two dead . However, this information has not been confirmed. URA.RU sent a request to the Russian Ministry of Defense, a response is expected.
  • Boats and ferries in Sevastopol are operating as normal. Local authorities reported this.
  • Several flashes were observed over Sevastopol, a TASS correspondent reported. About a dozen explosions occurred. Authorities continue to
Sevmorzavod is a shipbuilding and ship repair enterprise, a branch of JSC Zvezdochka Ship Repair Center. It serves ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

Really embarassing for NK to come to your aid. Many more paragraphs, I will spare you.

Putin has found a way to contain the United States in the Ukrainian conflict
Russian President Vladimir Putin has found a way to reduce US interest in the Ukrainian conflict. North Korea came to Russia's aid. Deepening cooperation in the military-technical sphere will make it possible to jointly influence Washington, which is trying to “ignite” the Asia-Pacific region. This is how experts commented on the results of the meeting between Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un at the Vostochny cosmodrome

The Kremlin kept this meeting secret for quite some time. The press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov did not confirm any leaks from foreign media until September 11 (however, the notes always talked about a meeting on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum). In just two days, information about the visit of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to Russia was officially published on the website of the Russian President. But only the date became known - September 13, and not the meeting place .

Musk will transfer control of Starlink to the Pentagon due to fear of nuclear war
American billionaire Elon Musk has decided to transfer partial control over the Starlink satellite system to the US authorities. The businessman, in a conversation with journalist Walter Isaacson, explained this by the fear of a nuclear war.

“Why am I in this conflict? I created Starlink so people could relax, watch movies on Netflix, play video games. I didn’t intend to create something that could lead to nuclear war,” the publication reports Musk’s opinion. The Washington Post .

The businessman explained that the Pentagon will be able to control only that part of the Starlink system that Ukraine needs. Thus, he decided to relieve himself of responsibility for the boundaries and rules of use. “He decided to sell and transfer full control of some of the Starlink equipment and Starlink services to the American military so that he himself would no longer be responsible for the borders and rules of use,” an American journalist reported Musk’s position.

Earlier, American billionaire Elon Musk said that he did not connect the Starlink satellite system for the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Crimea region, since it was initially agreed that the satellites would not be used for attacks on civilian infrastructure. The Pentagon , in turn, decided to change future procurement agreements by adding a clause allowing the use of goods and services for military purposes due to fears of a repeat of the situation with the thwarted Ukrainian Armed Forces attack in Crimea.


Well-Known Member

Inside Ukraine's drone war | ABCNL

3,533 views Sep 13, 2023 #Ukraine #Russia #DroneWar
ABC News' Ian Pannell gets a rare look inside Ukraine's drone factories and training centers as it reshapes the war against Russia through its use of high-tech drones.


Well-Known Member
The S-400 is their latest AA missile system, supposedly equivalent to the US Patriot system, but a cheap stealthy drone made from common materials took it out from hundreds of kilometers away. This was the best they had for air defense, they are expensive, rare and they can't build any more under sanctions. Its purpose was air defense, yet it couldn't even defend itself from a $10K drone made mostly with common commercially available parts and materials. Ukraine now has many private companies making all kinds of drones from commercially available parts and materials and with money they could crank out a design by the hundreds a month from any warehouse space with enough labor and jigs.

I think a modernized WW2 type fighter design might be best to gun down drones with a modern targeting system and sensors, either that or point target gun defense which only covers a limited area. They might end up having to intercept these things if they become common, firing a missile at them is too expensive, so a fighter drone controlled by starlink or a manned aircraft, or autonomous fighter drone using guns, or perhaps highly directed EW weapons.

Big Drone Strike on S-400 Battery in Yevpatoriya,Crimea! (Satellite Imagery Confirms S-400 There!)


Well-Known Member
Looks like UKR didn't get just 1 s400 batteries but they got 2......

lights out in Crimea, almost left in the dark with more strikes possibly coming

also: Russia occurred heavy loses in the Verboze and Robo area, Novodany is still being contested though. Now there has be some talk about a couple of settlements that reported to have been liberated in the Bakamut direction. I'm still trying to confirm....


Well-Known Member
Looks like UKR didn't get just 1 s400 batteries but they got 2......

lights out in Crimea, almost left in the dark with more strikes possibly coming

also: Russia occurred heavy loses in the Verboze and Robo area, Novodany is still being contested though. Now there has be some talk about a couple of settlements that reported to have been liberated in the Bakamut direction. I'm still trying to confirm....
Elon doesn't like to show some tweets on other platforms and most have to do with Ukraine, so here is an image.
