

Well-Known Member
Looks to me they are developing the capability to go after Russian rail bridges and other targets deep in Russia with homemade tech and a buddy country like Poland could help quite a bit and share in the tech, help would not be hard to get, and the Baltic states are no tech slouches. A vibrant and innovative tech sector is the hallmark of a war winner and the brits assigned scientists to study active-duty units in WW2 and they came up with many innovations. Technology and its efficient employment won the war for the brits and Americans too.

Ukraine is currently testing various long-range and high-precision weapons , not only the one that President Volodymyr Zelenskyi and NSDC Secretary Oleksiy Danilov previously talked about

By: Ivanna Gordiychuk

"The enemy must be pleased." Ukraine is testing a new weapon

Ukraine emphasizes modernity, technology and high accuracy of weapons

Ukraine is currently testing various long-range and high-precision weapons, not only the one that President Volodymyr Zelenskyi and NSDC Secretary Oleksiy Danilov talked about earlier. This was stated by the representative of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (GUR) Andriy Yusov on the air of the national telethon.

Yusov emphasized that there is a significant difference between the approaches of Ukraine and Russia to the use of weapons. Ukraine emphasizes modernity, technology and high precision.

"We don't have the luxury of littering the territory of Russia with all kinds of junk. That is, this weapon is extremely high-quality. I think the enemy should be pleased that such modern developments are flying into his territory. After all, they were counting on something when they attacked Ukraine. Therefore, yes, a highly accurate, highly effective weapon," Yusov said.

In addition, a representative of military intelligence reported that Ukraine is currently also testing other types of weapons. According to him, these types of weapons are highly accurate and effective.

"The results of the use of the mentioned weapons and others currently in use are encouraging and positive. We can say that research is ongoing," Yusov added.

When asked about the range of the new Ukrainian long-range weapon, the intelligence representative answered: "Let's not simplify the task for the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, let them figure out these details themselves. In any case, it involves a combination of different methods, forces and means. To assume that if a range of 700 km is declared, then they will hide for 800 or 1000 km, there is absolutely no reason for them."

We will remind you that the 555th day of large-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation against our country continues. During the day, the enemy launched four rocket and 30 air strikes, launched 32 attacks from rocket salvo systems on the positions of our troops and populated areas. As a result of Russian terrorist attacks, unfortunately, there are dead and wounded among the civilian population. Residential buildings and other civil infrastructure were destroyed.
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Well-Known Member
You can tell the Russians are losing when the nuclear saber rattling begins, they are fearing what is happening in Ukraine like the second coming. A catastrophe for the Russians could be unfolding or beginning to in southern Ukraine. Nuking cities would be the end of Russia, Europe would freak out and China would be most displeased, the consequences would be fucking dire and extremely painful, if Vlad thought things were bad now...



Well-Known Member
Russia has a vast hoard of this shit and more, and this war has burned through more than half of a lot of it and the burn rate is about to increase by a lot. When most of this Soviet legacy is gone it is gone for good and Russia is incapable of producing it. You don't want Vlad driven out too quickly and making nice to the Europeans while he still has a vast hoard of equipment and will rebuild his army for a second round when he is ready to strike again. Ya wanna suck the fucker in and make him think he has a chance for as long as you can while chewing up his incompetent and corrupt army, trap him using his ego and bleed him out. Eliminate the future threat to Europe and Ukraine by wiping away Vlad's military equipment while ya sanction the shit out of him until there is regime change in Russia.

Soviet-Era Weapon Systems Used in the Ukrainian War: S-300, BM-21 GRAD, URAGAN, Tochka-U, 2S7 Pion

15,983 views Sep 1, 2023 #SovietWeapon #warinukraine #GRAD
Most weapons used by Ukraine are not new and modern or Western equipment. In fact, according to an article by the Washington Post, most weapons at the beginning of the war in 2014 were from the Soviet era. Watch Talking Tactics to discover the most efficient Soviet weapons currently helping Ukraine drive back its invaders. In this video: S-300, Buk-M1, BM-21 GRAD, 9K57 URAGAN, 9K79 Tochka-U, 2S7 Pion, and 2S19 Msta-S Self-Propelled Howitzer.


Well-Known Member
A prototype for future units, the Ukrainians want to build 10K FPV suicide drones alone per month, someone needs to fly them.

Magyar Birds: A Company of Ukrainian Armed Forces Attack Drones

106,564 views Premiered Aug 30, 2023 #warinukraine #magyar #drones
Less than a year ago, they bought a single civilian drone. Now, equipped with FPV suicide drones and heavy-lift octocopters, these operators have demonstrated that in contemporary warfare, even a small number of skilled and motivated pilots can eliminate hundreds of enemy armored vehicles. This is the story of a unique combat unit within the Ukrainian army that has already destroyed over a billion dollars worth of enemy equipment — the Magyar Birds.


Ursus marijanus
Styrofoam dissolved in gasoline with some added goodies in a 2 liter pop bottle, replace the cap with a detonator the size of a rifle round should do it or put in some phosphorus flakes in it too.
Imo white phosphorus is a terror weapon. Read up on phosphorus burns.


Well-Known Member
Imo white phosphorus is a terror weapon. Read up on phosphorus burns.
I wouldn't be the one doing it, lots of people can find out online these days. I'm just describing a cheap simple weapon made from common materials that might be more effective if the objective was to say burn down a building or start a fire at a fuel depot or even attack a parked plane. The only purpose of the phosphorus would be ignition if the explosive dispersal didn't ignite it, other things could be substituted.


Well-Known Member
Another country making an investment in future security, with most of Russia's military equipment gone, they won't need to spend as much on defense and have greatly increased security as does all the EU, Ukraine is eliminating the threat for a long time. It is well worth every dime Uncle Sam is spending on it and the geopolitical bargain of the century. The American arms industry should do well because of this war, they will still need to renew their weapons systems, China is still out there, and Russia remains a threat at some level, but not a conventional military one.



Ursus marijanus
I wouldn't be the one doing it, lots of people can find out online these days. I'm just describing a cheap simple weapon made from common materials that might be more effective if the objective was to say burn down a building or start a fire at a fuel depot or even attack a parked plane. The only purpose of the phosphorus would be ignition if the explosive dispersal didn't ignite it, other things could be substituted.
The bolded is jesuitry. You’re better than that; aren’t you?

Come to think of it, napalm is a fairly terrible thing. I like to think the Ukrainians fight more honorably than that. Weapons exist on a scale of awfulness. Some, like napalm and land mines that don’t auto-safe after an interval of a year or less, are morally wrong. Cluster munitions are right on the edge. It’s important to be aware of and act according to that boundary.


Well-Known Member
The bolded is jesuitry. You’re better than that; aren’t you?

Come to think of it, napalm is a fairly terrible thing. I like to think the Ukrainians fight more honorably than that. Weapons exist on a scale of awfulness. Some, like napalm and land mines that don’t auto-safe after an interval of a year or less, are morally wrong. Cluster munitions are right on the edge. It’s important to be aware of and act according to that boundary.
If I were a Ukrainian in this war anything legal would be on the table and somethings that border on it, I have the luxury of humanity where I live. How you die in war makes little difference and such weapons can be used on troops but not civilians as the Russians do. When the Russians first invaded, citizens were in the streets in large numbers throwing Molotov cocktails of DIY Napalm at the tanks passing in the streets. They were crushing up Styrofoam coffee cups and mixing them with gasoline and diesel fuel in a desperate and futile attempt to stop the invasion.


Well-Known Member
If I were a Ukrainian in this war anything legal would be on the table and somethings that border on it, I have the luxury of humanity where I live. How you die in war makes little difference and such weapons can be used on troops but not civilians as the Russians do. When the Russians first invaded, citizens were in the streets in large numbers throwing Molotov cocktails of DIY Napalm at the tanks passing in the streets. They were crushing up Styrofoam coffee cups and mixing them with gasoline and diesel fuel in a desperate and futile attempt to stop the invasion.
Good point, if someone came on my property to destroy it or my family, I would use anything I could get my hands on to stop them, and I mean anything.


Well-Known Member
Good point, if someone came on my property to destroy it or my family, I would use anything I could get my hands on to stop them, and I mean anything.
They are in an existential fight as a nation and all levels of society are all in, but it is a multilevel affair that is being very well led and functions like a well-oiled machine at this point. From Zelenskyy rallying international support and arms at the top and doing his job and sticking to his lane, to the generals who are doing an excellent job of tactics and leadership, to the highly motivated troops on the ground. They have to play by the international rules of war for two good reasons, continued allied support and getting their hands on all that seized Russian money through international legal processes. There is enough Russian money abroad that can be seized to pay for the war, compensate the Ukrainians and even pay back Uncle Sam and the allies. Vlad is purported to hold 200 billion abroad through proxies and then there are the state funds and reserves we already have in our banks. They could get their hands on a trillion bucks at least.