
China would be most displeased by the use of nukes and said as much, nukes used on Russians inside Russia would probably spark what Putin fears most, a coup.
I’m not sure. Stalin did lethally bad things to Soviet citizens on a colossal scale, and there was no real pushback.

The way the Russians have clamped down on media and communication, most people would be un- or disinformed. A wave of revolutionary sentiment might not get the chance to coalesce.

Prigozhin’s army rolling on Moscow (until it didn’t) was special. A wedge of cohesive revolution could have formed behind it.
Sorry, was not serious. I think a bunker buster on top of Putin's villa. Sure, the thing may have a room that will survive the blast but I doubt it comes with a view.
Using a nuke internally would need a response different from a warshot across a border. In the latter case, I’d seriously think* about torpedoing some missile subs andor those Oscars converted to that nuclear supertorpedo.

The former … I don’t know. Waay above my pay grade. I can’t think of a response that is severe enough but not likely to lead to a cascade.

*keeping in mind that as a military strategist, I didn’t even stay at a Holiday Inn Express