
Sad news for the Russians and the magats of America...

Usually there are 3 times as many wounded than killed, but since the Russians get no medical treatment and are left on the field to die in most cases, deaths should be high compared to wounded. The Ukrainians have all of western Europe to send their seriously wounded to and it frees up a lot of their medical resources.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Russian forces had suffered more than 1,100 deaths in the past few days, with many more seriously injured.
What do you think will happen in a couple of months (depending on the weather) to the Russian army, when the Ukrainians hit it with western armor and fresh well-trained troops? What will be the reaction in Moscow when the shit storm strikes, and they are out of morale, missiles, ammo and tanks?

The Russian Army Is Running Out Of T-72 Tanks—And Quickly

Russia’s tank shortage is worse than some observers previously thought. The Kremlin’s stocks of its most numerous tank, the Cold War-vintage T-72, are running out fast.

The worsening T-72 shortfall helps to explain why the Russians increasingly are equipping their newly-mobilized battalions with obsolete T-62 and T-80B tanks.

When it comes to assessing the Russian tank arsenal, one of the best independent sources is a Twitter user with the handle @partizan_oleg.

Drawing on unclassified data from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute and other sources, including the Oryx blog’s painstaking count of visually-confirmed vehicle losses in the current phase of the Russia-Ukraine war, @partizan_oleg estimates how many tanks the Russians have left after more than a year of hard fighting.

Their assessment of T-72 stocks has changed—for the worse. In a mid-February count, @partizan_oleg assumed Russia went to war with nearly 2,000 of the 50-ton, three-person T-72s with their 125-millimeter smoothbore main guns.

In the first 12 months of fighting, the Ukrainians destroyed or captured nearly 1,200 T-72s or likely T-72s that Oryx could confirm. Since there undoubtedly have been tank losses that didn’t leave video or photographic evidence, the Oryx count is an undercount. If Oryx confirmed 80 percent of losses, then the Russians actually have written off 1,500 T-72s.

But per @partizan_oleg’s earlier count, the Russians had 6,900 old T-72s in storage, around a third of which might’ve been recoverable after decades of corrosive exposure to rain, snow and cycles of hot and cold.

The problem, for the Kremlin, is that @partizan_oleg’s February count was off. Double-checking their numbers on Tuesday, @partizan_oleg realized that, in fact, the Russians probably only have 1,500, not 6,900, old T-72s in storage. “And many of them are probably not in good shape,” they pointed out.

The recount was pretty straightforward. @partizan_oleg started with the number of T-72 hulls that Soviet industry produced in a 23-year production run between 1968 and 1991—18,000—and started subtracting tanks the Soviets and Russians either lost in combat or exported to foreign customers.

That’s how they arrived at the much lower number of war-reserve T-72s. The big variable, @partizan_oleg acknowledged, is that their production data might not include the very first T-72 model, the crude T-72 “Ural.” It’s unclear how many Urals the Uralvagonzavod factory in Sverdlovsk Oblast may have produced then stored. Perhaps hundreds. Perhaps a couple thousand.

But even after adding some very old Urals to @partizan_oleg’s T-72 survey, a stark conclusion is unavoidable. The Russians have lost potentially two-thirds of the T-72s that are in active service or in recoverable storage.

So it makes a lot more sense why the Kremlin is pulling out of storage T-62 tanks that are even older than any T-72, as well as T-80Bs that are roughly contemporaneous with early T-72s. Russian industry can produce just a handful of new tanks every month—far too few to make good monthly losses in the triple digits.

All that is to say, the Russians are running out of tanks. And quickly.
Back a loser and become a loser, the problem isn't China, its Xi and the CPP. How is this gonna look in a couple of months when the Russians are getting their asses whipped? Russia could rebuild its military after the war with Chinese help, but is it to China's advantage to do this? A weak Russia would allow them to take advantage in central and eastern Asia, a dissolving Russian federation would be to their advantage.

All the arms that China can give won't make up for a broken corrupt military that is structurally unsound and cannot change for as long as Russia is an autocracy.

Back a loser and become a loser, the problem isn't China, its Xi and the CPP. How is this gonna look in a couple of months when the Russians are getting their asses whipped? Russia could rebuild its military after the war with Chinese help, but is it to China's advantage to do this? A weak Russia would allow them to take advantage in central and eastern Asia, a dissolving Russian federation would be to their advantage.

All the arms that China can give won't make up for a broken corrupt military that is structurally unsound and cannot change for as long as Russia is an autocracy.

Xi IS china, for all intents and purposes.
Ukraine is doing a great job, but russia is swamping them with bodies...if those bodies all the sudden are armed much better than they are right now, that's going to hurt Ukraine badly...which is why Blinken and all the other state department guys are doing their best to persuade china not to get involved.
As far as i know china doesn't see russia as an enemy, but they do view us as one.
Xi IS china, for all intents and purposes.
Ukraine is doing a great job, but russia is swamping them with bodies...if those bodies all the sudden are armed much better than they are right now, that's going to hurt Ukraine badly...which is why Blinken and all the other state department guys are doing their best to persuade china not to get involved.
As far as i know china doesn't see russia as an enemy, but they do view us as one.
Xi can die and will. It's not just the US that China would piss off by arming Russia, the EU would sanction them out of existence and so would the allies. If they thought they are being fucked over now, wait until they arm Russia, Europe will be more fanatical than America over it.
Xi can die and will. It's not just the US that China would piss off by arming Russia, the EU would sanction them out of existence and so would the allies. If they thought they are being fucked over now, wait until they arm Russia, Europe will be more fanatical than America over it.
china could really give a fuck about Europe, or America.
They already own half of Africa, and will soon own the other half, and then they'll start looking at South America.
China's belt and road campaign is paying off big for them in Africa...They'll improve your country, but only if they're also allowed to build and man military facilities...soon they'll have a military presence in half the world, and they have the men to man the bases already.
china could really give a fuck about Europe, or America.
They already own half of Africa, and will soon own the other half, and then they'll start looking at South America.
China's belt and road campaign is paying off big for them in Africa...They'll improve your country, but only if they're also allowed to build and man military facilities...soon they'll have a military presence in half the world, and they have the men to man the bases already.
They care because we have money and technology.
which they intend to take from us by force once they own at least half the globe...
and they're getting closer.
They have the same problem that the Russians have, only to a lesser degree, autocrats tend to be assholes and make more enemies than friends and then allies are merely transactional, they share no values, even with the Russians. The more aggressive China is, the more enemies around it, they will make. A logical route would be the one in central Asia and then into the former Russian empire using soft power, no need for crude invasions and bad PR. As I said, Xi will die and another leader will emerge in China, and that might not necessarily mean a bigger asshole like in Russia. They do 10X more business with NA and the EU, then there are our Asian allies, and they will include Vietnam and other Asian tiger economies.
They have the same problem that the Russians have, only to a lesser degree, autocrats tend to be assholes and make more enemies than friends and then allies are merely transactional, they share no values, even with the Russians. The more aggressive China is, the more enemies around it, they will make. A logical route would be the one in central Asia and then into the former Russian empire using soft power, no need for crude invasions and bad PR. As I said, Xi will die and another leader will emerge in China, and that might not necessarily mean a bigger asshole like in Russia. They do 10X more business with NA and the EU, then there are our Asian allies, and they will include Vietnam and other Asian tiger economies.
and how long will they need to do business with us, when they start taking over African nations legally, because they defaulted on their loans?
they won't need their army to do that, they're already in the middle of it...they won't depose governments, but they'll own 90% of the country, they won't need to depose anyone.
and how long will they need to do business with us, when they start taking over African nations legally, because they defaulted on their loans?
they won't need their army to do that, they're already in the middle of it...they won't depose governments, but they'll own 90% of the country, they won't need to depose anyone.
They will fuck them in the end, Iceland did it to the banking system in 2008 that took over their country and put them in the hole so far they would never see the light of day, they said, "Fuck You" and appear to be doing fine after threats. Unless they have unopposed military power to enforce shit they can't do shit and doing that kind of shit would put other countries on notice. Here's the new deal, screw China, take their money and be America's friend with perfect credit, in NY, London, Brussels, Frankfurt, Tokyo and Singapore.

Russia slowly collapses: civilians suffer from high prices and economic decline

4,508 views Mar 13, 2023 #UATV #UATV_English #UkraineNews
The covert uplifting in prices for utilities and basic goods in Russia is the result of the decrease in the economy of the aggressor state: both due to sanctions and their own illegal mobilisation, which took out millions of working men from their jobs, tens of thousands of them will never return home. Even more will be wounded in the war of aggression, hitting the Russian demography even harder. As a result – more economic stagnation.