
There was a time where the West thought Russia can act like a responsible State. Since that time Putin and company has basically turned it into a police state. Europe wants the natural gas to replace burning coal in order to combat global warming. They do not have many options. It would be great if North America could ship its natural gas to them, the infrastructure does not exist to make it cost effective to replace Russian gas yet. So Europe is dealing with the devil in order to combat the world going to hell.
It's almost as if Biden would have stood up to this clown it would be a different situation. Come on man. Ukraine helped him out with Hunter, he should help out Ukraine. I wonder if the Keystone pipeline would help? Could we export oil and natural gas if it was running? Yes, yes we could.
Europe needs a stop gap, starting in a decade they will be largely energy independent with renewables, energy storage is the key and the solutions are coming online. Most cars and trucks will be EV's and European railways are mostly electric now. They should think about building a pipeline to Norway and or cut a deal for a decade Danish offshore gas as a stop gap. Over the next decade the roll and importance of fossil fuels will diminish as more EV's hit the road. Energy storage is the key to a stable green grid and renewables like wind, waves, solar and tidal are the future along with nuclear and perhaps fusion power at some point.

Russia is looking at bleak prospects in the next decade and has an economy the size of Italy's and the average Russian makes around $400/mth. Putin and his oligarch buddies steal and stash money in the west and have been amassing hundreds of billions of dollars over decades. All of that money will be at risk and cold war level sanctions will be applied if he makes a move on the Ukraine. He is tempted though, if Ukraine goes NATO, it sits south of Belorussia, exposes Putin's southern flank strategically and surrounds Belorussia on three sides with western countries and it is a dictatorship under a lot of popular internal pressure, it could be the next domino to fall from his point of view. If Ukraine goes NATO and gets Crimea back, it threatens Russia's position on the Black sea. So the picture doesn't look too good from the Russian perspective either, to face off in a conventional war against NATO, most of whose members have larger economies than Russia.

Wars have unintended consequences and this one would have them in Russia, Europe and America, especially if American Troops were fighting Russians in the Ukraine. A war might make Biden more popular and a party who conspired with the Russians might be viewed as traitorous by many Americans. Russia would have it's oil and gas exports cut and most of it's revenue will quickly dry up and it's western assets seized, as the financial war begins. Hey perhaps China will lend him the money, for a price, or they could coordinate with China taking Taiwan while Russia swallows the Ukraine. However the financial situation in China right now is troublesome and money is tight. China has the world by the balls and is growing as fast as it can and shouldn't want to fuck up a winning streak with a war. China should be happy with the way things are, while wanting to assert themselves as the dominate power in their region, like the USA with the Americas, or Russia using military power to intimidate it's smaller neighbors. War is bad for business, business and trade are the way the Ferengi Chinese, are trying to win!
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Europe needs a stop gap, starting in a decade they will be largely energy independent with renewables, energy storage is the key and the solutions are coming online. Most cars and trucks will be EV's and European railways are mostly electric now. They should think about building a pipeline to Norway and or cut a deal for a decade Danish offshore gas as a stop gap. Over the next decade the roll and importance of fossil fuels will diminish as more EV's hit the road. Energy storage is the key to to a stable green grid and renewables like wind, waves, solar and tidal are the future along with nuclear and perhaps fusion power at some point.

Russia is looking at bleak prospects in the next decade and has an economy the size of Italy's and the average Russian makes around $400/mth. Putin and his oligarch buddies steal and stash money in the west and have been amassing hundreds of billions of dollars over decades. All of that money will be at risk and cold war level sanctions will be applied if he makes a move on the Ukraine. He is tempted though, if Ukraine goes NATO, it sits south of Belorussia, exposes Putin's southern flank strategically and surrounds Belorussia on three sides with western countries and it is a dictatorship under a lot of popular internal pressure, it could be the next domino to fall from his point of view. If Ukraine goes NATO and gets Crimea back, it threatens Russia's position on the Black sea. So the picture doesn't look too good from the Russian perspective either, to face off in a conventional war against NATO, most of whose members have larger economies than Russia.

Wars have unintended consequences and this one would have them in Russia, Europe and America, especially if American Troops were fighting Russians in the Ukraine. A war might make Biden more popular and a party who conspired with the Russians might be viewed as traitorous by many Americans. Russia would have it's oil and gas exports cut and most of it's revenue will quickly dry up and it's western assets seized, as the financial war begins. Hey perhaps China will lend him the money, for a price, or they could coordinate with China taking Taiwan while Russia swallows the Ukraine. However the financial situation in China right now is troublesome and money is tight. China has the world by the balls and is growing as fast as it can and shouldn't want to fuck up a winning streak with a war. China should be happy with the way things are, while wanting to assert themselves as the dominate power in their region, like the USA with the Americas, or Russia using military power to intimidate it's smaller neighbors. War is bad for business, business and trade are the way the Ferengi Chinese, are trying to win!

and good for business is the US Military Industrial Complex- never met a rocket they didn't want to build or extra money to spend it on.

i guess Putin wants to be sanctioned..he hasn't had any real ones in years.

they own so much of florida's south east gold coast and every pawn shop contained therein.

sadly, bad investment; it's all crumbling into the Atlantic.
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All those eastern bloc mail order brides sprinkled around the world are just waiting for their trigger phrase. Their silicone body armor and enticing appearance will confuse the local masses. We don’t stand a chance.

Honestly though this Russia shit is alarming.

it is but expected..eventually he will use the 'cover' of something to withdraw once he realizes Biden has acted (with sanctions).

not a prediction just Putins past strategy. the Olympics to withdraw? it can be his cover while the world is busy.
The russian hockey team just did a photo op wearing their old soviet union uniforms,happy holidays.
And this time the republicans, or a good chunk of them are on Russia's side, ready to stab America in the back. I think this kind of war would be bad for the republicans and Russians, including Vlad. The soviet union is in the dust bin of history, but lives on in Vlad's dreams, the world is moving on and in a way Vlad is losing touch in a larger sense with current and future reality.
So Putin can't move troops on his own turf, but the USA can have troops spread across their empire ringing Russia even ? Sounds legit. Pfft.

So the Federal Reserve can use the shell company they own (the United States / military) to make sure oil is traded in "U.S. dollars" (federal reserve notes) but Putin can't decide what he'll do and for how much with Russian gas ?

The United States would have done much better if it focused on independence, actual free trade alliances and stopped trying to police the world.

The chickens may come home to roost.


So Putin can't move troops on his own turf, but the USA can have troops spread across their empire ringing Russia even ? Sounds legit. Pfft.

So the Federal Reserve can use the shell company they own (the United States / military) to make sure oil is traded in "U.S. dollars" (federal reserve notes) but Putin can't decide what he'll do and for how much with Russian gas ?

The United States would have done much better if it focused on independence, actual free trade alliances and stopped trying to police the world.

The chickens may come home to roost.


View attachment 5050464
Now what was I saying about a Trumper Russian 5th column...

Fuck Vlad, the chunk of the Ukraine plus the Crimea ain't Russian territory and he's occupying that already. Maybe there will be a conventional war in the Ukraine between NATO and the Russians (who have an economy smaller than Italy's). Donald can run to Russia in the middle of it to escape prison and make propaganda broadcasts from Moscow as payment for asylum. The republicans would be holding the bag then I figure, but the base and people like you will remain loyal to Trump and hang on his every word as he broadcasts Russian propaganda on RT via YouTube.

But then again, there probably won't be a war cause Vlad and his buddies stashed cash in the west would be the first victim. Also, Donald could just go to prison, if he's gonna run, he'd better do it before he's indicted, after that a NY judge will own his ass until the verdict and sentencing. We will soon find out I guess, NY indictments should be coming by spring at the latest, probably well before. Also, the shit is gonna hit the fan with public testimony, as the 1/6 committee kicks into high gear, some republican congress people could be in trouble.
So Putin can't move troops on his own turf, but the USA can have troops spread across their empire ringing Russia even ? Sounds legit. Pfft.

So the Federal Reserve can use the shell company they own (the United States / military) to make sure oil is traded in "U.S. dollars" (federal reserve notes) but Putin can't decide what he'll do and for how much with Russian gas ?

The United States would have done much better if it focused on independence, actual free trade alliances and stopped trying to police the world.

The chickens may come home to roost.


View attachment 5050464
More bullshit Russian propaganda trolling.