War Breaks Out Within The Marijuana Legalization Movement


I know it seems somehow wrong to associate profit with the sick and dying, but in reality, it has been all profit motive that has driven the explosion in healthcare advances throughout the past century. I'm sure people along the way were also doing it to contribute to humanity, but profit is what made it happen. There's no coincidence that the biggest advances in human history began along with the explosion of free market liberty in the 1800's.
I completely agree, it is just hard when you are talking with someone directly affected by a lack of insurance.

If businessmen couldn't make profits from insurance then they would be directing their ambitions elsewhere. Taking with them all the advances into their field where they can make a profit.
the government is never really supposed to hold down one product (cannabis) while allowing competing corporate bodies to fill the gap (pharmaceuticals, tobacco, alcohol, petroleum, Hannity, etc).. this is a mistake people are going to have to acknowledge in the future.. or perhaps its just new and trendy to have laws about market dominance.. :cuss:
That's a real shame that national norml and oaksterdam have that position but that is the reality of a corporation/business and make no mistake about it they are in the business of staying in business and staying profitable.

FYI there's a new "oaksterdam" in the portland oregon area that might need talent at some point, tell that guy who was fired to google Oregon Medical Cannabis University also I saw on craigslist there is an opening for Executive Director of the Eugene Compassion Center. http://corvallis.craigslist.org/npo/1390227777.html
have any of you cig smokers out there (tobacco) evr thought of growing ur own smoke? no? well if u have thats too bad cause the gov. regulates all tob. plant sales and alotments. meaning they tell they farmer how much he's allowed to grow. not just anyone is allowed to grow it. the farmers who do grow it have to have state issued licenses. anyone who lives in a tobacco growing state will know wat i'm talking about. i'm sure this is how ibe for mary jane if she ever gets to hit the streets inside of a legal package of some sort. y does there always have to be some kind of hook? y cant we just truly be free?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? y cant i have a million dollars? wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!:peace:
Homegrown is "everywhere" however it would stop once prices drop.
I don't think you would be able to ask more then 20-40 bucks an ounce.
After a few years outdoor and indoor agrobuisness would be rolling out kick ass product.
Indoor grows would be for personal use, unusual strains and whatnot.
Hell I would be surprised if Marlburo didn't start marketing "Greens."
You'll probably be able to buy trimmed weed in tins like coffee cans,
Like you buy pipe tobaco today, for about $320 bucks.

I just hope they do something to legalize it!
We don't need the cops hounding peaceful people anymore.
After legaization we can argue the finer points.
But if prices don't come down from street values theres something wrong.
OFC no one wants to be taxed, but it's a matter of being practical. Marketing legalization as "tax and regulate" is extremely effective. It's something that the people of California support.

The difference between the bill passing and not passing may very well be the tax money it will bring in. The state needs money and everyone knows it. It gives a reason for people who don't care about marijuana one way or the other to vote in favor of legalization.

Dennis Peron and Jack Herer are probably right about what they are saying but you don't get bonus points for that. Richard Lee's bill could bring an end to prohibition in California. Isn't that the ultimate goal?

Dennis Peron and Jack Herer are making the perfect become the enemy of the good here. Ending prohibition should be the main goal. We can worry about the rest later.
That's a real shame that national norml and oaksterdam have that position but that is the reality of a corporation/business and make no mistake about it they are in the business of staying in business and staying profitable.

FYI there's a new "oaksterdam" in the portland oregon area that might need talent at some point, tell that guy who was fired to google Oregon Medical Cannabis University also I saw on craigslist there is an opening for Executive Director of the Eugene Compassion Center. http://corvallis.craigslist.org/npo/1390227777.html

If this bill passes Richard Lee will end up as the Budweiser of weed. Kind of a shame since his product at Blue Sky Cafe is inferior, but I'll take it if he can get us legalization.
Legalization or not, most home growers will remain outlaws :mrgreen:


fuck regulation! fuck taxation! i kinda like being an outlaw!
¡viva zapata!




it should be treated like any other crop... grow as much as you want, however you want to grow, and use all that you care... but if you sell it or run a business with it, you should be taxed like any other person trying to run a business in america is.

i say run it like they do with alcohol now, you can brew all the beer or shine you want as long as you dont sell it.. and if you do sell it it gets taxed and regulated just like any other american agriculture product... keep it prohibited from the youth ( yeah i know, im dick,freakin hypocrite, i was a teen, smoked like a chimney the whole time) cause you dont want a 10yr old buying it...

prohibition in the 20's showed us that outlawing a substance simply gives power and wealth to the criminal orginazations, and greatly increases crime related to the outlawed substance.

the amount of us currency that leaves the country and ends up in the hands of drug lords is more than the GDP of many, many nations in this world. wouldnt it be nice to have that cash and use it to fund more appropiate things such as infrastructure, education, SOCIAL SECURITY???what about the money currently used to house inmates in prison for minor possesion or simply possesion with intent?
the sudden emergence of a new heavy agriculture industry along with the commerce and ancillary businesses that will surely come into being the day of legalization... the economic gain has more and more potential the deeper you look at it.. tourism? major retail branding? creation of badly needed jobs and circulation of currency in a stagnant economy? the more you look at it the more good seems to emerge... and what about the product itself? imagine the quality of strains that will emerge as people compete for business... its a win win situation for everyone but the out of country drug cartels!

the primitive and ignorant position the us government takes on marijuana and other scheduled narcotics/substances is archaic at best, and there is no doubt that it causes more harm than good....
outlawing something is like trying to kill an ant infestation... by stepping on ants on at a time. for every ant you kill theres a thousand you dont even see
supper aggree

fuck regulation! fuck taxation! i kinda like being an outlaw!
¡viva zapata!





I would love to have that same mind set, to bad I have responsibilities, which require me to hold a good paying job. To bad companies like to do drug test which would get me fired from said job. There is no way that cops can harass you over growing, if it was legal and they smell it in your house, you can tell them you are smoking, and to leave you alone. If it was legal today, this would be the last generation of people that would grow their own on such a level. Most people would rather spend the cash and buy it.
Taxation means representation, at least theoretically. I do agree that control of cannabis must not be handed to corporations because they will turn around and control it. So here must all cannabis growers and smokers unite upon a single front. This front is a reconciliation of the two polar natures of mankind 1) communal 2)capitalist. What will allow us to have our cake and eat it too? I say cannabis taxation should go ONLY to cities so that they invest into education and infrastructure ONLY. Let everyone grow a set amount of plants and pay the equivalent of what we pay for the MM card. I rather give my city $150 per year so they can hire more cops and teachers than $150 to some greedy doctor making money off something that should be free (cannabis). If cannabis is sold at any retail establishment, it must then also be subject to the same taxes as any other good/service.
Taxation means representation, at least theoretically.

It reality bribery = representation.

I do agree that control of cannabis must not be handed to corporations because they will turn around and control it.

Heavy corporate involvement in the cannabis industry is an inevitable consequence of legalization no matter how any legalization bill is worded.

They have their lobbyists and campaign contributions. That means they will get theirs no matter what. The upside is the corporations aren't here yet and right now we have the chance to be one of those corporations. If you're not growing your business and preparing for legalization right fucking now then you've already missed the boat.

Personally my car is dying and I need a new one + I have many other things I need that I'm forgoing so I can reinvest all possible $$ into my business so I'm ready for this shit.

I rather give my city $150 per year so they can hire more cops and teachers than $150 to some greedy doctor making money off something that should be free (cannabis). If cannabis is sold at any retail establishment, it must then also be subject to the same taxes as any other good/service.

I understand your point, and I agree with the basic concept. It's beside the point, but I'd rather have those doctors take my money than have it go to a bunch of cops. Yes, those doctors are getting paid, but they are taking a big risk too.

Regardless of their motivations they are doing the right thing and I respect them for that. I can't recall having an encounter with a cop that was even remotely interested in doing the right thing.
It reality bribery = representation.

Heavy corporate involvement in the cannabis industry is an inevitable consequence of legalization no matter how any legalization bill is worded.

They have their lobbyists and campaign contributions. That means they will get theirs no matter what. The upside is the corporations aren't here yet and right now we have the chance to be one of those corporations. If you're not growing your business and preparing for legalization right fucking now then you've already missed the boat.

Personally my car is dying and I need a new one + I have many other things I need that I'm forgoing so I can reinvest all possible $$ into my business so I'm ready for this shit.


I understand your point, and I agree with the basic concept. It's beside the point, but I'd rather have those doctors take my money than have it go to a bunch of cops. Yes, those doctors are getting paid, but they are taking a big risk too.

My normal doc wouldn't do my reccomend I think at least in part because it would make me medically self sufficient. He'd rather I stayed on his meds so he can have appointments with me every month.

I respect the doctors who are willing to take the risk no matter what their motivations, it's better than my normal doctor.

Regardless of their motivations they are doing the right thing and I respect them for that. I can't recall having an encounter with a cop that was even remotely interested in doing the right thing.

When Tax & Regulate 2010 passes everyone over 21 will be able to grow a 25 square foot grow for personal use. Think of it like tomatoes. You can buy tomatoes at the store or grow your own at home. Tax & Regulate is an excellent first step that must be taken if we want full legalization on the federal level.
The problem is that there is a marijuana movement and there is a cannabis/hemp movement.

Is there a tax on barley, malt or corn? No, but all can be used to make alcohol. But it has to be processed.

Re-legalization of cannabis, if done without punitive taxation, will allow for tens of thousands of new uses and markets that will provide jobs and tax revenue. Unlike tobacco, it is not a single use plant.

Marijuana legalization is concerned only with a single use of cannabis. It's that use that was the excuse to make it illegal in the first place.

Support full legalization without new taxes and you'll get to grow all you want. And the corps will make a killing off your stalks.