War Breaks Out Within The Marijuana Legalization Movement

i wonder if its legal to smoke weed in space? if a guy smokes a huge blunt traveling at four times the speed of light near Venus - does he technically have to pay taxes on said blunt? i mean - the weed would no longer have physical mass to weigh!?! now, these are the technicalities that we should be sorting out.. :mrgreen:bongsmilie:mrgreen:


HAaha! Now your talkin my language. Lets beat em at their own game. I love your line of thinking, ford.
i don't understand why pot should ever be sold legally for black market price.. that should be the main thing - bring down the price and let the money go back into actual businesses... right now the cash goes right away from the hands of the public into secret drug lord accounts and out of the country.. so, i worked out that even if nicely groomed pot was only $50 per ounce - you could still make $80,000 from 100 plants.. everyone is happy right..?

Excatly. If pot was legal we'd have a hell of a of more of it, and the usual rules of supply and demand say that maybe as product goes up, price will go down. I hope.
I could see this schism starting to happen and it's going to hurt the movement more than it's going to help. Ideally, it wouldn't be taxed because tax's are evil and government sucks, etc. etc. We don't stand a chance of getting it directly to be legalized and untaxed. If we stand any chance, it'll be through paying taxes and even then, it's doubtful.

Marijuana is safe for you but it's still a 'drug' and there are societal costs by people who abuse it. They do exist and kids need to be taught to be responsible. If we have to pay taxes to let more people benefit from cannabis, then tax away.

People should be able to grow untaxed if they'd like (like vegetables) and the taxes should not (and simply cannot, to be successful) be as high as black market marijuana currently costs.
We have turned weed into a commodity....an illegal commodity. We have no one to blame but ourselves. We are just as greedy as anyone else. Human nature cannot be denied, not even with weed.
tax it and regulate it.

that's my view. use the revenue from taxes to EDUCATE americans on the dangers of REAL drugs.

Educating the public is paramount to control the drug problem.

The current schedule system should be scrapped, it doesn't work, the DEA re-organized, and the legislation in place re-written.

Why trade one level of slavery for another? If the government doesn't own my body, I don't believe they own my labor, or anyone else's.
Why trade one level of slavery for another? If the government doesn't own my body, I don't believe they own my labor, or anyone else's.

Sales tax is normal. Taxing sick people who would like to grow their own meds - $50 an oz - is criminal, but so is taxing highly addictive cigarettes, when most smokers are poor.

We the people should have the final say in this matter, but most think of the government as big brother, or uncle sam the sugar daddy, so you can bet your ass legalization is going to come with over-regulation and high taxes.

Legalization or not, most home growers will remain outlaws :mrgreen:
it would be almost the same as beer. you can make up to 20gal of beer a month i believe legaly. how many of you ppl know someone that makes beer/wine at home (i only knew one in about 10 years). how many of you know of someone thats growing pot (hopefully noone to not break the first rule). not saying it would be exzactly the same thing but it sure as hell wont be every american home growing "dope" in thier backyard. i would bet with the tax or decrim of pot you would maybe have 15% of americans growing it. compaired to the some 3-7% pending on state that are growing it now. goodtimez everyone and keep safe. let things go in calli and other states will soon follow, as soon as the see the prophit margin of calli. not saying its the best idea but if you want to smoke without the po po giving ya a hard time it would be a good route to start.
While I agree with the overall message of this article it does fail to mention that medical marijuana patients do have the right to grow their own. I paid as much for a clone of Master OG as I did for a potted houseplant from a nursery in town. My card enables me to grow 12 plants (6mature 6 immature). That is absolutely acceptable. I am not paying the "blackmarket price" other than the $150 per year. It cost me about $400-$500 startup for a nice growing space and I can use that for years of cultivation. On average I am legally producing about 6+ ounces every 4 months. Thats about 1.5 ounces per month which is sufficient for me.
Yes, you have the right until the feds say you don't. You grow at their whim. Believe me, they are watching....waiting.
i wonder if its legal to smoke weed in space? if a guy smokes a huge blunt traveling at four times the speed of light near Venus - does he technically have to pay taxes on said blunt? i mean - the weed would no longer have physical mass to weigh!?! now, these are the technicalities that we should be sorting out.. :mrgreen:bongsmilie:mrgreen:


It's not like anyone owns space :)
I agree about trading one form of gov't control for another w taxation, but really only for federal taxes--the people that spend America's $$$ on war, destruction and corporate bailouts to the greediest of motherfuckers--HOWEVER, I would prolly support LOCAL taxation--I see no problem w skimmin off the top of a local, legit highly profitable market to improve the community and the lives of it's citizens (esp. those citizens that supported legalization and are only BUYERS) and i believe if communities benefit in a clear and measurable way--other communities will follow suit. We can't usually see where fed taxes go--but a whole community can enjoy, say--a new discovery garden, a little theater or afterschool programs--alot of great programs could be sponsored by LOCAL mj tax...IMO--
I could see this schism starting to happen and it's going to hurt the movement more than it's going to help. Ideally, it wouldn't be taxed because tax's are evil and government sucks, etc. etc. We don't stand a chance of getting it directly to be legalized and untaxed. If we stand any chance, it'll be through paying taxes and even then, it's doubtful.

Marijuana is safe for you but it's still a 'drug' and there are societal costs by people who abuse it. They do exist and kids need to be taught to be responsible. If we have to pay taxes to let more people benefit from cannabis, then tax away.

People should be able to grow untaxed if they'd like (like vegetables) and the taxes should not (and simply cannot, to be successful) be as high as black market marijuana currently costs.

Exactly my thoughts.

On paper, Jack's right 100%. But in reality, it'll never happen that way, so the only realistic way to go about ever getting it legally smokable is through taxing it. I'll fight to the death if they tax growing personal plants. That'll be the fuckin' day. I think I'll pass my own little tax that says anyone in government who wears pants to work has to pay me a tax, then I'll go collect at the end of every month, I mean why not, it's just as acceptable! :eyesmoke:
hey man, i'm just saying, it sucks they're sitting in jail... but they DID break the law in place at that particular time. they were just selling weed, non violent and all that, but they were caught breaking the law. it's just my opinion....

"don't do the crime if you can't do the time" - is what I always say....

WTF??? LOL With that logic you're saying that Rosa Parks Shoulda stayed her black ass in jail for refusing to give up a bus seat.LOL?? How is that Justice at all?
Exactly my thoughts.

On paper, Jack's right 100%. But in reality, it'll never happen that way, so the only realistic way to go about ever getting it legally smokable is through taxing it. I'll fight to the death if they tax growing personal plants. That'll be the fuckin' day. I think I'll pass my own little tax that says anyone in government who wears pants to work has to pay me a tax, then I'll go collect at the end of every month, I mean why not, it's just as acceptable! :eyesmoke:

yeah, i totally agree about taxing personal and/or medical plants being absolutely unacceptable...(and probably quite unenforceable)
Taxation = forceful extraction of money = evil

I could never support a tax and regulate model except as a practical means of limiting the number of individuals who are being arrested for expressing their preference to smoke pot. The system is so corrupt, and people are far too willing to really support the idea of taxation that I highly doubt any legalization measure would pass where the government is prevented from looting this massive creation of wealth. This is why I pessimistically urge people to support all measures that DO NOT tax and regulate, but be ready to lay down your arms if you realize it will never work. I'd rather thwart the governments ability to throw us behind bars than to stand my ground on "principle" and watch my friends be kidnapped, arrested and brutalized for exercising their preference to smoke.
Why not tax and regulate with the exception of the sick. It is sad the businesses have to think about how they will make money from people who need something that should be so cheap. However, because cannabis is a mind altering drug, I would understand government wanting to know how much is out there (at least in the baby years). I wouldn't mind having a $50 tag/plant to grow my own or something around those lines. It beats paying a lawyer. Taxing it per ounce seems silly. How would that be enforced unless you were marketing and selling it, in which case you would need a business license and special set of standards I'm sure.

Eventually the market prices would level out, and after the government + society realizes that all hell won't break loose, then it would become much more lax.