Want To Use Humboldt's Additives...On Botanicare Line Of Nutes!


Well-Known Member
I'm using botanicare cns17 trio and sweet berry, dyna gro cal mag pro, floralicious plus, and for the first time this grow liquid light + saturator, and snow storm ultra. I caught wind of the whole carcinigen thing and have been researching it all night. I've read very convincing data that goes both ways really, if anything the cancerous part was leaning against gravity and bushmaster. Never read alot about the ssu. The comment that decided it for me was about how so many nutes actually have carcinagens in em that noone thinks about i guess. For instance i swear by products that contain sulfur. And i dunno if yall have actually seen what floralicious plus looks like but theres gotta be something in it thats cancerous. Our tap water has lead and god knows what else. whats so bad about these "prg's" thats worse than what we take in every day?
what is PRG??? im just interested in the Gravity and the Snow Storm ultra. not so much the Bushmaster, i can do that on my own, lol! but i do not know what i am going to do. since i have been getting mixed reviews.


Active Member
dunno exactly....some type of hormonr or something that california determined can cause cancer....i looked everywhere for where i read that whole warning thing and cant find it for shit


Well-Known Member
i only read a little bit of that thread, but the argument seems to go both ways. so, does it have trace amounts of the carcinogens or not?? with all the negative hype around these products i may stay clear. i hear people say things like "if you need to use them, you can't grow good herbs". well, i want to learn how to grow, but with an added boost. especially since this is my 1st crop. but it seems like its time for the flush anyways, so i do not have time to introduce anything new at this time. so, looks like until i dig a little deeper, i will hold off. save some loot, actually just but the money towards new genes. so, thanks for all the input, but im going to pass on these for now.


Active Member
yeah....ignore the people who say crap like that...of course i can grow good herb without it...the thing is i want to try for the best...and using specified additives or nutes is a milestone on the way there...if you think about it anytime someone is trying to achieve better than average results they use extra things that might not be necessary to produce results but always helps to produce the best results possible....yeah it goes both ways as far as the warning goes but either way i wouldnt recommend using this stuff till u get a good deal of experience...from my research it seems like a pretty advanced additive...good luck to u


New Member
Ok for all to know let me put this cancer thing to rest we all smoke pot which burning carbon and matter can cause cancer the fumes u breath from cars can cause cancer the styrofoam cups and plates we all use can cause cancer from the chemicals it's made out of. Or how about if u have ever gotten gas on your hand or cleaning products in your house can cause cancer along with the water u drink depending on the area. U see back in the day alot of old farmers used to spray the rods with tar which is a by product from topping crude and low and behold when it rained chemicals went into the ground and into water axuafers making people very sick so to all that say humbolt county's own causes cancer don't know shit abd need to look around now I will say humboltcounts ssu and gravity rock So please stop with the cancer shit


Active Member
I started using snow storm ultra at the first sight of white hairs 2 res changes ago...I'm using 80 ml in my 55 gal res...it appears to be working very well...trichomes started to develop alot faster than my last grow of the same strain, and are also completely covering even the fan leaves toward the top of the colas..like everything else it looks like it effects the principle colas first.....also i think it's causing buds to grow much faster than my last grow...i started flowering october 12 and my buds look more like my week 5-6 in my last grow.....other than liquid light which i stopped feeding after the first week of flower, its the only difference in nutes, additives, and technique from my last grow...

Ok for all to know let me put this cancer thing to rest we all smoke pot which burning carbon and matter can cause cancer the fumes u breath from cars can cause cancer the styrofoam cups and plates we all use can cause cancer from the chemicals it's made out of. Or how about if u have ever gotten gas on your hand or cleaning products in your house can cause cancer along with the water u drink depending on the area. U see back in the day alot of old farmers used to spray the rods with tar which is a by product from topping crude and low and behold when it rained chemicals went into the ground and into water axuafers making people very sick so to all that say humbolt county's own causes cancer don't know shit abd need to look around now I will say humboltcounts ssu and gravity rock So please stop with the cancer shit
so some guy combines the oil and tobacco companies best arguments and acts all smart an stuff....forgive us for being concerned about inhaling/eating something that could accelerate cancer....of course all of the things u mentioned have carcinogens....i dont know about anyone else but i dont plan on sittin in a garage with my car running an smoking a styrofoam plate through a bong filled with motor oil...think for a minute before you go comparing standing on a busy street corner to cleaning out old asbestos in a dank still basement with no respirator...some of us are not only responsible for what we put in ourselves but also responsible for what we put into others who trust in us to keep our products as safe as humanly possible...and for one i take that very seriously...i elected not to foliar feed after flowering started because i really still cant believe that 100% of all chemicals sprayed are absorbed and can just be completely flushed at the end....get off our backs dude....


Well-Known Member
@ DJBLOWENS You are a a moron. That argument doesn't hold water and is just a sorry excuse for your greedy self-serving motives. I'm sure you believe it and it makes you feel better about what you're doing, but it is wrong. Just cuz some things we put in our bodies causes cancer is no excuse to say fuck it and let's all go eat a big bowl of dioxin and suck up a fucking lungful of asbestos while we're at it. LESS IS BETTER here, the fewer carcinogens you put in your body the less likely you are to die of cancer, super simple and basic as fuck. Bottom line is you don't have the right to make that decision for others, your customers, you blithering idiot! And if you told them it was in there you KNOW most of them would tell you where to put it. People like you are no better than the car companies who refused to put seat belts into cars (even though their own tests showed they saved lives) until the law suits forced them to, or the tobacco companies who knowingly sell poison that kills millions every year. You're exactly the same, just on a very small scale, but no less culpable in the end.