Want to try acid..


Well-Known Member
ive done a shit load of acid, moderate ammount of shrooms. i can say this, i can make shit move (bricks, leaves swaying, ect) at times for breif moments.

oh and mdma and shrooms = an awesome night with your lady. :)


Well-Known Member
The kids 16 demon..hope this advice doesn't turn him into a modern day john holmes...lol..underage sex,drugs,and rock and roll...!

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
I've eaten a load of L and other hallucinogens and the only thing i'll say is ignorance is bliss. They'll teach you a lot about yourself and the world around you. Sometimes that's not always a positive thing.


Well-Known Member
16 yes old, what the fuck is he doing on an adult website. isnt it past your bed time kid? dont you have to wake up for school? shit, i didnt touch a single drug untill after school. school is too important to throw away when doing drugs at a young age.

now GTFO!!!!!!! before i tell your mommy.


Well-Known Member
16 yes old, what the fuck is he doing on an adult website. isnt it past your bed time kid? dont you have to wake up for school? shit, i didnt touch a single drug untill after school. school is too important to throw away when doing drugs at a young age.

now GTFO!!!!!!! before i tell your mommy.
well he's about 20-21 now, so the lame ass jokes aren't really too funny.


Well-Known Member
sorry, but its still funny. I don't care who you are. I do NOT condone under age drug use. especially at 16.


Well-Known Member
I don't condone it but its a reality..I try to steer kids with questions in the right direction..if u yell at em,they get pissed at you and do what they were gonna do anyways,but without your added wisdom/advice...


Well-Known Member
Agreed. Drugs are bad but people are going to do them. People still do drugs in places where you can get executed for possession. I think that making factual information available in a non judgmental manner is the best way to reduce harm.


Active Member
I agree with this so much. The uneducated ones are the ones that die. Not with acid specifically, but with any drug. All you can do is give unbiased, factual information in the right setting and hope it's heeded.


Well-Known Member
This is why I love you guys at r.I.u...everyones got an open mind(except a few trolls)...and a very kind peaceful mindset..this thread went from 'how should I do lsd' to 'how to prevent irresponsible drug use of minors'...which is the real issue amongst underage users..irresponsibility...my 17 yr old employee got busted 2 times with a dimebag..and 3 times since then I've had to yell at him because he almost got busted again for riding around with pot,just like his first two arrests..only after he seen my name on another site about my bust did he finally start listining to this old timer...keep on brothers!!!


Active Member
i've done way too much acid during the 90's in every form and still no flashbacks...but i still see that little floater off a cig in the dark if u know what i mean, also orbes off of street lights but thats it...no worries mate eat it up, also i wouldnt eat acid with sober people around they always freaked me out, people that were trippin are the best to hang out with cause ur on the same level as u...
^^^Everything he said^^^ Don't be around sober people and make sure you are in a relaxed setting. Sometimes people who have never tripped before get overwhelmed by a lot of crazy wildness (at a party). A place where you know you are safe and comfortable. Then you can let yourself goooooooo.

Nope, no flashbacks. It would be SWEET if I still saw orbs! hahaaahaa..Lucky...


New Member
Go buy a batch of organic morning glory seed. Heavenly blue is great flying sausers are much stronger. Make an extract using 100% grain alcohol. Its very simple and will only extract the LSA. It is the same as LSD but its one tenth the strength by weight. It feels more natural. It comes from beautiful flowers. Not a laboratory. I've led a few people to this its not a very known fact.. anymore. The shamans in mexico used it a very long time ago to treat depression and trip out.


Well-Known Member
Dude,slave..I feel not being around sober people can fuck shit up...sober people who have tripped yes...that's a good idea..but first timers need an 'anchor)(sic)' especially when the party gets outta control or the trip turns bad..tripping with 5 peoples and no sober responsible person has turned almost awful in my past...and if there's a possibility,well,it should be accounted for in the plans...


Active Member
Dude,slave..I feel not being around sober people can fuck shit up...sober people who have tripped yes...that's a good idea..but first timers need an 'anchor)(sic)' especially when the party gets outta control or the trip turns bad..tripping with 5 peoples and no sober responsible person has turned almost awful in my past...and if there's a possibility,well,it should be accounted for in the plans...
All very good points indeed. Having some kind of sitter is a good idea. Someone who knows the ropes. You are 100% correct. LOL, I didn't even think about that my first time I just got lucky. There were three people there that had tripped many times so they reassured me that everything would be ok..I like your way better especially in these times.


Well-Known Member
I dunno about "flashbacks," but I feel it does change the way things look, especially if you have a real head expanding trip. I see patterns with eyes open or closed a lot of the time, and i feel like i can see tension coming off people and shit like that.

more specifically patterns radiating off treetops or people, kinda merging into a bigger pattern if that makes sense