Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member

MEMPHIS, TN (AP) - A Memphis man who was driving his 83 year-old mother to a hospital says a Shelby County Sheriff’s deputy stopped him for an expired tag and did little to help as his mother died in the back seat of his car. Wayne Ables says during an early March 12, 2009 traffic stop, the deputy refused to follow Ables to Saint Francis Hospital-Bartlett and write the ticket there. The hospital was less than a mile away.
Instead, the deputy, whom the department has not identified, checked Ables’ license and insurance while calling an ambulance.
Ables said his mother Vernice Ables suffered from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and stopped breathing during the traffic stop.
Published reports on Saturday, March 21, 2009 indicate the Sheriff’s Office is investigating and evaluating dash camera video.
Those Shelby cops are real pricks... theres a bunch of those DEA shows that are from there.. thats the place where they were jumping with joy when they found 6 small 8" stick plants and saying the guys toast for a pound a root...... How the fuck can anyone live in a place like that..... Boy I'm lucky that thats not the style here..

Hey Miss You should wipe that drool off your cheek :bigjoint:

1 Dell Pc $500
1 ROOR $200
1oz good $350
webcam $70
Bic lighter $1.50

using technology to prove your stonyness


morning all.