Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Morning!! Well spring is here I guess. Dang it actually was hot yesterday. Time to put away the long pants and shoes!!

5 days off.....that is sweet. I hope you enjoy the nech out of it....:clap:

out. :blsmoke:
In my town they call that laid off......... :lol:

Not that I am really happy about all of it though, have to go to a funeral. Hubby's step-grandma passed away. But the rest of it will be holiday and Monday here is a provincial holiday Family Day. :mrgreen::peace:


New Member
I must go and fiddlefaddle around and feed my critters. The smell of dog food in the morning makes my want to fiddlefaddle in the toilet........ :spew:

:mrgreen: How did I do?

Pyro :hug: bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Not that I am really happy about all of it though, have to go to a funeral. Hubby's step-grandma passed away. But the rest of it will be holiday and Monday here is a provincial holiday Family Day. :mrgreen::peace:
Lets see ...... Ummmmmmmmmm

The good word is, Fiddlefaddle

Can you use it in a sentence ?
"Be gone weed.... speak ye not of such fiddlefaddle again, lest ye be flogged and banished...!!" :eyesmoke:

Where ARE my manners...?? Morning Chiceh, (sorry for loss), miss......bongsmilie


New Member
Twisty, and Chiceh is here too?

It's, it's a ballroom blitz.......

Octuplet mom has opened website, wants your donations to support her litter. Good luck with that crazy kid lady, go move into a shoe now.......


New Member
Twisty, and Chiceh is here too?

It's, it's a ballroom blitz.......

Octuplet mom has opened website, wants your donations to support her litter. Good luck with that crazy kid lady, go move into a shoe now.......
i find this matter hilarious, just trying to figure out what exactly she's been covering up in the media.


New Member
I can't ever find any coupons for stuff that I actually buy. I do use the $3 off coupons in my dog food, and the buck off my cat litter.

I tried those coupon sites they ask a bunch of shit and they want you to "complete 2 of these offers" which all want you to buy something. I don't want to buy a magazine scrip to get a fucking 30 cent coupon.... :roll:


Well-Known Member
Im bad I dont even look at prices .. The way I feel is if you look at the price you cant afford it .. But then Im always shocked when I check out and I have a $200 bill..