Usually they will pop back from the first crispy feeling after harvest and hanging there’s enough moisture still after jarring tight for a night or so.
However if they truly are past the point of no return and are crumbly dry like sand you can get a fan leaf, orange peel, fresh bud….etc… but I will warn you the smell will be faint at best and quality is never the same.
It’s not ideal by any means but will get them back to moist again. However I wouldn’t leave the item in there long term. Maybe check every 6 hours or so until they moisten back up which they will. If you don’t keep a good eye out you could get mold and ruin it all for good.
Over time you will get a feel for hanging and drying/curing your buds. It’s just one of those things that comes with experience. Mistakes in the long run will make you a better grower as you’ll know what not to do the next time.
T Ray