Wait a bit longer until water? Told I was overwatering :< Help?

Hey guys, I was told I have been overwatering by a few people. I have been using MG Moisture Control, and waiting at least 5 days between watering. Hard to tell how much water was way down in the soil until I just got a moisture/light/pH meter from Lowes. The first 3-4 inches of the soil are pretty much completely dry, but around 8 inches down with the meter it reads about 5.5 or 6 out of 10 as "moist"... This soil is driving me crazy, if I water now will it be overwatering? I am on day 9 now with NO water, 2.5 weeks into flower. I've lost many leaves as you can see from pics below, and I am experimenting to see if proper watering interval will help possible overwaering. I am also about to flush for my first time since using this soil, also may help with any possible nute burns. Any educated tips on the situation?

Here is a good pic from 1.5 weeks ago when I had a few more leaves on there, example for suffering leaves, need fixing:




Active Member
MG Moisture control actually holds LOTS of water.... I am not certain what light you have your plants under, but MGMC is literally under normal circumstances a long hold soil, like 1-2 weeks. IMO a horrible soil to grow in. many people complain about watering with MGMC.
I would concentrate more on getting additional light on them and less on how to kill them with water.
Would the smaller amount of light cause the leaves to fall away? Still growing, but all fan leaves shrivel away eventually as it seems. Using 250W Felix CFL with four fluorescent lights surrounding. Aluminum foil to surround walls, and front usually has more reflective lighting. Appears dim because door to box is opened. Lighting is decent, but could be better for sure with HPS. For now was seeing how CFL grow turns out.


Active Member
Lose thr MG get some nutes for weed ,learn how to water from how heavy your pot is fully watered , and then after 7-8 days should be light maybe even longer with your lighting do you have any fans going inside besides an exhaust fan , those girls need some help,hurry before it is to late Happy Farming ,Cajun
Just got my flush done yesterday morning. Gonna wait a few days and see if she perks up a bit more. As for more fans cajun, I've got one bringing fresh air in and one on the inside just moving air. Maybe I need another exhaust fan but doesn't seem too too hot. Next investment to be a temp reader with memort function. On a brighter note, one of her two clone attempts has taken and is growing! First attempt :) 3 weeks with cloning powder and no dome to cover either. Thanks for the input guys


Well-Known Member
Okay here is some info that may save your plant if you pay attention.

MG is fine to grow in, don't let all these people who have heard from a friend of a friend of a friend or saw their buddies growing MG and it looked terrible. MG is fine, it's user error that kills most peoples plants.

Now here is the thing about MG, it has long release nutes in it, which are good and bad. On a good note you wont have to really ad any nutes until late into flowering. On the bad side, the nutes are released when you water your soil. Now you have the Moisture Control stuff, which makes things a little worse for the wear, but you can still use it. It will just take forever for your pots to dry out, maybe 2 weeks.

NEVER FLUSH WITH MG SOIL! you will give your plants to much nutes since they are released with water, not only that but the moisture crystals in your soil hold a lot of water.

A good way to tell when you need to water is to wait for the plant to tell you she needs water. You don't need a meter to see how wet the soil is. Stick your finger down in the soil, is it still wet? then don't water. If you don't want to get a little dirt under your nails (in which case you really shouldn't be growing in soil) then watch your plant. When the soil drys out and she is thirsty she will start to get droopy, that means she's thirsty (now they will also droop right after watering, so make sure it's been a while since you watered). Want an even better way to check to see if it needs water? Lift your pot up. After you water lift up your pot and notice how much it weighs and remember how much it weighs. Now wait until you think your soil is dried out and lift it up again, if it feels like it's filled with styro-foam; now it's time to water.

Also next time you should get some perlite and add about 20% perlite to your soil. I know it comes with some in it, but it's not enough, especially with the MG MC soil, the more perlite you get in there the better, might even go up to 40% perlite, 60% MG MC. Try not to get the MG MC next time, just stick with MG or Kellogs (home depot usually has kellogs)
Okay here is some info that may save your plant if you pay attention.

MG is fine to grow in, don't let all these people who have heard from a friend of a friend of a friend or saw their buddies growing MG and it looked terrible. MG is fine, it's user error that kills most peoples plants.

Now here is the thing about MG, it has long release nutes in it, which are good and bad. On a good note you wont have to really ad any nutes until late into flowering. On the bad side, the nutes are released when you water your soil. Now you have the Moisture Control stuff, which makes things a little worse for the wear, but you can still use it. It will just take forever for your pots to dry out, maybe 2 weeks.

NEVER FLUSH WITH MG SOIL! you will give your plants to much nutes since they are released with water, not only that but the moisture crystals in your soil hold a lot of water.

A good way to tell when you need to water is to wait for the plant to tell you she needs water. You don't need a meter to see how wet the soil is. Stick your finger down in the soil, is it still wet? then don't water. If you don't want to get a little dirt under your nails (in which case you really shouldn't be growing in soil) then watch your plant. When the soil drys out and she is thirsty she will start to get droopy, that means she's thirsty (now they will also droop right after watering, so make sure it's been a while since you watered). Want an even better way to check to see if it needs water? Lift your pot up. After you water lift up your pot and notice how much it weighs and remember how much it weighs. Now wait until you think your soil is dried out and lift it up again, if it feels like it's filled with styro-foam; now it's time to water.

Also next time you should get some perlite and add about 20% perlite to your soil. I know it comes with some in it, but it's not enough, especially with the MG MC soil, the more perlite you get in there the better, might even go up to 40% perlite, 60% MG MC. Try not to get the MG MC next time, just stick with MG or Kellogs (home depot usually has kellogs)
Good stuff, thanks. I'll definitely keep this in mind when it comes to watering. Especially with the over watering. Hopefully the flush I just did, didn't throw a wrench in my operation. Perlite will be going into my next mix, thanks!!