• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Waging A Real War On Christmas/Synchronized Hyperspace Event (S.H.E.)


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This is not me trying to force Christians or Atheists to Worship any God, but below, I am going to make a list of words that come from ancient Greek Gods, that we still use today.

If you have heard of a "Phobia", this is the ancient Greek word for "Fear", and Phobos was the personification of Fear. In the myths he would be afraid of things, and this is where we get Phobia from. If you are afraid of spiders it's "Arachnophobia". I am not saying that Psychologists know they did this, but the name of the God is in the exact place a Greek mind would have put it in modern times. In Psychology, naming people's fears. If your enemy found out you were afraid of spiders in ancient Greece, they would definitely try to draw the spirit "Phobia" to your surface, using spiders.

Hypnos was the personification of sleep, and in the Myths different things would happen to him to make him fall asleep. This idea has been refined in culture, and we now call it "Hypnotism".

The word "Volcano" was not always widely used, and it actually started in Ancient Greece. You have probably heard of "Pompeii" which is a city which was covered in Ash, and it actually gave Archaeologists an amazing look in to a frozen picture of Greek life. But Pompeii was the first time any one used the word "Volcano" because they thought that "Vulcan" was releasing his fury.

The word "Mentor" is similar. Just how "Phobia" was Personified fear, Athena was personified Law, Wisdom, Courage, Art, etc. In one story Athena disguised herself as "Mentor" so she could come to Earth and help people. So now when someone is helping you learn, you may consider them a "Mentor" and not even think of Athena.

The God "Atlas" was thought to hold up the Earth and the other Planets, so he is similar to the idea of Gravity, except he would work on each planet individually, and they were thought to be "Held up" instead of floating freely. Now that Einstein gave us Relativity and Newton gave us Gravity, we can say Atlas is basically an antique for lack of a better term. But, if you buy a book that has a bunch of Maps in it, that book will be called an "Atlas". The Atlantic Ocean and Atlantis are also named after him.

Nike was the personification of Victory. The Greeks love Victory and they would pray to it in hopes that it would come to them. Today this is similar to how Nike (the company) tricked everyone in to thinking their shoes make you faster. It is almost the exact same idea, just no one says you have to pray, but plenty of Athletes are praying for Victory, while wearing Nikes.

The God Ceres is where we get the word "Cereal" from. Her Festival/Holiday was known as Cerealia. She was basically just the personification of Grain and Motherly relationships. Just like today we have commercials with cereal saying "It's got grains", they were very in to eating cereal grains and what it did for them. Ceres had "Helper Gods" which were really just jobs people could have.
Vervactor, "He who ploughs"
Reparator, "He who prepares the earth"
Imporcitor, "He who ploughs with a wide furrow"
Insitor, "He who plants seeds"
Obarator, "He who traces the first ploughing"
Occator, "He who harrows"
Serritor, "He who digs"
Subruncinator, "He who weeds"
Messor, "He who reaps"
Conuector (Convector), "He who carries the grain"
Conditor, "He who stores the grain"
Promitor, "He who distributes the grain"

"By Jove" is not a popular term any more. But "Jove" is actually Jupiter, and the Greek version of Jupiter is Zeus.

Martial Arts and Martial Law are both examples of things that come from the cults of Mars. For example, you have probably heard of the Spartans. They worshiped Ares/Mars, and as part of their worship they were well trained in Martial Arts. Martial Law is when the President or Military takes complete control of the Government. This is still possible within American law, but Martial law can only be declared if we are having a war at home or something like that.

The God "Chronos" was considered to be the Greek God of Time, and the words Chronology, Chronicle & Chronic come from his name.

On Valentine's day, people think of "Cupid" shooting arrows. The Greek word for Cupid was "Eros" who was the God of Love. This is where we get the word "Erotic" from.

And last but not least, people think that Education is just something that comes natural and we have always known how to focus on History, or Math, or Music, or even Comedy. But these were not always refined arts with deep histories. Originally, they were Gods. The Goddess Mnemosyne is where we get the word "Mnemonics". If you have ever said "My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets" to remember "Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto" then you are using Mnemonics. Mnemosyne's children/helper Gods were basically just classes you can take. They were known as "The Muses".
Calliope (Epic Poetry)
Clio (History)
Euterpe (Music)
Erato (Lyric Poetry)
Melpomene (Tragedy)
Polyhymnia (Hymns)
Terpsichore (Dance)
Thalia (Comedy)
Urania (Astronomy)

And the word "Music" comes from the idea of "Muses", which are inspirational spirit things that spark inside us, according to Greek myth.


Well-Known Member
If you are interested in Language, you should look for the book "Hebrew is Greek" by Joseph Yahuda. This book talks about how Hebrew and Greek were both created by the Phoenician people, which is why we use the word "Phonetics".

Below is a link for Amazon where the book is $2,000. But you can find it for free on some websites, I have seen it on Torrents, but I have only ever seen the actual book in an Email format.


Well-Known Member
Words you should know when talking to Christians.

Abaddon: Most of them don't know this, but this is the "Realm of the Dead" in the Old Testament.

Abba: Means "Father", this is the word Jesus used when talking about God, according to the Bible.

Abortion: Is not mentioned in the Bible, and it was legally during the time of Jesus. The Abortion arguments come from when God killed a man for Masturbating or "Letting his seed fall on the ground" specifically, but that was supposedly Jesus' bloodline, it was not him being killed for Masturbating.

Abyss: This is the Primordial Waters, sometimes referred to as an underworld or realm of the dead.

Agape: Means you have your mouth hanging open. Jk. Agape is a Greek word that means "Brotherly Love". If you have a God, it is the feeling that you have between you and your God.

Allegory: A fictional story meant to have a moral point, like stories that at the end you could say "And the moral of the story is". Sometimes the point is not obvious though.

Alpha and Omega: These are the first and last letters of the Greek Alphabet, as well as the first and last numbers of the Greek Numerical system. Hebrew and Greek were both Alphabets and Numbers.

Altar: Many altars in the Bible are made from Acacia wood, which is the Egyptian tree of Life.

Amen: A Hebrew word meaning "Certainly" or "Let it be so". If it is true that Hebrew practice comes mainly from Moses, and that Moses came from Egypt, Amen is also "The Hidden God". Christianity also had an early church in Egypt, known as the Copts.

Anathema: An object Dedicated or Devoted to a Deity, such as the Cross.

Angels: Known as "Sons of God" or "Morning Stars" or "Hosts of the Heavens". They work as God's administrators. Early in the Bible, God interacts directly, but as he became more transcendent in lore, he needed "Middle men". The Bible says nothing about Humans becoming angels, they are celestial beasts/creatures/people.

Anoint: To rub oil on something. Jesus was supposedly the Messiah or Christ, which means "The Anointed One"

Anti-Christ: Anything against Christ. If Christians don't particularly like a Politician or person, they may also call them the Anti-Christ.

Apocrypha: The Books of the Bible that were not added to Canon, but were included in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Apostle: Literally means "Someone who has been sent". It appears 80 times in the New Testament where it is used to call someone a Delegate or Messenger for Jesus.

Aramaic: The Language Jesus would have spoken

Mount Ararat: Supposedly where Noah landed.

Archangels: Means "Chief Angels" or "Angels of High Rank". There are supposedly 7 of them, explained in the book of Enoch.

Armageddon: A Place in the book of Revelations.

Azazel: The name of one of the Demons

The Tower of Babel: The over-simple Christian explanation for how the Phoenicians invented all of our languages.

Ban: Something that is set apart for Yaweh and forbidden for profane use.

Baptism: Being "Reborn" in the church, usually done in water.

Behemoth: Christians think this is a Dinosaur


Well-Known Member
The cult of Mithras... Wasn't he worshiped by the Roman soldiers, born of a virgin birth and rose from the dead, similar to the later Jesus?


Well-Known Member
The cult of Mithras... Wasn't he worshiped by the Roman soldiers, born of a virgin birth and rose from the dead, similar to the later Jesus?
Jesus is not Mithra just to be clear. Mithra was worshiped by Romans, Greeks, Zoroastrians & Hindus. He was born out of a Pinecone or a Rock, not from a Virgin, and I am not sure he rose from the dead.


Well-Known Member
Jesus is not Mithra just to be clear. Mithra was worshiped by Romans, Greeks, Zoroastrians & Hindus. He was born out of a Pinecone or a Rock, not from a Virgin, and I am not sure he rose from the dead.
I'll have to go back to my books. I thought there were striking parallels in their accounts, and as the early Christians were fond of burying other faiths by building churches on the sites of other belief systems, and absconding with others' days of celebration. Isn't it considered likely that Jesus was born in the spring, contrary to Christmas at Dec. 25. That date was historically, ie. B.C., the date of birth of an Avatar, and the certain return of light for the coming year as a day became measurably longer.


Well-Known Member
I'll have to go back to my books. I thought there were striking parallels in their accounts, and as the early Christians were fond of burying other faiths by building churches on the sites of other belief systems, and absconding with others' days of celebration. Isn't it considered likely that Jesus was born in the spring, contrary to Christmas at Dec. 25. That date was historically, ie. B.C., the date of birth of an Avatar, and the certain return of light for the coming year as a day became measurably longer.
Zeitgeist: The Movie (HD) Part I - The Greatest Story Ever Told



Well-Known Member
Since I came to the internet in 2010, I have seen a lot of people talking about "Maritime Admiralty Law" and things like that. American courts do not work on Maritime Admiralty Law, they operate on Common Law. If you want to learn about the law get the book "Latin for Lawyers", the best part is the last chapter which has a bunch of Legal Maxims, which is basically court room rules.

But people are really concerned about their "Corporate Self" or "Straw Man", so I thought I would share some stuff that applies to REAL law, but could help you even if you believe we live in a Maritime Admiralty system.

Incorporation: This is what scares people. An Incorporation is a legal person under the law. So it takes responsibility. This is why BP was able to dump thousands of gallons of oil in the ocean, then was responsible for trying to fix it, and no one went to jail.

(DBA) Doing Business As: This just means you are using a name that is not your legal name, or doing business as a non-incorporated business. But if you believe in a straw man, this doesn't help you.

Trust: You have probably heard of kids having trust funds and basically ending up like the Prince who thinks the Rose thorn is the worst pain in the world. But Trusts are more than just that. If you believe in a Straw Man, or if you don't believe in a straw man, this can help you. What a trust is, is basically like a Company or Name that you can keep money in, and everyone that is allowed to access it is known as a "Trustee". So, this can be used to start a club, or business or whatever. And it creates a separate entity from those involved.
For more info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trust_law

PAC: A Political Action Committee is the thing you see on campaign commercials, when it says "This ad paid for by the Better Tomorrow PAC" or whatever. Creating a PAC is free, all you have to do is look up "How to start a PAC" and fill out like 2 short pages. PACs can accept donations and do things for campaigns.

If you would like to start a Ministry, Ministries are non-Profit Organizations. According to the Law you can even be an Atheist Minister, it was decided in the Supreme Court case for the "I AM" Movement. If you would like to become a minister, you can become ordained on at the Universal Life Church. They were established before the RFRA, so it is a legal religion and Ministers can marry anyone they can get a license for. The Universal Life Church accepts people of all religions, and according to the Church doctrine, everyone is ordained by God at birth. So all you have to do is sign your name in their books online, and you are a minister.


Well-Known Member
If anyone didn't see this, here is the Darrin Wilson interview. He pretending he would never do anything that "wasn't in his training" and he made his voice crack. But if he hadn't done anything that wasn't in his training, then Police need new training or he is lying and killed someone so he could be the only one talking about whether or not he did anything wrong. And no matter how confused the Witness statements are, EVERYONE was freaking out at the beginning. It wasn't a routine "killing a bad guy" who is armed.


Well-Known Member
Random, but I thought I would share the story of my Conversation to Atheism & my "Religious Conversion" or whatever you want to call it, even though I wouldn't call it a conversion since I just found I had something, I did convert to anything.

I was raised Methodist, we went to a church that was really tight knit at first. When we first started going it was in a Middle School lunchroom, with a stage at the front. The pastor was really funny and nice, and he would do these "Top 10 things" that he copied from Letterman or something, I remember one of them was top 10 things about our town, and one of them was "Mckinney, where dreams live and squirrels die".

When I was around 12, we did "Confirmation Class". In this class we went to like a Catholic Church and a Synagogue and stuff. I asked one of the teachers "Do Jewish people go to Hell?" and they wouldn't answer. Learning about these other groups made me wonder if God was even real. So I became an Atheist, and I started doing research about Shamanism and Native American tradition.

Then as I got older the church got larger, and I lived in Texas. So since I was in Texas the church and school and police, etc. did not like when I started smoking Marijuana at 14. I was arrested and while on probation, my probation officer told me that I could go to Wednesday church group as "Community Service" but the youth leader, who was not there as long as I was acted like I was trying to trick him. And that was kind of the last straw. I was already pretty sure that God was a broader subject than Methodists and Christians would talk about, then my own church acted like I was trying to pull something over on them.

Before I had come back, I was sent away for smoking Marijuana, and the place I went to had a lot of books. While I was their I read things about Egypt, and things like Fugu which is Blowfish that they eat in Japan, and if the chef messes up you can die. Some people eat it and die for 3 days, then come back. And I just read about all kinds of different cultures.

Then when I came back home I was on probation, but I was researching Shamanism and stuff. So I started reading about "Salvia" you have probably heard of kids smoking salvia to get hallucinations, this is not what I was doing. I had 1x salvia, just regular leaf, not extract. But I had 1 Quarter Pound of it. So I was using it for Meditation for about 6 months. To the Natives Salvia is known as "Ska Pastora" which means "The Shepherdess". Salvia is a plant that does not make seeds very often, it needs humans to make cuttings in order to continue itself. This is evidence that it was probably not natural bred into existence, but was made by humans tinkering with breeding plants, similar to how Dogs came from wolves. They say that this plant brings them to the Shepherdess, and I never at 80 leaves to find out like they do, but I could tell their was definitely something to that plant.

Once I was off probation I started smoking Marijuana again, and started doing research specifically on Shiva. Shiva is the God of Marijuana, Dancing and Fatherhood. Shiva is the feeling you get when you are high, it is the feeling you get when you are dancing, and it is the idea of being a father. The ancient Sanskrit language did not have a word for "high" so the did not say "I am high". they said "I am Shiva" and Fatherhood was also a form of "being Shiva".

From there I started learning about Ancient Egyptian religion, and the Hindu "Rig Veda" which is the book that has the most stuff about Shiva. It also talk about Indra, Agni, Rudra, etc. I also found the Greek god Pan which resonated with me, because he is the God of the idea of Arcadia and Wilderness.

I eventually found all my Gods and was comfortable saying "My Gods are: Pan, Shiva, Atum, Ra, Mut, Ma'at & Rudra. Then one day I was randomly doing some research on some history, and I found Pashupati. Pashupati is from the Indus valley civilization, and Pashupati is an ancient mixture of Shiva and Pan, and historians say that Pan and Shiva came from Pashupati. And this made me really get in to historical research.

And since then I have been researching ancient Egyptian history, along with reading books like "Early Man and the Ocean" which was written by someone who did some AMAZING tests to see what ancient people could do with Reed boats. And I started learning about Carthage and Hannibal, and the Phoenicians. And my religion pretty much became recognizing how we got where we are.

I would call myself "Kemetic Hindu" and I do not think Hindu religion is very different from Egyptian tradition, the Cow just has a different significance for example, but many of the symbols and Gods are the same. Some people think I am talking about the Zeitgeist, I'm not. I am also not talking about aliens or the Illuminati. Some people also think I am Gnostic because I once said that our governments and hospitals come from the idea of "as above so below". I am also not Gnostic though, I was explaining how our culture has invented things based on planets. Like how Martial Arts and Martial Law both come from the war God Ares/Mars.

Just thought I would share this, so I don't have to tell everyone "Stop pretending I said Jesus was a Myth, and don't ask me about the Zeitgeist, I have never seen the movie".


Well-Known Member
A few people have asked me if I was, or called me a Conspiracy Theorist. So I thought I would just take them time to tell everyone what a Conspiracy theory is.

A conspiracy theory, involved a conspiracy. I personally think the Ancient Aliens theory is slightly racist, because it says "There were only brown people building that? Then grey people must have come and help them". I do think we can find bacteria and plant "aliens" in space eventually, but I do not think we have been visited, especially when it comes to the Pyramids, Stonehenge, etc.

Now, I gave the example of Ancient Aliens to explain something. Ancient Aliens is an example of something that I don't promote, but people do call it a conspiracy theory. A conspiracy theory is supposed to involved a conspiracy. If someone believes in Ancient Aliens, then says "The scientists are hiding the evidence from us" THEN it is a conspiracy theory. The "Conspiracy Theory" here is that somehow scientists are coming together to hide evidence. The Alien part is still NOT a conspiracy.

Same thing when it comes to government. I have been studying ancient Democracy, and Ancient Political Ethics, and people think that I am a conspiracy theorist. But this only becomes a conspiracy theory if I go on to say "Obama is Nero" or "The Illuminati are running it all behind the scenes". But I don't say any of that stuff. I just talk about history, and how we still do some things that we don't realize we do. Alex Jones on the other hand, talks about history, then tries to put modern leaders in the place of ancient rulers who sucked. He tries to "Pin the tail on the donkey" while I am just looking at the Donkey and talking about how it has no tail.


Well-Known Member

Ok, so I have been sharing a lot of stuff about Red and White Mushrooms for the religious holiday coming up (they are known as Amanita Muscaria or Fly Agaric Musrooms), and I posted a meme about how the Chukchee people wait for Reindeer to eat Amanita Muscaria mushrooms, then they collect their urine and drink it. But now I am going to share more science behind these mushrooms, as well as other "Magic Mushrooms" people use around the world.

Amanita Muscaria mushrooms are legal in most places, and they are well known for being the "Alice in Wonderland" mushrooms, and "Smurf/Gnome Houses" or Fairy/Toad Chair/Stools. They can be found in various myths around the world, and have been used to turn people in to Warriors and Werewolves (one Native American culture has stories of how they used to be able to turn in to wolves, and they have saved tapestries that their ancestors made with Amanitas on them.

Amanita Muscaria grows pretty much all over the world. You can find them in Oregon, or Siberia, and I am pretty sure England. Those are specific places, but there are tons of places you can find them. The Molecule inside the Mushrooms that has effects is known as "Ibotenic Acid". Ibotenic acid does not actually have any effects unless it is broken down. This is why the Chukchee people drink the Urine of the Reindeer, because then it has already been fully broken down and has its full effects. Amanita has been reported to be effective even after 6 passes through the human body. There is a book written about a theory that Jesus may have had a supply of mushrooms and was sharing his Urine, but it is just a theory.

To break down the Amanita structure you would "Decarboxylize" it. I think this can be done by cooking it in to bread or something, but the way I have read they do it in a lab is by taking Ibotenic acid and Refluxing it. This means they boil it, but have coils of cold water above the boil. The steam gets directed towards these coils, and the steam becomes liquid and drips back down. This does something like the stomach and breaks it down.

The Amanita Muscaria is not said to have many Visual effect, but it can distort the size of things. Meaning, it can make you feel taller than you are (Mario), or make things feel smaller in your hands or bigger in your hands than usual, etc.

Another legal Mushroom that has been used by some cultures are the "Puffball" mushrooms. They do not cause visuals, only Auditory hallucinations, meaning you will hear things. The specific kinds of Puffballs that have been used Culturally are: Lycoperdon, Bovista and Calvatia

Then there are "Magic Mushrooms" or "Shrooms", these are Psilocybin mushrooms, they are illegal to grow unless you are in New Mexico (where it is legal to grow them for personal use) and I think in Florida you are allowed to possess them as long as they are not dry, because they grow so commonly in the cow fields and sometimes people don't even realize they picked those kind. These have visual Hallucinations.

Panaeolus Mushrooms are very similar to Psilocybin mushrooms, but they are legal to grow as long as you are just growing them for fun and not as a manufacturing type thing. And they are legal to possess as long as no one can prove you have any intent to do anything with them (meaning, don't have them dried out or bagged up like a drug dealer, unless you are a drug dealer and this is not written for you).

Amanita Muscaria Mushrooms have a very high dose, like 10+ Grams. You can probably use less if you cook them. And don't take more than like 20 Grams, because taking too much can become poisonous, but you have to take a LOT.

"Magic Mushrooms" or Panaelus mushrooms have doses between 2 grams and 5 grams, depending what you want from it.

I suggest trying closing your eyes on all of these, for at least like 5 minutes, just to see what you can see when you close your eyes.

This is not a recreational guide, this is only being posted because it is Mithras season, and I want people to be safe while practicing the religious holiday.