Waging A Real War On Christmas/Synchronized Hyperspace Event (S.H.E.)

A lot of Christians like to think "Buddha was just a copy cat of Jesus" to explain away Buddhism, whenever someone mentions that Buddhism is more Peaceful than even the new testament, and Siddhartha (the first Buddha) never mentions God. Most people don't understand the teachings of Buddhism, but if you want a quick picture of it, Buddhism explains that a person who says "You did X to me" or "You took X from me" will be angry, but the person who lets go of these thoughts will not be angry. If you let people treat you the way they do, and do not worry about it, they will eventually realize that they are doing what they are doing. For example, a lot of people will automatically assume that someone who drinks alcohol is not responsible, or that someone who goes to a Psychiatrist is crazy, or that someone who has long hair is a Liberal, or that someone from Texas is Conservative. People like to get angry at people for no reason, but if you come at things more open, you will not be so angry.

But back to the point, Jesus came after Buddha. But exist around 500 YEARS before Jesus, and his religion was spread quickly, via Hellenization.

Then there is Zoroaster. Zoroaster also existed 500 years before Jesus, and possibly even 1,000 years before Jesus. This religion is known for a fact to have influenced Christianity, Judaism, Gnosticism and Islam. For example, this is where the idea of an Angel comes from, they started in Sumer and moved West via Hellenization.

An example of something we get from Hellenization is the statues in India. Before Egypt and Greek ideas came to India, they had no statues. Then once they got the idea, they started making Statues, and now we see all kinds of Statues. This idea was originally Egyptian, and it was considered to be similar to a Shadow, which contains part of the "Soul". Another example is the "Academy", Plato founded it, and now we use the word "Academy" for all schooling type places. It started with Hellenization. This is also where Museums come from, the first Museum was Alexander the Great's "Musaeum" in Egypt. I have a book called "The Oxford Companion to Classical Civilization" and it is basically a dictionary of all these things.

And not only did these people and their texts ALL exist before Jesus by hundreds of years, and get spread to Jesus' region by Hellenization. Jesus' family (known as the Holy Family) had to leave when the King said he wanted to kill all babies under 2 years of age, and they went to Egypt and other places.

People like to pretend Jesus was the first one to do all this stuff, or that he existed in a vacuum with no other religions forming around him, but not only were all of these Hellenistic things going on that we definitely know about, there were also tons of people claiming to be divine at that time, as well as claiming to do things like raise the dead and heal the sick.

You probably know that Jewish people do not accept the divinity or words of Jesus, which is what makes them Jewish and Christians Christian. And they have good reason not to believe him, the prophecies said the Messiah was going to reclaim Israel for the Israelites, so he didn't fulfill it. But if you look up people like Judas Maccabeus, he actually fulfilled multiple prophecies in the old testament, as well as starting a revolution in Israel.

Jesus probably existed to an extent (not a God), but, so did all these other people.
When a Christian sees any kind of God with horns, they automatically assume that it is related to Satan. But when ancient people put horns on something, it was not meant to symbolize that it was evil, it was meant to symbolize the soul or metaphysical aspect of it.

The word for "Ram" in Ancient Egypt and the word "Soul" in ancient Egypt are both "Ba". So they would depict "Souls" in art as a Ram. Cows and Bulls were also considered very important for a few reasons. Cows gave people milk, and Bulls gave people meat.

The symbol of horns was no different in Ancient Greece. Alexander the Great can be found on coins depicted with horns, and this was because he claimed to be deity.

A well known God that Christians automatically assume is Satan is the Greek God Pan. When people see the God pan, they will even say that it was meant to be Satan. This is completely wrong.

Pan was a God of Nature, and is basically no different than the Christian God. He is considered the God of Mountains, Wilderness and Pastures (so Shepherd God). There are Multiple forms of Pan in Greek myth, so various stories about where he started and what he did in the Myths with which Gods. But mainly he was Wilderness, Nature and the Good and Bad in people. If you were charitable, that was considered Pan. But if you spank you child, that is also considered Pan. If you look up a "Pan Flute" you have probably seen one before. Pan is also where the word Panic comes from, since in the myth he scared the enemy army so that his side could win.

Pan's religious center was known as Arcadia, this was a place where Shepherds lived, and throughout Greek and European History the idea of "Arcadia" has kind of helped inspire the idea of Heaven. Arcadia was a real place and is a real place, but it is also a concept. "Et in Arcadia Ego" was a famous phrase, which means "Even in Arcadia I..." or "Even in Heaven, I will still..." and then people would paint about the things that they would still do in heaven/Arcadia.

Pan can be traced back in Vedic tradition to the God Pashupati, so 4000 years old. And he is connected with the God Shiva, because Shiva can also be traced back to Pashupati. So Marijuana, Wilderness, etc used to be one God instead of 2 Gods, but then they separated and one went to Greece while one stayed in India.

The semi Modern Greek war of independence was partially centered in Arcadia, and Arcadia was the Ancient center of something that was similar to the United States. The same way America is a collection of 50 states working together, the Arcadian league was a Government body that oversaw multiple city-states in Greece. The league was formed when Sparta attacked, and the smaller subdivisions of Arcadia began forming into democratic Groups. So basically Religious organizations and Political parties, but before those things existed. They soon took charge of Arcadia, and made bonds with the surrounding city states to fend off the Spartans, and the only problem they had was Oligarchical governments that were more concerned about their slaves than they were about working with their neighbors, but this was in Arcadia so the Government was overthrown there. When the League was fully formed, they had between 50,000-70,000 men and when they stood up to the Spartans, they Spartans backed down. But eventually there were the Persians and the Romans and the League disintegrated.
Now that the movie 300 has popularized the battle between the Spartans and the Persians, everyone has heard of it. But there was a similar battle between Athens and Persia. If you remember in the movie 300, the Athenians came to help the Spartans, and the Spartans said "We aren't pottery makers and wood crafters, or whatever, we are Warriors full time". Those were the Athenians, and the Athenians ended up fighting a similar battle.

The Athenian problem actually started with the Spartans. Athens was very Democratic and Free minded, since their Goddess was Athena, who comes to Earth in the form of "Mentor". So they were very dedicated to education. Sparta on the other hand would leave babies in the snow if they weren't perfect, and if they were alive the next day they got to get raised into an adult. The Spartan God is Mars or Ares.

So the Spartans were in Athens and they were causing problems. The Athenians didn't know what to do, and they asked the Persians for help. A Persian diplomat came with an offering of Sand and Water, which the Athenians accepted. They did not realize though that when they accepted the offering of Sand and Water, they had given their state to the Persian empire.

So the Athenians ended up getting rid of the Spartans themselves, and the Persians came and started trying to collect taxes and stuff, and the Athenians told them to fuck off. So the Persians sent an Army.

This battle is known as the Battle of Marathon, because it was fought in a place called Marathon. And the end of the story here will tell you how this gave us the modern idea of a "Marathon" race.

The Athenians went to Marathon and set it up much like the Spartans did, but they did not have such a small space, so they used chopped down trees and stuff to make barriers in a similar but larger area, to funnel them in. They also had more than 300 men. They eventually defeated all of the Persians, and one soldier ran back to Athens, which was a 26-ish mile trip (the length of a modern marathon). When he got their he yelled "NIKE!" which means "Victory", then he fell over dead.

A modern example of "Marathon" can be found in Florida, since it is so close to Cuba, they have a town called "Marathon". The town Marathon is down in the Florida Keys, and there is a 7 mile bridge with 2 lanes that only has water on both sides. It gets you from Big Pine Key, to Marathon Key (Key means Island in Florida for some reason). So the police use this 7 Mile bridge as an easily dependable spot to stop drugs and immigration. If you go to Marathon, you will find City Police, Highway Police, Border Patrol, Wildlife, and State Troopers.
Most people have heard the name "Alexander the Great", and they recognize the name, but they don't actually know what happened historically that made them remember it today.

In short, Alexander is remembered for Conquering most of Greece and making it to about India, he was the King of Macedonia, and once he spread Macedonia out so thin, the Romans came in and conquered Macedonia to create the Roman Empire. So Alexander was the first one to connect the "West" to the "East". The time of East and West mixing is known as "Hellenization" and it started with Alexander the Great. One of the key factors in the Hellenistic Era was the Library of Alexandria, which is Library Alexander founded in Egypt, then it was filled with copies of texts from all over the known world.

When Alexander was young, his dad (Philip II) was known for bringing Macedonia into a "Golden Age". Alexander is literally quoted saying "My father has left nothing for me to do" because he thought his dad had done everything to make the kingdom great, so he didn't know what he was supposed to do. Macedonia had mostly been mountain people and farmers who did not live in "Urban" environments. But Philip II did something different. Instead of just being "King of the Mountain people" (like the modern Taliban still does today in Afghanistan) Phillip II decided he was going to make his people great. Supposedly he was the first one in history to say "Divide and Conquer".

The way Philip II changed Macedonia is by creating a government system, which he based on Military accomplishment. Philip II was very in to the work of Homer, and he made a structure based on Homer's poems, which was basically like "Brother's in Arms". And the people who were closest to him got to be the owner of the most land (Barons, etc.) in Macedonia. This structure created towns, which become a booming economy and birth rate, which led to tons of soldiers being available... Then Alexander the Great took over, and he was not known as Alexander the Great yet.

Alexander was tutored by Aristotle until the Age of 16, so he was pretty well aware of the known world, but he thought that his dad had left nothing for him to do. He had joined his father in Campaigning at a young age, and was reported to have saved Philip II's life at one point, but once his father was dead, he spent a lot of time trying to over shadow him. He was only 20 years old when Philip II was assassinated.

When Alexander first made it to Asian soil, he threw a spear in to the ground and declared that the land was a gift to him from the Gods. The first group Alexander conquered was the Persians, but he treated both their leaders and their dead with respect, so they did not revolt when he took over. He actually began adopting Persian customs, like having people kiss his ring, and the Greek leadership distrusted this, so later he did less of that stuff. His ownership of Persia was sealed when he made it to modern day Turkey where he found what was known as "The Gordian Knot". According to legend, whoever untied the unending Gordian knot was meant to be Emperor, so Alexander cut it in half with a sword.

From Persia, Alexander basically took over all the land that ISIS is taking over right now. The Levant and Syria. From their he went to Israel, and according to legend the Hebrews showed him a verse in the book of Daniel that said a Greek King would take the Persian empire. In Lebanon Alexander found "Baalbeck" which was a giant ancient Structure, and on top of it he built a temple to Zeus, which became known as "Heliopolis" to the Romans.

From there he went to Egypt, where he attacked them over and over until he finally broke in. Once he was inside he got an oracle to say he was supposed to be king, and the Egyptian Queen adopted him, so that he would be ruler when she died.

In Egypt, the Library of Alexandria was established, which spread knowledge from East to West and from West to East, as well as the "Musaeum" which was a place where they collected artifacts all over the world for people to study. Ptolemy was Alexander's General in Egypt, and he is well known for changing Egyptian culture DRASTICALLY. Ex: Apis the Bull God was turned into a man because Greeks didn't want to worship an animal. Cleopatra came from this "New Egypt" later.

Then he just went East and East, until he made it to Pakistan. In Pakistan he stopped being so violent because the Armies he was fighting were not the same. Alexander's army picked up tactics from all the different people they beat, and they usually beat the other armies by using their own tactics against them or trapping them in their own tactics, but once he made it as far Eastward as India, it was just not the same, and he started talking to tribal leaders to get permission to cross peacefully.

Eventually his men made him stop because they had not been home for almost 20 years, then Alexander got sick and died in Babylon. He never finished all his plans, and once he was gone the kingdom fell in to Civil war and all kinds of other problems.

But even though Alexander was gone as his kingdom started to fall, he connected the West and the East forEVER. For example, Buddhist came to the west creating "Greco-Buddhism" and the art of Statue making made its way to Buddhist countries and India, where we still see statues of Gods. Some of us even think that people in India are 'Worshiping Idols" even though their statues are just meant to give them something to focus on here on Earth, but it is not meant to actually be the "Idol God" itself. It is just a statue of the God.

Before statue making came to Buddhist culture, there were no Buddha statues. Buddha was previously represented by an Empty throne, or Foot prints on the ground, or the Dharma wheel.
For some reason when Christians talk about history they go from Semetic/Jewish history right up to Greco-Phoenician history, where they completely drop off and act like the world paused. Then they pick up again at Roman history, with the story of Jesus, but some REALLY interesting stuff happened between that time period.

There was a group known as the Phoenicians, these were the people trading Wine, as well as making the Colors Red and Blue for trade. They made the best Crimson that lasted a long time, and they made the ONLY Blue/Purple, so they pretty much had the market cornered on ancient fashion and art. The Phoenician trade routes were basically the route that Hellenization took to move from Africa to Europe, and there was already a lot of trade between Africa and Europe around 1000 BC. Africa and Europe are not so far apart, and ancient people did not think of them as so massively distinctive as we do. Africa was not even recognized as separate from Asia until around 500 BC, and sometimes the Nile river was considered the dividing point between Africa and Asia.

But the Phoenicians created so much stuff and spread it to all the other people. They were the first ones to create boats that could go deep in to the Sea or Ocean, which allowed them to Rule the Sea until the Republic of Rome took it from them when one of their boats washed up on a Greek shore, allowing the Romans to copy it and make more. They also invented the first non-Colored glass, and the Languages Latin/Greek, and Hebrew, which became pretty much all of the other languages.

A prominent Phoenician Kingdom that became one of the most well known enemies of Rome is Carthage. Carthage was founded in Africa by Queen Dido.

Carthage was an Oligarchy at first (later made a Democracy by Hannibal, then demolished by Rome), where the rich families ruled everything, and they ruled the entire Mediterranean, and even parts of Italy (The Island now known as Sicily used to be African/Carthaginian). From what we can tell, the Phoenicians were very much like Jewish/Christian people, in that they believed the world ran on Fate/Gods Will. So when Rome took the Sea from them, they were not willing to fight to keep it.

But even though the Carthaginian leadership was not willing to fight for the Sea, there was one Soldier who was a member of a wealthy family, his name was Hamiclar Barca, and he was specifically from the Punic Ethnic group of Carthage who spoke Semitic (Hebrew type) languages. The Punics had a government separate from Carthage, and they ran it as a land owning Aristocracy. So Hamiclar decided to take fate in to his own hands, and he hired a bunch of Mercenaries to keep the battle going. He held a mountain close to the Sea, and this is where he raised his son. This was in Sicily, and Hamiclar led a series of guerrilla wars against the Romans there, this was known as the First Punic war. The leadership in Carthage promised more than they could pay, and a war started against the Mercinaries

When Hannibal was very young, he ask if he could go overseas to war, so Hamiclar took him in to a chamber with a raging fire meant for Sacrifices, and he held Hannibal over the flames and made him swear he would never be a friend of Rome. When he swore, he got to live.

At the end of the War, Hamiclar signed a treaty with Rome, drawing borders in modern Spain, the "Hispania". Hamiclar then started spreading Carthaginian influence in to Spain, establishing some towns. When Hannibal was about 20.

Hannibal's brother in Law, Hasdrubal, took over the operations in Spain and Hannibal continued under him. Then Hasdrubal was killed and the army chose Hannibal to be Commander in Chief, and Mercenaries from all around came to join him because they had heard of his father. He started going around Spain getting all the tribes to pay taxes and offer men as soldiers, and according to a treaty with Rome he was not allowed to cross the Ebro river, which he did not. Eventually he came to an established town known as "Seguntum" which was a an ally of Rome, but since they were on the Carthage side of the river, Hannibal attacked.

Rome didn't like this, so they went to the Carthaginian leaders in Africa, and they asked them to hand over Hannibal as a prisoner. They said no. Then the Roman diplomat said "Then do you want war?" paraphrased, and the Carthaginian leaders left for a moment to gather and talk, then when they came back they said "You pick".

So the Romans prepared for war, thinking they had a few seasons, and since the Carthaginians didn't have the Sea they expected that there would be a battle to get the Sea back, and not a giant land force first thing.

So Hannibal went across Europe recruiting Celtic/Spanish tribes, then he made his way to the Alps. He brought a giant troop of elephants, but during their 3 weeks in the alps, most of the elephants died and according to the Roman historians only 1 was left when he got there (by some accounts, none were left, but he had one in the battles). The alps also took out 1/3 of their men, and in a swamp Hannibal's eye was infected by a mosquito, which caused him to go blind in that eye.

Most armies would have deserted, but Hannibal took no luxuries for himself. When his men slept on the floor, he slept on the floor. When they were not eating, he was not eating. When he got paid, they got paid. So they stayed with him. When he got to Italy, the Romans were surprised and Hannibal got a quick victory, and all the Celtic tribes started sending their sons to him, because they had never heard of anyone who could defeat the Roman forces.

The Romans actually thought that they were going to have fun, and they treated the beginning of the war kind of like a sport, where they would take turns going out to fight the Barbarian. But soon they realized that Hannibal was not a barbarian, and that he was killing most of them. Hannibal announced his arrival by going through Roman cities and burning fields, then telling the people "Rome can not help you". Flavius was the leader of Rome at the time, and everyone got angry because he was not able to beat Hannibal, but this was mainly because no one was listening to him. He was the only one that was not trying to fight Hannibal, but instead starve his army away. But he could not do it with the other Romans playing their sport.

The first major victory was at a river. According to the Roman records the reason they lost was because they did not eat breakfast (lol), but that is just an excuse. What happened was the Romans had a camp that had 2 leaders, the 2 leaders were kind of arguing, so they were taking turns being in charge. And every day they changed who was in charge, they actually changed the entire way the camp worked. So Hannibal picked the leader who was more frantic, and drew him out of the camp. Then had him cross a river, and killed his people as they made it to the other side.

Then in the next Major Victory, Hannibal completely tricked the Roman army and killed tons of them again. They set up a camp and did not make any fires, so the Romans would not know where they were. Then they got a herd of Cows and tied torches to their horns, and sent them ahead. This made the Romans think that the army was closer than it was, so they ran to the cows and tired themselves out. Then Hannibal attacked from the front, while his brother attacked from behind.

The most famous battle was the battle of Cannae. Before the Battle, Hannibal was standing with his army of about 50,000 men, who were not well trained, and were not well armored compared to the Romans, who had 90,000 men. One of Hannibal's officers, named Gisgo, came to him and said (paraphrased) :
"They have so many men, we will surely lose today"

And Hannibal replied:
"One thing has escaped your notice. In all their vast numbers, there is not one of them named Gisgo".

That day Hannibal's 50,000 men killed 70,000 men, and sent the other 20,000 men running. The way the Carthaginians counted their kills was by collecting the rings of high ranking leaders, then they would just multiply the number of rings by the number of men Romans put under a man who wore a ring like that.

After this Rome kind of shut down. The city of Rome itself was locked down, and people were burying other people alive to try to make the Gods happy. According to historians, pretty much every single person in the Roman empire lost a family member in that battle. The Roman government literally banned the word "Peace" during this time.

At this time the Romans stopped thinking it was a game, and they listened to Flavius. Hannibal ruled Italy for 15 years while they figured everything out, but eventually the Romans started "sanctioning" Hannibal. This is now known as the "Flavious strategy" a more simple example is burning your fields as you run, so the enemy can not eat from your farms.

Rome was not exactly sure how to handle Hannibal, but then there was a young Roman named "Scipio Africanus" who everyone would tell "If you battle Hannibal, you will end up in the ground like your father" since his father had been killed in Spain. But Scipio asked the leaders "Why do you fight Hannibal and not Carthage" the leaders said "Cathage is across the Sea, Hannibal is a weeks march from Rome" and Scipio replied "What is Hannibal without Carthage". So they sent Scipio to Carthage, and he used tactics like Trumpets to scare the elephants. Hannibal came back to fight him, and Scipio won. After Tome took Carthage they burned it for weeks, to make sure it would never come back. They crucified a bunch of people, and put everyone else who lived there in to Roman slavery.

Hannibal was exiled, and helped the Macedonians. Then eventually he committed suicide and in his suicide not he wrote "Now you can all rest, knowing this old man is dead".
Age has been something that people have recognized as a distinctive thing pretty much throughout history. The way we wait until kids are 16 to drive, 18 to let them buy cigarettes or vote, and 21 to drink, most cultures have had some form of Age system.

In Ancient Egypt this idea was seen in the Scarab beetle, but since they had temples that were associated with planets, farming, the Nile etc. they gave their kids more direction than "You can drive now, you can smoke and vote now, you can drink now". They actually looked for indicators that showed the kid was going a certain direction, then they would fuel them.

The Scarab beetle shows us this idea in a strange way. First it starts as an egg inside a ball of shit. Then it hatches and turns in to a larva. Then that larva becomes a beetle. This symbol was also seen in some cultures via the Butterfly.

The Age systems used to work by religion instead of by Nation, and the Pythagorean system in Greece was similar to the Hindu system found in the Vedas. They have 4 stages of life, the first being from 0-24, The next goes until age 48, and the next goes to 72, then the next goes to death. In India these "stages" are known as Ashram.

Another system in Greece was Hippocratic, which identified 7 stages. This can also be found in Hindu religion. They had 1 system that was meant to tell you your overall place in society, while another was meant to tell you what you were supposed to be doing. Kind of like a School Curriculum for life, ex: Learn the Alphabet, Math, etc is ages 3-12.

They recognized that aging came with development and even in ancient Greece they had age limits for holding office and things like that.

Age created a Class System. Since they had true Democracy in parts of Greece, every single person who was eligible voted for everything. If they wanted to build a new temple, you got a vote. If they wanted to go to war, you got a vote. So being part of the Polis aka Voting body was actually a lot more meaningful than it is now. In America and similar places, we have a "Democratic Republic" and Republics are defined by Plato. Republics are meant to be ruled by "Philosopher Kings" or something similar, and what we do is we have a Democracy where we elect our Philosopher Kings. Then we switch them out every few years.
Democracy is not meant to be any harder than forming a Tribe, and Democracy is not just meant for Governments. There is supposed to be Democracy inside Religious bodies as well as within Political parties themselves.

The voting body or city was known as the "Polis", and the Center of the Polis was the Agora. In some places the Agora had elaborate temple structures in order to maintain different functions that the groups did there, but when they first started they were usually as simple as an area marked by Stones as a border. The People would gather at the Agora and cast their votes.

As the Agora was used more and more, and functions were decided, structures would be built along the edges of the Agora, but the center was usually left as a wide open space for people to gather. the buildings they usually built were Court Houses and Town Halls and stuff. Extended Porticoes were sometimes used so that functionality of the space was not lost in bad weather. Sometimes Porticoes were built pretty much as their own structures, with a line of rooms at the back, which could be used as offices. Statues dedicated to different groups would be kept at these places, so that they could all gather in their individual groups or together.

The Polis itself was a larger reflection of the Agora. It would start off as a region of land which a group of people claimed as their own, with Borders such as rivers, mountains, etc. and slowly through the democratic process, groups were formed and projects were started, until farms were growing and cities were booming.

Leagues and Hegemonies operated like the modern United States or EU, or United Nations, in order to get things done between different nations and work together in times of war.

Eventually the Polis itself became Warlike and only eligible military members could vote, this eventually evolved into what is known as the Police, Policia, or the Polis. During Hellenistic times the Polis became a battle between Rich Oligarchs, and poor but armed citizens.

Today we can see most of the Polis and Agoras purpose being utilized in Universities, but not in too many other places.
Archive keeping is an important part of Government and Democracy. If people do not have information from past generations, then they can not make decisions for the future, at least not without running in to problems that would have been avoided if they had information about previous generations.

In Ancient Greece the most well kept archives were Law, lists of Public Representatives and the Winners of Sporting events. This is not much different from now, except now there is also the occasional story about someone who saves some animals, or starts a homeless shelter, or has an event, etc. But just like today, other records were kept by more specialized groups. For example, Temples were often a place where you could find archives, since the priests and worshipers would deposit anything important there. It would kind of be like if a church started a library, and asked all their members to donate any books they could that were written about Bible history or written by Historical Priests. Over like 100 years, that Church might actually have a pretty cool collection of stuff, even to non-Christians, it would be kind of like a Musaeum/Library of History.

I personally think that more "Temples" should be made, and more Archives should be kept. Even if it just happens in people's houses, there should be people collecting things like: Books written by people in their town, Books written by people in their family, Books written by Historical Figures, Books written in certain time periods, etc.

Most Theater, both Plays and Movies, are based on Greek and Roman Plays. Almost every Combination of Good guy and bad guy in almost any environment was already written about in ancient Greece, a lot of people just change the characters and settings to fit modern or even future events, and then make modern movies. For example. the Movie "Prometheus" is just Greek storytelling in Space. Even when it is not on purpose, most movies copy the story-line of existing Greek dynamics. So for an example, I think it would be cool if people who liked movies collected the plays that started the movies they liked, then found other movies based on those plays and put them all together. How awesome would it be to see the progression of a story all the way from ancient Greek telling to modern Movie "Magic".

Another cool example would be for someone who is interested in the modern Military of America, they could collect books written by people in service, then they could go through all the tactics that were used and the stuff that the people went through, and see if they can find other generals through history who used similar tactics, or Books by people who were under generals who used similar tactics, and then if there is ever a military mind that sees that collection in the future, it could effect the way he does things. Since he may learn something about the humanity behind all the tactics.

I am pretty sure you could also start with the books written by the last few modern American presidents, then after reading their books branch off into other areas that you notice while reading their books, and then keep copies of Obama's executive orders and any things the next few presidents do, and eventually you would have an archive that could definitely be useful to voters.
Intro to: War on Christmas Tactics

Everyone should read the book "Latin For Lawyers" or just buy it. The back of the book contains like 1500 Legal Maxims.

If you want to read about what the Bill of Rights (1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment, etc) does, and the Court Cases that back up what it says, read this.

Guerrilla Warfare/Theater/Art is a form of irregular Warfare/Theater/Art and refers to situations in which a small group of civilians use Tactics such as the Element of Surprise and extraordinary mobility to win small victories over a larger more traditional group. The Term means "Little War" in Spanish.

Guerrilla war is different than traditional war in that it is not about killing people, it is about chipping away at The "Political Animal" that Aristotle defined. The goal is to reveal things to the people you are fighting and the people they are oppressing, not to hurt people. In this case, the goal is to reveal that Christmas is a Holiday of Mushrooms and Psychoactive Plants. They already know this because they drink Coco and Coffee and go look at the Christmas lights, but this year we just have to show them that they are supposed to take MUSHROOMS when they look at the lights. And Santa hats represent this, the Santa hat is the Phrygian cap.

War Slogans:
Red, Green and White. They put our Colors in lights.
Smoke a J for Holi-day
When Christmas Booms, Eat Some Shrooms
(you can make more if you want)

If you see someone wearing a Santa hat this Christmas, ask them if they do Mushrooms or DMT. EVERY year, if you see someone you have never met wearing a Santa hat, ask them if they do Mushrooms. If you see someone with long hair or a beard smokers feel ok asking "Do you smoke?", so if someone is wearing a Santa hat, it is ok to ask them if they do Mushrooms. Once this has been happening for a few years, then eventually ONLY people that do mushrooms will put on Santa hats.

If a stranger gets mad at you for asking them if they do mushrooms, tell them that they don't understand the true meaning of Christmas. And ask them what they think presents growing under a pine tree is meant to represent besides mushrooms. Don't get angry with them, just open up the point, because they have probably never thought about it.

If someone tries to tell you Christmas is about Jesus, ask them what verse talks about Jesus carrying the Pine tree into his house, and in which verse a fat man comes down his chimney. Then explain that Christmas is a holiday that people celebrated before Christians conquered them, and the only reason it exists is because the Historical Empires have always decided that letting the Rural people celebrate this Mushroom holiday was the best way to keep people from rioting.

This is just to help you find other people who celebrate the real Mithras/Christmas, if you just want to get some Mushrooms and take them with people you know who already enjoy mushrooms and are willing to celebrate Mithras with you, then do that. I plan on making this bigger and bigger every year though until we can start getting statues built and stuff.

If you would like to be involved but are worried about doing any of this, get a Santa hat and throw it on top of a Flag Pole, or put it on a Fence Post or something. Then take pictures of Christmas lights in your area and add tags and descriptions about how people are putting up lights for Mushrooms season.

If setting up a public Demonstration to Broadcast to the city you live in that Christmas is not the only Holiday being celebrated, you will need a few Placard Carriers, which will allow the main members of the demonstration to communicate with each other and the crowd about what is happening and what is supposed to be happening, and Shouters of Slogans so that people can feel a part of it if they have done what is in the Slogan.

If anyone is worried about Mushrooms being illegal for recreational/medical use, American court cases protect your right to take religious sacraments. But if you are still worried, there are TONS of replacements described in this thread so far, so if you just go back and read you will find tons of other things you can do to celebrate this season right.

When using Guerrilla tactics it is much easier to engage in training, because you only need someone to read something or talk face to face, instead of having elaborate training and recruiting facilities where one or two people come in at a time per facility, Guerrilla tactics allow for entire autonomous regions to be "recruited" all at once, for the sake of their own freedom.

We are not "Grinching" Christmas, we are FIXING it.

If you have ever seen something weird like a stop sign that says "Stop War" or a pair of shoes hanging on a telephone wire, you know that these are things that become "Landmarks" in people's minds. So if people start seeing Santa hats on poles, and different usage of the "Christmas" symbols, these will become land marks not only in their minds, but in their tradition. I remember in my neighborhood there was a person that made the lights on their fence spell "Jesus". If people started putting their lights in the shape of Mushrooms and stuff like that, it would quickly become something people were talking about and remembering.

If you want to be part of the Holiday, but would rather have a political role than a religious role, you do not have to be part of the ministry to be part of the church.

Here is how to start a political organization, all you have to do is print out 2 pages, fill them out and send them in:

This year we will be starting a few different programs on Social Media, then this thread you are reading now will be released as a book around Easter.

Once we start the actual Temple/Church building, we will start more National programs that are not based on Social Media, but will have social media presence. This is just the beginning.

Year 1 Prerogatives:

Santa Hats should be put on top of poles. If possible, do things like duct tape rocks or something to the rim to keep it weighted so that snow or wind does not knock it down and so it will be easier to throw up in the first place. And get a Santa hat or a Fez that you can keep as a funny hat year round, but you can wear it when you go to vote and stuff. If you go to court wearing a Fez, the judge will automatically assume you are a member of a group that they have heard of.

Find a Stop sign and Some Car Window Paint. And write "War" on the bottom of the stop sign.

Take a picture of a Christmas tree, and post it online with the Caption "Merry Mithras".

Put the emblem of a Mushroom in your window or car, with paper and tape or washable paint or something permanent.

Tweet funny things @OreillyFactor

Do something Sacramental before looking at Christmas lights.

Join our Ministry by reading through the book/thread. Or start your own ministry. Or start a Political Organization.

Give someone a natural Psychoactive herb as a Christmas gift (there are ones for working out, depression, recreation, meditation, focus, and all kinds of stuff).
I have talked to people about the idea of Towns, and it seems like a lot of people think it is some sort of magic Craft to start a town. So here are some classifications and Political possibilities that most people don't usually think about.

Tribe: Tribes are the societies that exist outside of states. The State is equal to the Greek Polis, with its own sovereignty, and ability to join other states in a Union, League, etc. The people come together at the Agora (Capitol Hill in America) to make decisions, this is the state. Tribes are much more loosely governed. Tribes can be a collection of families, or a collection of religious groups, etc. and usually have some form of leader, either chosen based on the Tribes specialty (the best Hunter, or the best Warrior, or the Best Artisan, or the Oldest, etc).

A Club is a collection of 2 or more people that have come together for some common purpose. A Community is similar, except that is is a looser organization, and usually they just have the same values, not necessarily the same or even similar goals.

A Gang is any group of friends or a family unit that has a leader. For example, if there is a military family who all look up to 1 Grandpa figure who first joined the Military and started a tradition, that is a form of Gang. It is not an Organized Crime Gang, but it is a form of Gang.

Townships are the most basic form of Town. In America there are 2 forms of Townships, a Survey Township and a Civil Township. A Survey Township is just a unit of land that has been measured properly by a Surveyor, a Civil township operates like a County, in some states they are treated like a regular "Incorporation" type town. Civil Townships exist in 20 of the 50 states.

The overall name for Towns, Townships, Villages, Cities, Counties, etc is Municipal Corporation. To establish a town, you need a Town Charter. A Town Charter would be created by/in a State or County Legislature, and the people of that County would Vote for the new Town to be formed. A Town could also Vote to Split.

Villages are smaller than towns, and are not necessarily Incorporated. Depending on the State, a Village can just be a town that has formed with its own Government Body, but a smaller population than a town.

A Town is incorporated and follows State laws to form.

City is really just a big town in most places.

Counties are Administrative divisions designated by a state.

Common Law is how we get Laws from Court cases. 2 Modern Examples are:
1. The Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare
2. The Hobby Lobby Supreme Court Case

When the United State Supreme Court makes a ruling, it becomes "The Law of the Land" for all of the United States. This is common law. The reason it exists is this, for example: If you bring a Wolf to town, and no one has ever had a Wolf as a pet there, people might freak out. So the Police might get called, and they might give you a ticket, which establishes a Court Date. Then you have to go to Court, and argue your case, and whatever the Judge decides is the new Law for Wolf owners in your town. Maybe they say you have to give it a muzzle, maybe they say you can't own it without a license, maybe they say you can't own it at all etc.

Common Law works on all levels. US Supreme Court makes rules for the Country, State Supreme Courts make rules for the State, a County Judge makes rules for the County, and a City Judge makes rules for the Town.

A Common Heritage of Mankind is something that no one can really own, but everyone can use. Examples are the Ocean and Space.

An Embassy or a Diplomatic Mission is a group of people from one state/country, who own land in another state/country, and work to establish treaties and accomplish goals in that country/state. Once the Diplomatic mission establishes permanency it becomes an Embassy and the head of the Embassy is considered the Ambassador. Embassy can also just refer to the building or office that the Diplomatic mission is operating from.
For Democratic Non-Violent Protests, there are some Organizational tactics that can be used. If Clubs, Tribes are established, it makes it much easier to protest, this is why Unions are more successful when striking than regular employees are.

Here are the Supreme Court Rulings that are the "Law of the Land" and defend our Rights, such as the Right to Gather, and the Right to Free Speech.

Public Sit ins

Police May not Plot Against a Protest

The Local, State or Federal Government should not put "Breach of the Peace Statutes" in place, because they are more likely to incite violence than not

Police Breaking apart a Peaceful Crowd is Illegal

Most protests don't have any previous organizational structure, so the best way to establish it for the first time is to get people to line up in rows, then give each row of people a flyer to explain what their overall goals should be as a group, This way people can choose to do different things, but be following a main plan within the group that they talk to throughout the protest. Do not try to get people to line up constantly, this is only to create the foundational structure to accomplish a goal other than being loud, not a way to create a regimented force of soldiers. When passing out any other objects or flyers, they should be something that encompasses all the established groups.

The reason you want to make groups is to create more diverse functionality and thought. This does not need to be a division within the whole group, only within the core people that are there first. For example, if there are a group of people with Walkie Talkies in your protest, you would want to make this division within that group of people, so that you could all coordinate different plans. Examples of divisions of labor would be Making/Passing out Protest signs, Giving People Rides or Collecting Emails/Phone Numbers, Setting up a space where people can get water and maybe food, Making videos of specific protesters or groups and getting their names, Keeping an eye on the crowd to make sure no one is bringing like Molotov Cocktails in to start a riot, etc.

If you have groups you can do various things instead of just trying to be some random "Administrative Entity" over the protest. Goals should be to go to Libraries, Universities or Local/National News Broadcasting stations and holding "Sit Ins" or at least "Stand Outsides". These places are places that will get more people to come and join, as well as being more likely to be News worthy.

If you do NOT want to be in the News, use Profanity a lot, put a Cuss word in your Groups name (Ex: You can call yourself the Fuckers and it won't be in the news) and if you want to stay off of Live Broadcasting, write the word "f***" on your forehead.

At least one person should try to get Emails or Phone numbers from protesters, the people there are obviously interested in learning more.

Any goal that you want to accomplish politically should be something you care passionately enough about to make a Pamphlet or a Brochure type thing, at least made up of a 2 pages and folded together to make a pamphlet. Not a lot of people understand that they can start political organizations (look up "How to start a PAC" if you want to make one) or how to run for office in local campaigns. So having information about how to do these things can be extremely helpful.

Protests are not going to accomplish much more than getting the word out, and eventually you have to tap in to Democracy and protest by getting new people in Office as Judges, Sheriffs and Mayors. TONS OF CITIES have District Attorney's that run unopposed. People only think to Vote for Mayor and Sheriff and stuff, they don't think of running themselves, and they definitely don't worry about who the District Attorney is. But that is such an important position as far as deciding who goes to jail in town.
This is not a "rail" against Thanksgiving, this is just some History.

Thanksgiving has 2 origins. The Thanksgiving in America that we all think of, didn't actually exist until around the time of Abraham Lincoln. The Holiday is based on a Letter that someone found from the time of the Pilgrims, and in the letter it described a feast. So the feast became the model for the American Holiday. Here is what the letter said:

The Pilgrims were all being assholes, firing their guns so they could be loud and scare the Indians, then the Indians came and outnumbered the Pilgrims, so the Pilgrims started feeding them. Then the Indians sent some people back to their camp to bring more Indians and Deer and Squash. Turkey was not actually eaten that day.

The Turkey comes from the Older Tradition. The Tradition of Turkey comes from the Crusades, Queen Isabella and the Pope declared a day of Thanksgiving for all European Christians when the last Muslim Stronghold fell in Grenada. And the Turkey is eaten to represent the defeat of the Turks.
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Muslims took control of Spain and France for over 700 years, this is not often mentioned, but at the end of that 700 years the Christians started the Crusades. November 25, 1491, Santiago defeated the last Moorish stronghold in Grenada. King Ferdinand was married to Queen Isabella, Isabella is the same queen who paid for Christopher Columbus to come to America. The Pope of Rome and Queen Isabella were successful in taken back Europe after it was Muslim/Moorish for over 700 years. On Thanksgiving, the Pope and Queen Isabella sent Cardinal Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros to Baghdad Turkey to kill any Muslims who would not convert to Christianity.
The Importance of Closing Your Eyes

I am sure most people have had the thought or question "Why do we have to sleep?", I don't have the answer, but here are some things that happen when you close your eyes.

Dreaming: We have all probably had at least a few dreams in our lives, some people even equate dreaming with "Good Sleep" which I don't think is a proven case. But when you close your eyes at night, your Pineal gland releases Melatonin, and Melatonin is what gets you tired, and puts you to sleep. Melatonin is extremely similar to Serotonin, and you can get it at various Grocery and Drug stores. 5-HTP is very similar to Serotonin and has been shown to promote dreaming in some people. AcetylCholine has been shown to regulate dreaming, and taking it has also been shown to promote dreams.

Meditation: When people meditate, the goal is similar to sleeping. You close your eyes and your Pineal gland will release Melatonin. This non-sleeping Melatonin full state is known as "Meditation".

Closed Eye Visuals: If you have ever heard anyone talk about an experience with something like Mushrooms or LSD or anything like that, they may have talked about Fairies and Gnomes and all kinds of weird things. This is probably not true. If you want to see anything "Different" than what is actually there, you will have to close your eyes. Mushrooms will make edges wiggle, and colors meld and shift in and out of each other, it will make Fire Amazing and Lights have Halos, and the Stars might move or connect the dots for you. But usually if you want to see anything different, you have to close your eyes.
I will be trying an Oilahuasca mix sometime this coming week. Below is the video explaining what the Oilahiasca mix is and should do according to all the people who have written about trying it (there is a forum online, and a thread on a few other forums). But I will try it some time this next week, and I will make a video showing the experience.

You are so smart, brother, you should trim your beard, get a haircut, and become a doctor.

Sure, you might have to go to college for many years, but you have the capicity to retain knowledge.

You have the mental falculties and cognitive ability to become a doctor.

Plus, if your a doctor, you will probably be making over $100k a year, which is more than enough money.

And, you will be helping people.

You can still have your ministry, but your intelligence will be put to better use.

This is just My opinion, and I hope you consider My words.
