

Well-Known Member
The PS3 comment was a joke folks, I own all three consoles and certainly dont regret buying the XBOX.

Back on topic...

In Kentucky 3 houses down from my friend an older guy in his 60's got wind he was going to rob by two individuals. He waited up at night and when the intruder entered through the window he shot and killed one of them as they were climbing in. (shotgun) The older man went to jail and is likely still there.

In another state I was locked up and met a man who was defending his property. Two individuals entered his property with handguns and were stealing tools out of his work truck. After being shot at he went inside an retrived his army issued automatic weapon and killed one and wounded the other. He just finished serving a year in jail and has to complete anger management courses.


Just some idiot
That's the system, don't you love it. Aren't you supposed to be angry after being held at gunpoint? I had to take anger management, it was great I learned that lots of dudes hate their wives and girlfriends....and feel the need to hit them. I on the other hand spit on LEO after a 3 on one, the dudes in my class loved me...never spit on anyone even if you have handcuffs on and are getting roughed up it shows poor anger management skills, and a lack of respect. However beating on 125 lb. guy in handcuffs is fine, it's even better if there are 3 of you to beat on him.


Well-Known Member
That's the system, don't you love it. Aren't you supposed to be angry after being held at gunpoint? I had to take anger management, it was great I learned that lots of dudes hate their wives and girlfriends....and feel the need to hit them. I on the other hand spit on LEO after a 3 on one, the dudes in my class loved me...never spit on anyone even if you have handcuffs on and are getting roughed up it shows poor anger management skills, and a lack of respect. However beating on 125 lb. guy in handcuffs is fine, it's even better if there are 3 of you to beat on him.
That sucks. I'm writing a paper on police brutality for school right now.
What did they arrest you for?
But damn, you're only 125?!


Just some idiot
135 lbs now. Public Drunkeness was the original charge, the arresting officer decided to face mash me with the hood of his car while searching me. I made the mistake of sitting down and waiting for more police to show...thinking it would be to my benefit...mistake as soon as they showed up they were all over me. In my drunk mind I thought that maybe since the one guy was being extremely rough and nasty that I would fair better with more officers around to keep thing under control...WRONG. Never spit of fight back ever, not cause it's wrong but guess who harrassed me and arrested me one more time...you guessed it same guy, this time though I remained calm and the charge was thrown out. I think the judge knew that I wasn't really all that wasted and I was walking home quietly. Good luck with your paper, did you know that Cops have the highest alcoholic and domestic violence rates out of any profession? Power corrupts my friend...even me or you.

I have also quit drinking since then, I'm not saying I wasn't drunk just that I didn't meet the Public Drunkeness charges, no one called to report me acting strange and I was walking fine.I was not a danger to myself or others and I was walking thrre blocks home. I just lived in one of those Boros with 10 bars in a square mile...they have nothing better to do. But it's hard to not react when pushed you know...hence anger management...I learned that when you are getting arrested whatever happens is going to happen don't think you have a right to defend yourself....it only makes things worse.


Smoky McPot
The PS3 comment was a joke folks, I own all three consoles and certainly dont regret buying the XBOX.

Back on topic...
I have both also and don't regret XBOX but neither one is better than the other. Sony and Microsoft went in two diff directions with their systems. One decided that the gamer should have the fastest gameplay as possible even if it takes away from the graphics (XBOX), and the other decided to make the system with the best graphics possible but had to cut back on the speed of the system. And Nintendo decided to use graphics that date back to the 80s bc they thought their new motion-controlled system would trump everything else. It didn't.


Well-Known Member
Alaska is the biggest, sry. LOL.. stoner moment. but seriously, just because it's legal in Texas doesn't mean it is everywhere. LOL.

There sure are allot of texans up here though. There was a guy up here that shot someone in the back and got off. There were allot of people crying about it but the fact is that he was there illegally and with bad intentions. The guy that did the shooting said just what I would have. He said that when he pulled the gun the dude turned to run and the gun went off before he could think. I would have a tough time explaining the other 20 or so shots. I believe that if someone enters your home illegally they are either there to do you harm or rid you of your belongings. In both cases I say shoot to kill. Why would you want to wound someone? I hear people arguing about the size of house protection all the time. I say bigger the better. Like maybe a howitzer. I personally have an s&w 500 for the things that go bump in the night. The wife backs me up with a ruger 45 with an extended magazine,tactical light and laser dot. If there is time I have an ar-15 within reach. Allot of folks in AK have enough arms to fight off almost any number of foes. I am one of the nicest,laid back easy going guys you would ever want to meet but do not I repeat DO NOT invade my privacy. If need be I would gladly go to jail to protect my family. I would never second guess eliminating an intruder.:joint::peace::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I have both also and don't regret XBOX but neither one is better than the other. Sony and Microsoft went in two diff directions with their systems. One decided that the gamer should have the fastest gameplay as possible even if it takes away from the graphics (XBOX), and the other decided to make the system with the best graphics possible but had to cut back on the speed of the system. And Nintendo decided to use graphics that date back to the 80s bc they thought their new motion-controlled system would trump everything else. It didn't.

I am super happy with my ps3. Even with the somewhat limited games. I have the wii as well. Barely gets used anymore(gimmick). Wife and her friends still love to bowl though. She even got a video sports injury from it.:mrgreen:
Blu-ray is a very welcome addition to my setup. 60+ inches of 1080p with 7.1 surround is simply breathtaking. Sad that I have not yet been stoned and enjoyed it all. Harvesting soon so that is about to change.:peace::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
wow i woke up this morning and there were no robbing fucker, in my front room.lol
looking back it was quite funny.and scarey.
when i was sat on the burgalar, i rang my wife at work, and said to her , i ve got the bastard im sat on him, she said have you fuck, so i put the phone near him and hit him with my cosh, he said aww dont. then said to my wife do you belive me now,then said to him tell her who you are, he said im matty your husband has just got me in your house,lol


Well-Known Member
I do believe the appropriate punishment is to spend a couple of days with "two girls and a cup".....https://www.rollitup.org/toke-n-talk/33699-2-girls-1-cup.html

wow i woke up this morning and there were no robbing fucker, in my front room.lol
looking back it was quite funny.and scarey.
when i was sat on the burgalar, i rang my wife at work, and said to her , i ve got the bastard im sat on him, she said have you fuck, so i put the phone near him and hit him with my cosh, he said aww dont. then said to my wife do you belive me now,then said to him tell her who you are, he said im matty your husband has just got me in your house,lol


Smoky McPot
Hey crazy-metal, arent those cases for those seeds in your avatar sweet? Just punch the hole through the back and its like a seed dispenser.


Well-Known Member
there green house
5 fem big bang £14
5 fem ajans strawberry haze thc 20.4. £25
ive used these b4 and they seem fine so far. nearly every one ive germed have grown. they seem better than niv. seeds. i find niv. fem. have lots of hermies.


New Member
holy bleep tck!!!
That sucks:confused:
Sorry guys but I am so glad I don't live in amercia
I know we have our own probems here in canada but we have such a different mentality here
gosh $9000 and it woasn't even your fault.:-|
wow thats nuts that sucks... and in america it sucks... I was in a similar situaltion once but two people broke in... bottom line I stabed them both... and I got all my charges droped but it cost me 3 days in jail 9,000 bucks and months in court... so... even in America you cant hurt people for breaKING IN


New Member
So sorry to read about this crazy. This is crazy sh*t and I hope the guy gets some serious help and leaves you well alone.
I've had my house broken into before but it didn't have such a happy ending.:cry:
Its scary!


Well-Known Member
he in armley jail leeds england, google it , it looks lovely place to spend xmas. hahaha
serves the fucker rite.