Well-Known Member
NoDenial stage..........
NoDenial stage..........
If you want to vote get an ID, if not, then don't.
Did you serve odd? Still trying to pin that down? What is the uniform you speak of?
Yes. So we finally can agree that the North Carolina voter ID law is racist and unconstitutional.Yes they did say targeted blacks,...."with surgical precision too",. They did not say everyone.
That's the only time I'm fighting. Unless, of course, ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Taliban, or whoever the current boogieman is actually rings my doorbell.The only time they fought for a uniform was in the laundry room.
what are you talking about? You were in Tank Corps. Here is the evidenceYou`re not good at that then.
I posted that I did not make it past the doctors. (before and recent) Something you know if you try.
The uniform that my brothers , dad, other family and friends plus the troops themselves wear. When people say they fight for the flag and not because of what they wear, it says something bigger than "I fight in the Army because that`s the uniform I wear. Also you salute uniforms too. Stars and bars.
Not bad for a guy that didn`t serve. The people I know are just fine with what they did. The only time they fought for a uniform was in the laundry room.
What's with the negative vibarations Moriarty?what are you talking about? You were in Tank Corps. Here is the evidence
Yes. So we finally can agree that the North Carolina voter ID law is racist and unconstitutional.
That's the only time I'm fighting. Unless, of course, ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Taliban, or whoever the current boogieman is actually rings my doorbell.
what are you talking about? You were in Tank Corps. Here is the evidence
Where does it say in the court ruling anything about "black people are not being able"? That's your interpretation. And it's bullshit.No, We agree that the court ruling is more than fair. However the reason given, (surgically targets Blacks) is accusing Blacks of not being able. If anything, the courts racist for claiming Blacks are not capable.
Where does it say in the court ruling anything about "black people are not being able"? That's your interpretation. And it's bullshit.
What was important to the court was that people who have the right to vote should be able to vote. Also that there should be no artificial and "surgically targeted" barrier to stop stop people from voting.
Who was targeted: poor, elderly, and African American votersClear it up for me then,....Who was surgically targeted and Why was that claim made ?
Who was targeted: poor, elderly, and African American voters
Why was that claim made: The court found that "the North Carolina General Assembly enacted the challenged provisions of the law with discriminatory intent."
The court said that in crafting the law, the Republican-controlled general assembly requested and received data on voters’ use of various voting practices by race. It found that African American voters in North Carolina are more likely to vote early, use same-day voter registration and straight-ticket voting. They were also disproportionately less likely to have an ID, more likely to cast a provisional ballot and take advantage of pre-registration.
"...lawmakers restricted all of these voting options, and further narrowed the list of acceptable voter IDs. “… With race data in hand, the legislature amended the bill to exclude many of the alternative photo IDs used by African Americans. As amended, the bill retained only the kinds of IDs that white North Carolinians were more likely to possess.”
the General Assembly passed a slate of changes, including the photo-ID requirement. Both sides effectively agreed that these changes disproportionately affected poor, elderly, and African American voters, who were less likely to hold the required forms of photo ID, more likely to move frequently, and more likely to take advantage of early voting. These voters also vote overwhelmingly Democratic.
Motz wrote. “Although the new provisions target African Americans with almost surgical precision, they constitute inapt remedies for the problems assertedly justifying them and, in fact, impose cures for problems that did not exist.”
For example, the voter-ID law was both “too restrictive and not restrictive enough.” The circuit court found that the law harmed African American participation, but did little to combat fraud, the stated purpose, because fraud was more common in mail-in absentee voting, which was not affected.
It (the legislature) found that African American voters in North Carolina are more likely to vote early, use same-day voter registration and straight-ticket voting. They were also disproportionately less likely to have an ID, more likely to cast a provisional ballot and take advantage of pre-registration.I can clearly see how it would disenfranchise the poor, and the elderly.
How does it disenfranchise the African American voters ? That`s not what is clear yet. New provisions target Blacks,....How ?
What is it about Blacks that is hindered ? The Court found it harmed the Blacks but says not, How it does?
It (the legislature) found that African American voters in North Carolina are more likely to vote early, use same-day voter registration and straight-ticket voting. They were also disproportionately less likely to have an ID, more likely to cast a provisional ballot and take advantage of pre-registration.
Then, the court, said, lawmakers restricted all of these voting options, and further narrowed the list of acceptable voter IDs. “… [W]ith race data in hand, the legislature amended the bill to exclude many of the alternative photo IDs used by African Americans. As amended, the bill retained only the kinds of IDs that white North Carolinians were more likely to possess.”
It doesn't matter what your opinion is. Citizens of the US have a right to vote that cannot be denied them without strong reasons for denying it to them. The State of North Carolina created barriers to people's ability to vote without a good reason. They even avoided changes to the voting law where there are issues with fraud but those changes would have affected white voters.Ruling on grounds of more likely or less likely to a race is not a smart play. Telling the Black folks of North Carolina that they need to catch up with the times is like saying they are slackers.
I don`t believe that for one second. I think even the poorest of Blacks in North Carolina can hold their head up high and be just like you and me at any time in their lives.
It`s the Government trying to avoid paying for voter ID`s at registration time that has more to do with it. There are poor/elderly everybody everywhere.
What ID does the white voter have more of than the Black voter ?
You have cleared up much of what`s not clear to me.
It doesn't matter what your opinion is. Citizens of the US have a right to vote that cannot be denied them without strong reasons for denying it to them. The State of North Carolina created barriers to people's ability to vote without a good reason. They even avoided changes to the voting law where there are issues with fraud but those changes would have affected white voters.
You ask about the kinds of ID for what reason?