Vote Ron Paul 2012

So if we get a candidate who gets most of his funding thru al qaida
and he refuses to return the money
We can assume he supports their goals and philosphy?

§ 441e.​ Contributions and donations by foreign nationals 1 (a) Prohibition.​ It shall be unlawful for— (1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make— (A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

[h=2]"When President, then candidate, Obama was asked to disclose some of his donors because there was suspicion of their being the foreign source of money into his campaign, they refused to do it."[/h] Michael Steele on Sunday, October 24th, 2010 in an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press"

[h=1]Michael Steele says Obama's claims hypocritical: that his presidential campaign was asked to disclose donors and refused[/h]
§ 441e.​ Contributions and donations by foreign nationals 1 (a) Prohibition.​ It shall be unlawful for— (1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make— (A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

"When President, then candidate, Obama was asked to disclose some of his donors because there was suspicion of their being the foreign source of money into his campaign, they refused to do it."

Michael Steele on Sunday, October 24th, 2010 in an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press"

Michael Steele says Obama's claims hypocritical: that his presidential campaign was asked to disclose donors and refused

WHo says the money has to come from overseas?
Which reminds me
Where has David Duke spent the majority of his life in the last 2 decades?
Here or overseas?
You left out the part about
"Not their money"

Money is speech and everyone is entitled to it, why should someone or some group be denied the right to donate?
Wouldn't it violate the civil rights act if Ron Paul refused to accept their money?
Money is speech and everyone is entitled to it, why should someone or some group be denied the right to donate?
Wouldn't it violate the civil rights act if Ron Paul refused to accept their money?

No not at all
as an aside

Back in 2004 Michael Moore sent checks to Republican Candidates from made up groups like
Pedophiles for free trade
John wayne gacy fan club
Abortionists for Buchanan

All the checks were cashed

When he called and told them about the groups they accepted money from
They returned the money

Here is the actual newspaper article,3175179
So if we get a candidate who gets most of his funding thru al qaida
and he refuses to return the money
We can assume he supports their goals and philosphy?

WHo says the money has to come from overseas?
Which reminds me
Where has David Duke spent the majority of his life in the last 2 decades?
Here or overseas?

Your arguments are nonsensicle and irrelevent-
An elected official is obligated to uphold the constitution and represent his constituants even if he personally disagrees.
No not at all
as an aside

Back in 2004 Michael Moore sent checks to Republican Candidates from made up groups like
Man/boy Love association
Lesbians for choice
leather clad flaming homos

All the checks were cashed

When he called and told them about the groups they accepted money from
They returned the money

Ron Paul would support their rights to do so,
Michael Moors right to send checks and try to stir up hype and republicans rights to cash the checks and keep the money or return it if they so chose.

And really,
Who gives a shit????
Thank you ...Now say it with me to show your support..Fuck Ron Paul..:lol:

Fuck Obama
Fuck Romney
Fuck Harry Reid
Fuck Ben Bernanke
Fuck Alex Jones
Fuck Hillary Clinton
Fuck Michael Moore
Fuck Bill O'reilly
Fuck Lawrence O'Donnel
Fuck Cheezus Rice
Fuck fake tea partiers
Fuck Fox news, MSNBC, CNN
Fuck FDR
Fuck Maynard Keynes
Fuck the police
Fuck Barney Frank


i bet you his "revolution" does just as shitty in 2012 as it did in 2008, when his "revolution" netted him a massive 40k votes out of over 100 million.

hell, alan keyes came out ahead of rawn pawl last time. so much pawl fail.

as long as we keep it out of the growing/learning threads :hug:

you make me laugh. have fun when Romney wins :fire:

But I must say congratulations if the fed convinced the EU to act on the financial crisis before the election. We all know the "Euro Zone" action will inevitably be reimbursed by the federal reserve . Makes it seem like Obama doesn't have a the Federal Reserve on his side. Even though we know they have been partisan since the election.. even though they say their not

But ill tell you what, I have been banking out on this rally caused by false hope...
So you want to segregate the Ron Paul people from the political discussion? how honorable of you, you are just looking out for us right?

I don't see why you keep victimizing yourself. Really? That's what you're getting out of what I'm saying.

What I'm saying is: The whole Ron Paul thing is a dead horse that some people insist on beating. I don't know if it is for discussion (doubtful) or just to piss UB off (most likely), but that's fine. You don't need to be segregated from the forum, but if all you want to talk about is Ron Paul why not have your own sub section. In the same way that the breeders' subsection is in the advanced mj forum. People who post in the breeders' subsection are free to post in the advanced mj section. They just don't spam the advanced mj section with shit tons of breeding questions. That would get irritating after a while... you see the logical connection now, or are you just going to keep victimizing yourself?
I don't see why you keep victimizing yourself. Really? That's what you're getting out of what I'm saying.

What I'm saying is: The whole Ron Paul thing is a dead horse that some people insist on beating. I don't know if it is for discussion (doubtful) or just to piss UB off (most likely), but that's fine. You don't need to be segregated from the forum, but if all you want to talk about is Ron Paul why not have your own sub section. In the same way that the breeders' subsection is in the advanced mj forum. People who post in the breeders' subsection are free to post in the advanced mj section. They just don't spam the advanced mj section with shit tons of breeding questions. That would get irritating after a while... you see the logical connection now, or are you just going to keep victimizing yourself?
Ron Paul is for everyone
But I must say congratulations if the fed convinced the EU to act on the financial crisis before the election. We all know the "Euro Zone" action will inevitably be reimbursed by the federal reserve . Makes it seem like Obama doesn't have a the Federal Reserve on his side. Even though we know they have been partisan since the election.. even though they say their not

But ill tell you what, I have been banking out on this rally caused by false hope...

Ill go balls-out here and claim the DJI will drop to "12,000" ish by august
I'm a Nader man. Who, by the way, said that if he had to choose between the lesser of two evils than Ron Paul would be his choice (when asked about Obama and the GOP candidate, at the time it was unknown, all that was known was that it was very unlikely it would be Paul).

I'm not going to insult someone for liking Paul.

All I'm going to say is that this relentless spam is doing nothing to help Paul's case. I think a separate sub forum that embraces Paul, hell you could call it "THE RON PAUL FUCKING RULES FORUM!!!111one!!!1," is in order. All it is really doing in the main forum is taking up bandwidth and starting fights. I doubt the Paul spam will stop in 2014, if you want the fights to stay around, don't worry! I'm willing to bet some of the anti Paul people will gladly troll in the Paul forum. Which will cause infinite banter! Which is why a Ron Paul subforum is a win win.
I'm a Nader man. Who, by the way, said that if he had to choose between the lesser of two evils than Ron Paul would be his choice (when asked about Obama and the GOP candidate, at the time it was unknown, all that was known was that it was very unlikely it would be Paul).

I'm not going to insult someone for liking Paul.

All I'm going to say is that this relentless spam is doing nothing to help Paul's case. I think a separate sub forum that embraces Paul, hell you could call it "THE RON PAUL FUCKING RULES FORUM!!!111one!!!1," is in order. All it is really doing in the main forum is taking up bandwidth and starting fights. I doubt the Paul spam will stop in 2014, if you want the fights to stay around, don't worry! I'm willing to bet some of the anti Paul people will gladly troll in the Paul forum. Which will cause infinite banter! Which is why a Ron Paul subforum is a win win.

You heard Nader, vote Paul
I'm glad we can agree.
Plus rep
My state (California) will vote Obama. No stopping that. I'm writing in the candidate whom I believe will be the best possible person for the job: Ralph Nader.