Vote Ron Paul 2012

False fantasies about the fed suddenly forcing all states to legalize MMJ is a false fantasy.

where did i espouse that fantasy? i consistently remind this forum that the only way we have and the only way we will make progress is through voter initiatives. we are too easy of a political target.
where did i espouse that fantasy? i consistently remind this forum that the only way we have and the only way we will make progress is through voter initiatives. we are too easy of a political target.

State voter initiatives that can be crushed by the Fed under the Obama plan of engage and deny?
Well I can only speak for myself
I voted for Obama becuase I am wracked with feelings of white guilt and I am a mudscuttle
at least that is what people like you been saying

I can only speak for myself, just like you, Obama, Ron Paul, and everyone. Guilt by association is not cool, especially when you only apply it to people you disagree with.
Really he refused to disavow racists that support him? Links please.

December 26, 2011, - 5:36 pm

[h=1]Ron Paul Refuses to Disavow Stormfront, Other Anti-Semitic, Racist
Groups Openly Campaigning for Him

By Debbie

If Ron Paul wins the Iowa Caucuses, just over a week from now, it will be a
very definitive sign that Iowans–particularly Republican Iowans–embrace and
endorse Jew-hating bigots (just like when Jesse Jackson won the Michigan
Democratic Primary in 1988). This isn’t about people from the opposite party
crossing over to help elect the worst candidate. Ron Paul wouldn’t get far with
just those. Nope. This is far more worrisome. Ron Paul is getting a big boost
from the neo-Nazi Stormfront site and other openly anti-Semitic, racist groups.
And Ron Paul is neither disavowing nor denouncing those groups and their
Really he refused to disavow racists that support him? Links please.

WASHINGTON -- Presidential hopeful Ron Paul has disavowed white supremacists and their views, but a review of federal campaign filings shows he accepts their money.
Paul's 2012 campaign has received more than $6,000 from people who have identified themselves as white separatists or supremacists, or who are listed on anti-hate group sites such as the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Two prominent donors are leaders in what may be the most ambitious white nationalist political movement in the U.S., American Third Position. One is William Johnson, the group's chairman. Another is Virginia Abernethy, a former Vanderbilt professor who is listed as a director of the party.
Abernethy has given Paul at least $2,451 for this election. Johnson has donated at least $3.349.
Paul, under fire for the racist, homophobic and anti-Semitic passages in the newsletter he used to produce, disavowed the content of the publication in December.
He further told The New York Times that he "wouldn't be happy with" with racists and anti-Semites doing his volunteer work, even as many were. He explained the apparent contradiction to the newspaper, saying, "If they want to endorse me, they're endorsing what I do or say -- it has nothing to do with endorsing what they say."
The Paul campaign declined to comment on why he is accepting donations from people the candidate says he disagrees with. The contributions represent an ongoing Paul tie to right-wing extremism -- one that could be severed simply by sending back the checks.
Unlike other politicians

RoN PAUL Will Not Disavow the RACISTS who support him

Why shouldn't everyone have the right to representation by elected officials?
Would you suggest our elected officials discriminate against those they are elected to represent and decide who's interests they will and will not represent based on their personal beliefs?
Why shouldn't everyone have the right to representation by elected officials?
Would you suggest our elected officials discriminate against those they are elected to represent and decide who's interests they will and will not represent based on their personal beliefs?

So if we get a candidate who gets most of his funding thru al qaida
and he refuses to return the money
We can assume he supports their goals and philosphy?