Volcoms first aerogarden grow


Well-Known Member
Day 1: 8-14-08
Today: 10-16-08
Flower Start: 9-18-08 (Week 4)
Air Temp: 73F
Water Temp: 72F
Nutrients: Fox Farm Grow Big, Big Bloom, & Tiger Bloom
Ph: 6.0

Man they are really crystally and smelling so good. The little nuggets are starting to form into one big nugget it's awesome.



Active Member
Good work Volcom, just read all 20 pages of your Journal today and im mega excited with your results - I can't wait for your next post!

After reading this and a couple of other journals, i now feel the need to try it myself - it seems do-able, AeroGarden seems to be the way to go.

I can only get the AeroGarden Classic in the UK, just reasearching my options before i get started and i may start a journal of my own - woohoo!

All the best,


Well-Known Member
Good work Volcom, just read all 20 pages of your Journal today and im mega excited with your results - I can't wait for your next post!

After reading this and a couple of other journals, i now feel the need to try it myself - it seems do-able, AeroGarden seems to be the way to go.

I can only get the AeroGarden Classic in the UK, just reasearching my options before i get started and i may start a journal of my own - woohoo!

All the best,
Thanx man make sure you give me a link when you start your journal up.


Well-Known Member
beautiful, is that nute burn on the tip of the edges of the leaves
Some is from some sort of defficiency from my ph dropping really low for a few days. And some is light burn I try to keep the lights as close as possible without burning which takes alot of careful watching.


Active Member
Hey volcom!
Nice hedge going there! Your Aerogarden must be filled to the brim with roots. Great to see all the successful aerogarden grows here at rollitup. You might have a potassium (K) deficiency, but you're pretty far along and the plant looks healthy. Great grow man.
