Volcoms first aerogarden grow


Well-Known Member
yeah I caught it last week Thanx to your heads up. My ph dropped really low and prob lockout it out. It hasn't gotten any worse since I fixed the ph


Well-Known Member
God I love looking at your Widows! There so much taller than mine were on that first grow.

Thats what I'm going for on this new grow! QUANTITY! I should be getting my HPS within a week,,, we shall see!:peace:

Always best regards bro.


Well-Known Member
Yes man your plants are lookin fucin great!! :weed: this was another thread that got me really into my AG, good luck on the rest of the grow, i'll be right here watchin and learnin :joint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
God I love looking at your Widows! There so much taller than mine were on that first grow.

Thats what I'm going for on this new grow! QUANTITY! I should be getting my HPS within a week,,, we shall see!:peace:

Always best regards bro.
If only you didn't have them damn power skunks and having to harvest early. Your grow was actually what pushed me fully into doing it so you deserve some credit for this grow.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";1503744]Yes man your plants are lookin fucin great!! :weed: this was another thread that got me really into my AG, good luck on the rest of the grow, i'll be right here watchin and learnin :joint::bigjoint:[/QUOTE]

your doing exactly like I did read alot of threads on similar setups it really does minimize your errors. I can't wait to see your grow get of the ground.


Well-Known Member
You are the man. I just got my Pro200 yesterday as I was inspired by yours and others abilities to use this thing to grow stuff. I am awaiting seeds from Nirvana so I'm looking for all the info I can get here. Here's my question.

While thumbing thru the Aerogarden Master Gardner Kit last night, it said I need to IRON the labels onto the seed pods. I didn't see this in any of the posts I've been reading on here the past 5-6 days.

Is that the way you seal the pods?

Thanks a bunch.


Well-Known Member
You are the man. I just got my Pro200 yesterday as I was inspired by yours and others abilities to use this thing to grow stuff. I am awaiting seeds from Nirvana so I'm looking for all the info I can get here. Here's my question.

While thumbing thru the Aerogarden Master Gardner Kit last night, it said I need to IRON the labels onto the seed pods. I didn't see this in any of the posts I've been reading on here the past 5-6 days.

Is that the way you seal the pods?

Thanks a bunch.
You need to iron it if you want custom covers. I just took the other kit mine came with herbs and popped the seeds that were in there out and replaced with one of mine.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Vol! - I can only hope my 1st grow goes 1/2 as good as yours. I've used a few closets in my time but this is my first AG project. I just wanna grow my own. Bettert prices and quality and all that. The Pro 200 comes with the Master Gardner and the Herb kit. I haven't used either one yet. Waiting for some cool beans b-4 I give it a shot. Do you buy a new kit for each grow?

Thanks for taking the time to answer. I really appreciate the quick reply.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Vol! - I can only hope my 1st grow goes 1/2 as good as yours. I've used a few closets in my time but this is my first AG project. I just wanna grow my own. Bettert prices and quality and all that. The Pro 200 comes with the Master Gardner and the Herb kit. I haven't used either one yet. Waiting for some cool beans b-4 I give it a shot. Do you buy a new kit for each grow?

Thanks for taking the time to answer. I really appreciate the quick reply.
No problem man! this is my first grow with it. Plus I only planted 3 so I have alot of extra pods.


Well-Known Member
Day 1: 8-14-08
Today: 10-24-08
Flower Day 1: 9-18-08 (Week 5)
Air Temp: 74F
Water Temp: 73F
Nutrients: Fox Farm Grow Big, Big Bloom, & Tiger Bloom
Ph: 6.0

Picture Time!!!!

Enter the light!

Top View

And a couple close ups



Well-Known Member
Duuuude! that's some chron for sure :weed:

How long until harvest do you think?
I'm thinking 5 more weeks at the most. I smoked for the last time today before I harvest. And I just bought a new bong that I'm saving for harvest. I can't wait it's so hard not to clip a piece now but I know the end result will be worth it.


Well-Known Member
Man those have come a long way in a very short time.

I just got my FOX FARMS 3 pk in the mail this morning. How are you using the GROW BIG & BIG BLOOM. I think GROW BIG is for first flowering and BIG BLOOM after flowers have developed, but I'm not sure. If you have a sec, could you tell me how you're using them?

I just learned from your pix that I can pop the airstones in thru the top holes..a pix IS worth a thousand works...or a couple anyway.lol

Couldn't wait for one I moved in from outside a couple weeks ago. I pulled a fresh bud off it last night, popped it in a pipe and lit up....just bag weed, but It was very nice!



Well-Known Member
You use growbig and big bloom throughout the whole grow. Go to the fox farm website they have a feeding schedule by weeks it helps alot.