Voidling's Wicking Bed


Well-Known Member
I'm certain I got mine at wal mart, like on the isle end on one of those hanging things I think next to the shrimp they are bamboo a good fistful bag for a buck. Did you ask someone? I get my twisties out of my garbage bags, never use them on the bags so they started stacking up you know, re-purposed. I have seen the skewers at the dollar store too. I have used string, paper clips, pipe cleaners, etc. Any thing works, just don't tie it too tight what ever you use. Also keep checking on your ties and readjusting as needed. If you have some string or yarn and duct tape you can even strap them to the tub lip, done that before. Just tape the string down over the edge and in a loop shape to keep it from pulling out.


Well-Known Member
You might have. They may be a summer seasonal item. Also my Walmart is smaller than a super Walmart.

I don't use trashbags, just use the Walmart bags. I remember they used to sell boxes of just twist ties but I didn't see them here

Guess I should of checked while I was in the city.

How do you keep your ties or string from sliding up the skewers?

I picked up my seed lot. Probably drop the fruity sparkles if I figure out which one that is.


Well-Known Member
I guess I didn't check them yesterday because I'm surprised how much bigger they look already. I've been vegging with only half my led so ~120 watts. Not sure how much improvement 240 w would do for veg. I'll use the full light for flower.


Well-Known Member
Any thoughts on using water saving crystals in sand in a drought plagued land? I'm thinking a single outdoor shouldn't bring any attention during a fly over.

Owl, do you think we're going to have another ragweed explosion? I might just go put down some romulan seed on the back roads where all the ragweed was last year.

So I was walking around Walmart looking for skewers. Finally asked an employee. Says they're by frozen food and walked me up there, none there. Walks me to two other locations which were also out. Fourth location had them but were more expensive.

The store stables sells wire ties but Walmart here does not


Well-Known Member
Far out, good work man. So where do you stand? Got skewers no ties? What a fiasco huh?!
When using the skewers for training insert them like a tent stake, away from the branch in question to support the strain. The angle will also keep your tie from sliding.
Those water crystals are sweet, they can absorb nutrient as well. If they can get a couple waterings a month during the season the crystals will take up the slack. As I recall there are different ones with the long range ones being 4-6 week supplements. Seems like I remember using them when putting down saplings years ago that said they were several months, ah well the memory has never been all that good lol


Well-Known Member
I got the skewers. I'll just use some metal wire I have. It's flexible but strong. They use it in metal construction to hold parts together so they can be welded.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it will due, it doesn't take too much. I have had a few landrace sativas that needed some construction grade tie downs though. One columbian gold that I tied a tomato cage to the pot of and it literally bent the cage in stretch. Get the winch! lol
Is that that aluminum wire? I love that stuff!


Well-Known Member
Nah, that's just fresh growth, if you notice in the mornings near all the tips of the fresh new growth are lighter color than the body of the plant and it slowly darkens as it matures.
Stay the course young grass hopper!
puff, puff, pass......


Well-Known Member
Nah, that's just fresh growth, if you notice in the mornings near all the tips of the fresh new growth are lighter color than the body of the plant and it slowly darkens as it matures.
Stay the course young grass hopper!
puff, puff, pass......
but if it continues then it is light bleaching even thou its probably not the case, ive read that bleaching affects the new growth first then the rest.

hoot hoot brotha man where u been at kid?!?!


Well-Known Member
light bleaching goes straight yellow pretty quickly too, not light green... I agree it's just new growth, but your N levels could stand to be a bit higher they'd be a bit greener (i like mine as dark green as possible going into flower so they have some reserves of N otherwise you'll get the rapid yellowing from bottom up). def not calmag... they look like they're ready for night night. I've gone back to 18/6 this grow from 24/0... mine droop at bedtime. love my soil mix... mine are dark green and they've yet to get full dose of 1-1-1 nutes even bordering on too much N even at a partial dose -- that's some good soil :)


Well-Known Member
I think mine are on 16/8 so definitely get dark periods.

They do yellow quick which is why I want to cat'h any n def quick.

I plan to stake them today


Well-Known Member
Can't find my side cutters. Just turned my lamp on full strength. Will flip to 12/12 tomorrow. Next time I'll compare to 2 week veg with LST from the get go.


Well-Known Member
In the future I definitely need to stake them, the medium is too shallow. Need to look when the cuts went in, no roots yet. My ghost chilies are now light green, not sure they'll root cuts.