Voidlings First Cab


Well-Known Member
I was so exhausted it's all I could do to make it to the bed before passing out. Ha. Every time I get to be ok with the the thought of being alone, seems like someone comes by and ruins that



Well-Known Member
i sowed my seeds before i settled down. Lucky none of em were fertile.
That you know of... ;)

I was so exhausted it's all I could do to make it to the bed before passing out. Ha. Every time I get to be ok with the the thought of being alone, seems like someone comes by and ruins that

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Don't worry, being with the wrong one long enough you'll dream of being alone again ;) finding the right one's the hard bit...


Well-Known Member
Yeah I got tired of bad relationships so swore them off. Have to say I had my role in making them bad.

Plant #4 will have to be harvested. Doesn't look like a leaf back. I think the other 3 will recover


Well-Known Member
Yeah I got tired of bad relationships so swore them off. Have to say I had my role in making them bad.

Plant #4 will have to be harvested. Doesn't look like a leaf back. I think the other 3 will recover
Yeah by the way having probs with 2 of 3 clones.... they got very dry and the leaves started curling... watered and transplanted same day, but they've continued doing it since then. One of them looks great, the other 2 not so much... so depending on what happens may keep the nice one and sacrifice the sicklies. I got no space for plants that aren't very hardy unless they're the elite quality smoke (ie, no tolerance or crazy high to a person with heavy tolerance)


Well-Known Member
Speaking of recluses...


I go to work and go home. Seems like when I'm at home that's all I want to do.
And when I go out, all I want to do is be home..

I don't like being in all that mess of people.


Well-Known Member
Odd. In veg the plants seemed pretty Hardy to me. Only issue was extended time without watering in tiny containerSaturday I really just wanted to go home half way through. If I had I wouldn't be pining. On the other hand, I had an amazing time Saturday and Sunday night I'm sure glad I was there for.We were half a block west of the scoot inn on east fourth.had two bands playing under the street lamp and we were all in the road partying. Small audience, great time


Well-Known Member

What would you recommend to do? Some of the top cola's are brown. And while no good for bud it has seeds in it. Should I let them go for seeds or should I cut the top damaged cola's?


Well-Known Member
Speaking of recluses...


I go to work and go home. Seems like when I'm at home that's all I want to do.
And when I go out, all I want to do is be home..

I don't like being in all that mess of people.
Seems like we are a lot alike in that respect :) Introverts unite!


Well-Known Member
Those brown tops won't do much else. Just cut the damaged portions off. Leave the rest to finish.
But that's a "IMO" type of thing.

What happened? Too close to light?


Well-Known Member
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What would you recommend to do? Some of the top cola's are brown. And while no good for bud it has seeds in it. Should I let them go for seeds or should I cut the top damaged cola's?
Damn dude that sucks... that's what you get for leaving home ;) Seriously that first one I'd just go ahead and chop -- if the leaves are almost all gone there's no point in keeping it... the others i'd just say leave'm and see what they do. I wouldn't cut unless you have to.

Why do they have seeds??? Was that intentional???


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know right? At this rate we'll never get together for a smoke out.
Doesn't help that I used to smoke on the go quite a bit but have stopped that and now i'm paranoid about smoking outside of private places :) And no one can come to where I live due to grow op ;)


Well-Known Member
So the heat is getting to be too much. Having issues getting my room to cool off and the cab is in the 90's. The brown cola issue of burning seems to be spreading. I think I have enough money to get either 2 x 135w (45x3w ~ 112w actual) panels from China with the light spectrum I picked of red, blue, and white or 1 x 180w blackstar (60x3w ~ 150w actual) or maybe 1 x 240w (80x3w ~ 200w). The only issue with China is shipping time I think, otherwise I'd prefer to get my light with my spectrum I think.

What would you choose?


Well-Known Member
More lights = more plants :) The risk with the chinese ones is that something goes wrong and they need to go back... then you are really fucked unless you got a backup while you wait. It's definitely the better deal though.

Have you thought about going with high output fluorescents? Not as expensive as LEDs and if done right can get good results. They weren't a very good option for me due to the limited growspace (high output t5s generally only come in 4' and 2' neither of which work well for me - found 3' ones but only with a certain fixture to run them i didn't want). Something to consider... 2' or 4' t5s might work well for your grow. Not as cool or energy efficient as LEDs but still far better than HID.

If you go with the blackstars don't buy at list price. Make them an offer. I know they will definitely go down to $265 on a single light purchase (what I got my veg light for)

I'm not sure one blackstar is going to produce great results for more than one medium sized plant or 2 small ones, so not sure it's going to get you where you want. The # of plants you have going now might barely fit in the usable light under the blackstar... they do provide side lighting but I'm not sure I'd trust flowering buds anywhere but pretty close to underneath the light. The two light option is probably the best for your situation other than the fact that it means shipping from china/all that involves.

I keep 2-3 plants under 4 blackstars and still have not fully convinced myself I'm gonna see the yields I want, though still hoping :) If there were just 2 blackstars in that same space I'd be a lot more worried it is definitely a lot better lighting in there with more of them. When I was hooking them up and had just 2 going the light was real good underneath them, in the other half of the cab not so much :) Then again you could always add more of them later maybe :) I know you're not as concerned on yield as I am since you don't smoke as much, so one blackstar could be just fine for what you need it for.


Well-Known Member
I currently have 5 smallish plants in there. I might have to scrap the older ones due to getting scorched. I plan to add more panels as I get the money to do so, it's just all I can afford at the moment.

I have the pl-l's which are compact florescents. I have one workhorse 8 and 4 55w bulbs in my new veg cab. The ballast is hot enough to feel like it'll burn you when you touch it. I have one ballast left but would need to buy new sockets. I'm not sure that 4 bulbs will be enough for my cab, I was originally looking at needing 6 if not 8 in there. Too bad I couldn't find 2g11 sockets in Austin last time I looked. Going to town here in a few.

My cab is only 3 foot tall and roughly a foot is taken up to pots, plus light clearance at the top equals pretty short plants.


Well-Known Member
The 240w veg light is listed as $10 more than the 240w flower light so maybe get the flower for $255 which is about what I'm looking at having to spend right now


Well-Known Member
On eBay store veg is $289 while flower is $279

I emailed the Chinese asking about how long it'd take on the 2x135w


Well-Known Member
Looks like they just dropped the price on the flower boxes... they were $299 a couple weeks back when I bought mine. My offer deal doesn't seem quite as great now :)

Gotham is selling the chromes they are just not listed on the site you have to call to order. Not sure who is more. I think the chromes are more focused and require more vertical height, so i'd look into that more before jumping on one.