Vocabulary of growing terms/slang

What does the word "Dank" mean in context "This is the dank shiznit you are going to be smokin' friend"???
Also i see "4:20" around alot...definition?

Time to smoke, my brother!
From what I know, 420 was originally the police code for a marijuana violation, and then later immortalized by our heroes in the California senate who invoked Senate Bill 420, allowing my people's brain cells to be free!

But that's not really why. Who the fuck knows what that really means. It was made up by stoners; what more do you need to know?
How can that be, with all the different time zones.
Here in the UK, at 4:20 I smoke a J and wish you all peace and happiness, in other places when it reaches 4:20 people do the same, it won't be the same time as me but.....that's what I heard anyway:mrgreen: