Vocabulary of growing terms/slang

I dunno wat a sticky is but noone can yell at me for not knowing about it since I read this one, lol. Awsome article!
Isn't genotype a term 2?

Yep, its connected to Phenotype who's description in the list is wrong.

Genotype is the plants characteristics as received from its parents, Phenotype is the Genotype as influenced by the environment the plant is grown in.

For example. Two identical clones taken from the same mother plant (thus they have identical Genotypes) are grown out in two completely different environments. The differences between them is the phenotypical expression of their genotype.
CBD/CBN -- byproducts of the main physcoactive ingredient in pot, thc. these byproducts are created when the thc degrades, due to over exposure to heat/oxygen(some thc will naturally do this while the flowers rippen). it is beleived that they are resposible for the stoney part of the high, and known to have a direct effect on the physcoactive effect thc has on the "user". it is only needed in minimal amounts, in comparison to thc.


This isn't correct.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is NOT a byproduct of THC, it's a Cannabinoid in it's own right and works in conjuction with THC to influence the start and duration of the high.

Cannabinol (CBN) is a byproduct of THC and is produced via THC degradion from heat/air/light etc as you describe. It only has a maximum of about 10% THC content and therefore adds little to the 'high' over and above making the user feel 'sleepy'.

Neither are responsible for the 'stoney' part of the high nor the 'psychoactive' affect the THC has - that is produced soley by THC.
i didnt see "veg" or vegging" on there i see it used around here quite a bit and i dont know what it means can some one send me a pm telling me?
i didnt see "veg" or vegging" on there i see it used around here quite a bit and i dont know what it means can some one send me a pm telling me?

The vegetative stage is the first part of a plants life when it is only growing. This is when you have your lights on 18/6. Its whats happening when your not flowering.

This isn't correct.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is NOT a byproduct of THC, it's a Cannabinoid in it's own right and works in conjuction with THC to influence the start and duration of the high.

Cannabinol (CBN) is a byproduct of THC and is produced via THC degradion from heat/air/light etc as you describe. It only has a maximum of about 10% THC content and therefore adds little to the 'high' over and above making the user feel 'sleepy'.

Neither are responsible for the 'stoney' part of the high nor the 'psychoactive' affect the THC has - that is produced soley by THC.
Thanks for pointing that out.:p

This isn't correct.

Cannabidiol (CBD)...
Cannabinol (CBN)...

Neither are responsible for the 'stoney' part of the high nor the 'psychoactive' affect the THC has - that is produced soley by THC.

Babygro is spot on, here. But I will add one thing, that you might have missed from these words of wisdom. Although neither CBD or CBN are responsible for those core qualities, the high is certainly "altered" in various ways by the presence of other psychoactive cannabinoids, such as CBD and tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV). THCV, specifically, blocks CB1 receptors, and is found in higher concentrations of a lot of Asian (especially Middle Eastern) herb. CBD seems to do a variety of things, but while exerting an influence on the psychoactivity of THC, doesn't really appear to do much on its own. Like babygro said, it seems to influence the length of the high. It also may stimulate alertness and relieve anxiety.

Each high, from each strain, from plant to plant, "feels unique" for a reason.

Wow,Great Post Alot Of Inrormation

(I Agree)what is a yeild? i hear people say lights can grow potent buds, but not the same yeild. what is the yeild part
On a note about the whole CBD, CBN, and THC thing. Ive watched a grow video or was it an article i read?? idk ive done so much of both, but it was saying, i believe, CBD(couldve been CBN though) turns directly into the psycoactive ingredient THC when smoked or burned at a high temperature...any1 pleaase correct me if im wrong but im like 90% sure i read/watched something that said one of those 2 chemicals turn into THC if burned and i thought this would be a good lil tidbit of info for discussion
i noticed that you said that the plants leaves grow alternately. mine are growing opposite. idk if its an error, bc what you said, 180 degrees of eachother, is opposite. or if its a difference in strains. just curious.