Vocabulary of growing terms/slang


Well-Known Member
what does R/O water mean...peoples r saying to use RO water with my nutes n hydro..wut does that mean??


Well-Known Member
Old post and stickied already, read all of them and I must say, HUGE THANK YOU!

Learnt a lot, much appreciated!
i think alot of these terms are easy to pick up on even for someone who hasnt even started to grow ive been "researching" some grow options online for the last week or so and picked up on alot of these terms just from that


even though i have been toking for years this is my first grow (that my folks havent killed) that seems to be well on its way. its a WW, she has just started to be fragrent in the last 2 days, but i dont know what happending to her. she has grown a secondary set on leaves smaller than the originals does this mean that she is flowering?
