Damn! This the same shit that be on my Botany exams...that's wassup 

lol XDoh man I hope theres no exam after this..haha I'm High
SOO the other day i was talking to my friend about how we could get discounts or free nutrients/Seeds we did a lil bit of smoking and figured it out lol
And this is what came in the mail two weeks later
I will tell you how you can get some free nutrients for your self and even some seeds if your luckfor free. This is 100% FREEE..
But you have to do something for me just click on the refferl link to the cool website below and singnup after that just message me and i will check if you did then i will tell you how to get the free good. anyone define the strain - CAVE .....
It can either stand for reverse osmosis or run off depending on how it's used.What is RO water?
mate if u have just bought a kit and are expecting peeps on here to make your plants grow thats crazy........u should of done some research at least before u started?????????????????????????????????........u will get help on here tho...roll onhelps me understand more(i'm just starting a crop)