

Well-Known Member
Hey, has anybody every had open eye visuals as such?
Its just me and a friend were chatting about it, and he said that there is no such thing, which I reckon is complete bullsh*t.
I'm not a very visual tripper and I get OEVs. Usually things like trails, patterns resembling electron orbitals, fractal patterns, things appearing to morph.
many many times the strongest visuals ive had where from lsd. mushrooms its moer trails bright colours and things morphing. although i have had some pretty good trips on ecstasy something not normally associated with e's.
I havent tripped in a very very long time, but yes, I got major open-eye visuals.
I personally have always believed its something you have to help induce. Once you start catching visuals, you will always be able to get them.
At this point, really good pot will give me strong colors in a dark room.

What I would recommend is next time you drop some, after about an hour, go into a very dark room. Use something like a lit cigarette to start catching trails on, wave it around in the dark, spell out your name or whatever. Once you start catching major trails off of it, you should start having colors flowing in at you. At that point you can walk out of the dark room and be opened to visuals. Walls breathing, floor sinking, patterns moving, etc.
Open and closed eye visuals are very real man, trust me for ex, try sitting dow outside on a sunny day and you see a bush 100 feet away with a hollow face smiling and waving at you, as you shut and open your eyes your directly in front of the bush shaking its hand you shut and open your eyes and you see your back were you were and your friends are trying to get you to take the blunt.
Strongest visuals I've ever seen were on about 5g of shrooms. And your friend knows not what he speaketh of.

I saw complex Aztec designs on the stucco ceiling of my apartment. When you get that kind of dose, you tend to lay down and not move. So I was looking at the ceiling. The images were black and white and looked like they were pressed into the ceiling, embossed like a notary public seal pressed into paper. So they were slightly 3d. They were very complicated with many small parts and everything was constantly mutating and changing and it was all in one big wheel turning slowing clockwise. This went on for hours. I really don't have a clue why me, a person with not a drop of Mexican blood in me, would see what appears to have been Aztec deities on my ceiling. I know Ken Kesey volunteered to take LSD in government experiments in 1960 and he said he saw Egyptian symbols and of course he's not Egyptian. So add this to the list of curiosities about strong psychedelics - why do people sometimes see these types of symbols that have cultural or religious significance from some other culture. I grew up Christian. So why did I not see Christian symbols instead of Aztec symbols? Maybe I should study this some more?
Smoking dmt and some harmaline extract will have you seeing the same thing with your eyes open and closed.:fire:
Strongest visuals I've ever seen were on about 5g of shrooms. And your friend knows not what he speaketh of.

I saw complex Aztec designs on the stucco ceiling of my apartment. When you get that kind of dose, you tend to lay down and not move. So I was looking at the ceiling. The images were black and white and looked like they were pressed into the ceiling, embossed like a notary public seal pressed into paper. So they were slightly 3d. They were very complicated with many small parts and everything was constantly mutating and changing and it was all in one big wheel turning slowing clockwise. This went on for hours. I really don't have a clue why me, a person with not a drop of Mexican blood in me, would see what appears to have been Aztec deities on my ceiling. I know Ken Kesey volunteered to take LSD in government experiments in 1960 and he said he saw Egyptian symbols and of course he's not Egyptian. So add this to the list of curiosities about strong psychedelics - why do people sometimes see these types of symbols that have cultural or religious significance from some other culture. I grew up Christian. So why did I not see Christian symbols instead of Aztec symbols? Maybe I should study this some more?

The symbols seem quite common on pretty far out there experiences. I haven't got them from mushrooms, but know a friend that has. I have seen them with mescaline once, but it is quite common for me to see hieroglyphs and such while on DMT. The part that bothers me is that I can never remember what I was seeing for attempts at interpretation. Some things appear to be uncomprehendable math equations and others very complex and detailed symbols. During my last DMT experience I was overcome with the feeling that no matter how hard I try, I will never understand.
Strongest visuals I've ever seen were on about 5g of shrooms. And your friend knows not what he speaketh of.

I saw complex Aztec designs on the stucco ceiling of my apartment. When you get that kind of dose, you tend to lay down and not move. So I was looking at the ceiling. The images were black and white and looked like they were pressed into the ceiling, embossed like a notary public seal pressed into paper. So they were slightly 3d. They were very complicated with many small parts and everything was constantly mutating and changing and it was all in one big wheel turning slowing clockwise. This went on for hours. I really don't have a clue why me, a person with not a drop of Mexican blood in me, would see what appears to have been Aztec deities on my ceiling. I know Ken Kesey volunteered to take LSD in government experiments in 1960 and he said he saw Egyptian symbols and of course he's not Egyptian. So add this to the list of curiosities about strong psychedelics - why do people sometimes see these types of symbols that have cultural or religious significance from some other culture. I grew up Christian. So why did I not see Christian symbols instead of Aztec symbols? Maybe I should study this some more?

Could be to do with ancestry? Or maybe just your state of mind at the current point of time would have to do with it?
But that would definitely be worth looking up.
Yes and absolutely, LSD, the proper shit, is great for hours worth of visuals.
DMT, can make realy beautifull open eyed visuals, I once looked at a girl call Donna, and then out over the sea, and a picture of the madona apeared in the sky, so beautifull, but it was a transfiguration of the girl's face, who'm I didn't even think was pretty. Also I have seen with DMT, it totaly negate the compensation mechanism we use to see white even though we are under the reflextion of a blue, sky.... I was next to a river surrounded by white stones. They all turned blue.
Mushrooms greatly improve eyesight, especialy seing into the distance, but can also do some great visual stuff, but not in the league of LSD open eyed, closed at proper dose its a tie.
Salvia, awesome open eyed halucinations, on par if not exceeding LSD.
Mushrooms greatly improve eyesight, especialy seing into the distance, but can also do some great visual stuff, but not in the league of LSD open eyed, closed at proper dose its a tie.

love this

when i looked into the clouds it was as if i could see every facet of every whisp

like fucking beautifal
Yes and absolutely, LSD, the proper shit, is great for hours worth of visuals.
DMT, can make realy beautifull open eyed visuals, I once looked at a girl call Donna, and then out over the sea, and a picture of the madona apeared in the sky, so beautifull, but it was a transfiguration of the girl's face, who'm I didn't even think was pretty. Also I have seen with DMT, it totaly negate the compensation mechanism we use to see white even though we are under the reflextion of a blue, sky.... I was next to a river surrounded by white stones. They all turned blue.
Mushrooms greatly improve eyesight, especialy seing into the distance, but can also do some great visual stuff, but not in the league of LSD open eyed, closed at proper dose its a tie.
Salvia, awesome open eyed halucinations, on par if not exceeding LSD.

So . . . what'd happen if you mixed them all together? ;-)
idk, ive gotten some crazy and the most intense visuals from mushrooms. lsd always gives good ones just not as intense imo. ive actually got good visuals from sass once, felt like a strong acid trip for like 1-2 hours of the roll.
idk, ive gotten some crazy and the most intense visuals from mushrooms. lsd always gives good ones just not as intense imo. ive actually got good visuals from sass once, felt like a strong acid trip for like 1-2 hours of the roll.

a good LSD will give you fulll images playing on a wall like your brain will stream visual information pretty intense

where as shrooms always enhance whats there on a 4 gram dose colors are brightened theres hues around everything and you some hightened depth perception with nice oev's

but the imagery is never as clear as it is with cid

althought ive had best emotional ties to nature on shrooms the majority of the imagry i get is fractal either enhanced view of whats there or a fractal view of what is there

at higher and higher doses of shrooms ive had complete information flow cut of (7 gram)

that is to say my brain was being controlled by a shutter

think about it this was as opened eye view is composed a of a 2d image that becomes static if you dont move your head and when you do everything goes all flip book on you

then you close your eyes and try to concentrate on a single idea / object and your brain just stalls

and a complete and utter almost loss of symbolism

like i look at a digital clock and i understand that there are objects there im supposed to recognize but cant for the life of me do it

honestly hard to describe
You can train yourself to view certain patterns and closed eye visuals by inducing pressure phosphenes, closing your eye and pressing your palms to them will initiate these phospehenes and guide you to seeing more better ones.

then you can sit in a dark room with a single candle, prop your head up so you can see the candle light, close one eye and put some eyedrops into the open eye. Then close that lid all but a tiny bit so there is a drop or film of solution in your eye. You can refract the candle light through the drop and into the back of your eye. By moving your head slightly, or opening or closing your eyelid slightly or moving your eye around slightly you will have an internal light show - another way to potentiate your "visuals"
Yep, on LSD, Shrooms and Datura. I get stuff like churning and bubbling real good and kind of turning inside out. Also get wild tracers and color shifts.
2c's are on par with a mescal experience but its own ball game on par as there both phenythlamines

lots of color enhancement

but each 2c can vary some have a lot of body load some have little body load, some produce reallly nice oev's but lack in the mind aspect of a trip

really its hard to say

why not try a full spectrum experience with some pachanoi ?