Well-Known Member
if the way the gvnmnt handles bonds is any indication, i doubt that money is printed in a fashion that in any way corresponds to appreciation of this gold stash we have in ky. Exactly, with the amount of currency in circulation today, there's no way the Gold in Ft. Knox could cover it even @ 500.00 an Oz. And what about the National Debt? I'll bet that alone would wipe out the treasury (Ft. Knox Gold). Dream on Vi, Maybe if you got all the women to bring in their gold and give it to the Govt. we could put a dent in it, but I doubt it! Hey here's an Idea, Ive got two gold crowns, we could do some major tooth pulling, but it might leave some rich bastosi toothless!
We abandoned the gold standard from a position of strength. Basically our perceived worth as a nation is now worth more than our "concrete" value in gold.
What you're talking about is a really complex issue...but what when you're faced with conspiracy nonsense like this the first thing to ask yourself is....does it make any sense.
No one needs gold for anything. It's a nice way to get some pussy, but you don't need it to make cars, computers or anything else. It's no way to base an economy.