Vis Man Is Running

if the way the gvnmnt handles bonds is any indication, i doubt that money is printed in a fashion that in any way corresponds to appreciation of this gold stash we have in ky. Exactly, with the amount of currency in circulation today, there's no way the Gold in Ft. Knox could cover it even @ 500.00 an Oz. And what about the National Debt? I'll bet that alone would wipe out the treasury (Ft. Knox Gold). Dream on Vi, Maybe if you got all the women to bring in their gold and give it to the Govt. we could put a dent in it, but I doubt it! Hey here's an Idea, Ive got two gold crowns, we could do some major tooth pulling, but it might leave some rich bastosi toothless!

We abandoned the gold standard from a position of strength. Basically our perceived worth as a nation is now worth more than our "concrete" value in gold.

What you're talking about is a really complex issue...but what when you're faced with conspiracy nonsense like this the first thing to ask yourself is....does it make any sense.

No one needs gold for anything. It's a nice way to get some pussy, but you don't need it to make cars, computers or anything else. It's no way to base an economy.
Basically our perceived worth as a nation is now worth more than our "concrete" value in gold.
Who's perception is that, yours? If you mean our national treasures like our Parks. Would you like to see Chinese military policing our parks because we had to give them those for collateral on the Debt. Our percieved worth is Bunk. It all depends on who is doing the percieving, it's like fairy dust, it only exists in your mind!
The national parks should be sold to corporations and admission charged on a fee basis.

You've totally lost your mind. Bush has all but decimated the national park program, he has cut funding in every buget brought before him! And simpletons like you would sell them to corporations so they could drill oil wells and cut down timber, what a patriot you are!
You've totally lost your mind. Bush has all but decimated the national park program, he has cut funding in every buget brought before him! And simpletons like you would sell them to corporations so they could drill oil wells and cut down timber, what a patriot you are!

*lol* ... Putting your mindless insults aside, Med ... please read your above quote. You've said that BUSH has decimated the national parks. Isn't Bush a part of government? Doesn't government fuck up most of what they touch? If the national parks have been "decimated," and that decimatation has come at the hands of government steerage, then why not sell them to the corporations to run for profit? The attraction of the national parks is nature preserved. That's why people would be willing to pay an admission fee ... to see undisturbed nature. As a matter of fact, we DO have "national parks" being run by corporations for profit right now and you can't find even one scrap of paper on the ground anywhere. They are run in an orderly manner, with an almost nonexistant crime rate, great safety records and millions upon millions of happy customers. These privately owned "national parks" are called Disney Land and Disney World. Now THOSE folks know how to run a national park! :)

These privately owned "national parks" are called Disney Land and Disney World. Now THOSE folks know how to run a national park! :smile:

:-| So you would deny the poor access to the heritage of America by charging outrageous prices like Disney World. Private streets. You pay a fee to drive down your street , private prisons, (theres a money maker) Privatize, privatize Etc. I think you know my view on that, There's a place for privitization and there's a place for government. Keeping our parks a part of the wealth of the american people as opposed to letting an Enron gang run it is a no-brainer to me.
OK, so we'll just let the government continue to burn the national parks to the ground like they did in Yellowstone. And no ... the poor don't belong in the national parks. Next thing you know ... they'll move in.

OK, so we'll just let the government continue to burn the national parks to the ground like they did in Yellowstone. And no ... the poor don't belong in the national parks. Next thing you know ... they'll move in.


lol thats all we need. groups of 'merry men' running around the woods dressed like robinhood with their bows and swords. steal from the rich, give to the poor. oh and on weekends have stick fight battles with rainbow gathering kids. they're like the gypsy equivalent.
lol thats all we need. groups of 'merry men' running around the woods dressed like robinhood with their bows and swords. steal from the rich, give to the poor. oh and on weekends have stick fight battles with rainbow gathering kids. they're like the gypsy equivalent.

You don't have to travel all the way to a national park to see these "merry men." You can find them prancing around the gay bars in West Hollywood on any given Saturday night.

Oh, and contray to popular belief, Robinhood didn't steal from the rich in order to give to the poor. On the contrary ... Robinhood stole from the government (the King) in order to rescue the tax money stolen from the citizens in excessive amounts. These excessive tax amounts is what made the people poor. :)

lol thats all we need. groups of 'merry men' running around the woods dressed like robinhood with their bows and swords. steal from the rich, give to the poor. oh and on weekends have stick fight battles with rainbow gathering kids. they're like the gypsy equivalent. What kind of post is this, is this supposed to be funny? I think you've toked on hit over the line.
You don't have to travel all the way to a national park to see these "merry men." You can find them prancing around the gay bars in West Hollywood on any given Saturday night.

Oh, and contray to popular belief, Robinhood didn't steal from the rich in order to give to the poor. On the contrary ... Robinhood stole from the government (the King) in order to rescue the tax money stolen from the citizens in excessive amounts. These excessive tax amounts is what made the people poor. :)

yes yes, i know. ive seen the animated robinhood. i consider that sly fox a role model. and with buhloo as little john u cant go wrong.

oh an medicineman, yes that was suppose to be funny. u might not think waging stick battles on groups of hippies is funny, but i do. especially if its fighting over territory.
yes yes, i know. ive seen the animated robinhood. i consider that sly fox a role model. and with buhloo as little john u cant go wrong.

oh an medicineman, yes that was suppose to be funny. u might not think waging stick battles on groups of hippies is funny, but i do. especially if its fighting over territory.
I think you've named yourself appropiately, it just needs an S included after the a, do you think that is funny? Basttosi He He He!
You've said that BUSH has decimated the national parks. Isn't Bush a part of government? Doesn't government fuck up most of what they touch? If the national parks have been "decimated," and that decimatation has come at the hands of government steerage, The Bush government does fuck up everything they touch. The national park system has operated for a hundred years without the crises the Bush Regime has put it through, Hopefully the next government will correct the park deficits if they have any money left after the war debacle. It's not the spending that worries me but the things being spent on, War, Pentagon, corporate tax breaks, it's a long list of wrongs. I'd like to be in on the Budget decisions, I could save this country a few hundred billion bucks in the first budget alone.
You've said that BUSH has decimated the national parks. Isn't Bush a part of government? Doesn't government fuck up most of what they touch? If the national parks have been "decimated," and that decimatation has come at the hands of government steerage, The Bush government does fuck up everything they touch. The national park system has operated for a hundred years without the crises the Bush Regime has put it through, Hopefully the next government will correct the park deficits if they have any money left after the war debacle. It's not the spending that worries me but the things being spent on, War, Pentagon, corporate tax breaks, it's a long list of wrongs. I'd like to be in on the Budget decisions, I could save this country a few hundred billion bucks in the first budget alone.

even if bush's regime does everything they're expected to, its still the citizens responsibility to make the president do what they want him to do. thats why he spends so much money on getting citizen to buy the bullshit reasons. if the public allows this downward spiral, it was they ask for by not holding up their end of the government. public = 4th branch (most powerful)
even if bush's regime does everything they're expected to, its still the citizens responsibility to make the president do what they want him to do. thats why he spends so much money on getting citizen to buy the bullshit reasons. if the public allows this downward spiral, it was they ask for by not holding up their end of the government. public = 4th branch (most powerful) The public has been pacified for so long with McDonalds and TV, that they really aren't interested, the only time they notice things like the National parks is when they arrive at the gates (Used to be no gates) and are charged a 25.00 fee to enter. To get the public to notice Government is the problem. Meanwhile, Government continues to erode our freedoms and use our taxes in their best interests, (war and corporate profiteering), and letting our social and infrastructure programs go to hell!
The public has been pacified for so long with McDonalds and TV, that they really aren't interested, the only time they notice things like the National parks is when they arrive at the gates (Used to be no gates) and are charged a 25.00 fee to enter. To get the public to notice Government is the problem. Meanwhile, Government continues to erode our freedoms and use our taxes in their best interests, (war and corporate profiteering), and letting our social and infrastructure programs go to hell!

so its settled. the future of the world is in our hands. lets take it.
there are too many racist in the country who would try to assassinate a black president. The country just isn't ready.
Come on Dank, you don't really believe that do you? Maybe in texas and a few southern states he'd not do well, but in the blue states, the ones with reasonable thinking people, He'd do fine. If I were he and made pres. I'd keep my ass out of Texas!

I completely disagree that the "blue states" represent the ones with "reasonable thinking people." They actually represent the states with the densest populations, both in numbers and thought.

People living in rural and less populated areas are actually much smarter and clearer-thinking than people living in the ghettos that we call "cities." People living all piled up on top of one another like rats leads to groupthink, and their mental processes become increasingly muddled, until they finally succumb to liberalism. :hump: