Virgin seeking experienced hand...


Well-Known Member
Hi!!! I've had so ,much trouble getting onto RIU the last few days, GRRRRRRRR
Hi Fishen;) I have ordered the so psyched about your results...WOW!!! Sorry to hear about your ballast drama...I hate getting excited about something only to be let down. Do you use 3" rockwoolsor go straight to hydroton? Am needing some help to get this right this time...THX kiss-ass

Peace & may the godess of fertility shine on you all!! MJ
hi MJ, no worries here , it will be ok . i picked up the adapter cord already for my lamp and i thought about making the long drive to my grow .just to connect it and set it up but i really dont feel like working all day then driving 200 miles round trip . besides id really like to monitor the system before leaving it alone. ill just have to wait till friday. everything will go into flower.

i have had best luck with rapid rooter plugs, they have a neutral ph and retain water well. i was under the impreshon that they are treated with some rooting nuits. i may be wrong with that, but they work well and fast. after i see roots coming threw the plugs i surround them with hydration pelites, and start the top feeders with my grow a & b jump start , vodo juice and b52. about 210 ppm and then they start to shoot up.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone...still having some internet probs here, grrrrrrrr

tyke, I can use all the help I can get, LOL Thx so much & + rep for you;)

Hi Doktor!! I think I've figured out the hand watering of the 1" RW without killing the far so good, LOL Thx!!

Hi Fishen, GRRRRRRRRR I have missed you;) Glad you got your lite worked out. I ordered the attack pack, B52, & Sensizym from BCNL....forgot the Voodoo Juice:( I can't find Rapid rooters but I have the peat pellets...they made a huge mess when I soaked them so I threw them out & went with the 1" RW's.

Hi Slammin' you?? Lookin' great... hope I'm as lucky, LOL ;)

Here's what's happening here... I have my 2 bagseed seedlings.. now under lites 6 days but still tiny. 2 of my Jack Flash sprouted & under the lite but I have one that didn't but I am gonna give it a few more days. None of my Mother's Finest seeds have cracked so they are still in a moist paper towel in the dark....been there going on 3rd day.... any suggestions? The 3 Northern Lights should sprout today hopefully. Am a bit tired of hand watering but until I get all seedlings a week old then I'll be ok. Of course I'm a nervous wreck but am trying not to ignore for too long or over care for the babes;) Open to any comments, ideas, suggestionis, opinions, or criticisms. You are the greatest...THX RIU!!! MJ


Well-Known Member
am trying not to ignore for too long or over care for the babes
This sounds like the perfect plan. I really had to work on this (i'm nuturing bordering on overbearing).

Sounds like things are coming along. With I could give some tips on seeds, but I have zero knowledge.



Well-Known Member
i have done thousands of seed sprouting all the way to bloom .......what i can offer is simply this .....seedlings should continue a pretty well paced growth right from when they leave their shell behind ......any stallups should be taken as a sign somethin isnt goin perfect ....

a good healthy seedling will actually start getting real fat leaves when it is a baby ....instead of stackin on a whole bunch of new growth ....a heathy seedling will have really fat leaves...right away ..before they start their upward growth

other than they should have nice fat green leaves .....not much more i can offer on seedling techniques ....since i always start my seedlings a very small amount of soil ....i wait for em to show break off their shell and then i pull sprout out of dirt carefully (usually just the main taproot) and plant them in my medium of choice ........

however with my rockwool cube seed starts i have done the hand water for about a week and then place them in your machine ......that sounds like a real good plan mj


Well-Known Member
wanna see some nugs u just chopped down out of my perpetual system the ones on the left are a cross i made personally from medicine man female clone ..and i pollentated with Northern lights pollen

the one in center is an ice from nirvana

the ones on right are bubblicious ...(nirvanas knock off of bubblegum)

o and the last pic is of some crazy spidermites i came across .......they go away tho just got to give em a little cheese ....:shock:



Well-Known Member
Nothing has changed here & I am getting very pissed. None of the Mother's Finest have showed a sprout yet. Also still have the feminised seed that hasn't sprouted after 4 days!!!WTF???? The 4 seedlings I do have under the lite have their first true leaves. Doktor, define big fat leaves LOL My seedlings are small but very green & doing well. I believe that Sensi is reputable but dang....what can I do? OH, BTW I will be posting pics hopefully from my Canon & not the Blackberry ... give you a lil looksie at my new babes.... maybe later today;) I sooooo wish I could get my hands on clones but know no one who grows & of course it is illegal here so I gotta' do the seed thing. How come I can get 10 bagseed to crack but can't get decent seeds to crack? I am beginning to think it's me & that sux. How long can you leave seeds in wet paper towel before they start to rot? Should I just put them in RW? Temps in the germination room are around 80F & RH ~50% The RW are moist but not wet.


Well-Known Member
Hey MJ Sometimes u just get bad seeds or maybe something happened during the germination process that could it explain it i guess. But ive lost seeds i paid 30 dollars a seed for and didnt feel to happy about it. Things happen.. Ive always has good luck with bagseed myself.. Maybe cause the seeds where fresh i dunno. Who knows what the breeders do to them before they get to us it sux. Ride it out if they dont crack chalk it up as a loss. Hope everything else is cool. Peace.


Well-Known Member
Hey you:hug: WTF?? Where you been? LoL So you think I shoud just chunk em & try again? How many days do you let them go before you chunk? I absolutley hate this shit & am ready to get on with the grow, GRRRRRRRRRR How long do you hand water? Am ready to move on!!! Like I said...missed your input...


Well-Known Member
let em go a good 14 days in towel before you chunk em lol .......crackin seeds is an art ...alot on here are just clone experts ......if you place your seeds that are in paper towel ...prlly on a dinner plate if you got a nice warm ....dvd player or ....heat mat ......

dont let em dry up tho

here is another method i use and actually it is my standard ......i get some soil and place it in a tray ....or basically a mound of dirt on a plate would work too .....heeh ...then i soak seeds in water for 24 hours

and then i plant all of em in mound of dirt ...this can be done with one big pot also ....and when sprouts come up i just gently pluck em out and do whatever i need to do hydro style.....

u could take a sprout and rip apart a rockwool cube in half then place sprout in cube and put halves together ..........then to net cups with lava rock ......u should get some hydroton ...good stuff


Well-Known Member
Hi & Thx for the input!! Doktor, how you? Are you serious on the 14 day thing? I peeked down in the RW & I see fuck all happening, LOL My 3 Mother's Finest seeds haven't cracked thinking DL may be right that they just were bad seeds? Just in case, I put 3 more in to soak. I think I will stick with the RW for now...I didn't like those peat things. Having some serious personal stuff here "garden" has proved to be a therapeutic diversion for now. One of my seedlings has what looks like nute burn but no nutes being used...hmmmmmmm, wonder why? Anywho, like I said I'm ready to get on the grow and done with this seed/seedling phase. :sleep: Peace, MJ

tyke, you keep offering a hand so WTF??? LOL


Well-Known Member
i always sit my germinating seeds in a ziplock in a wet paper towel. on my computer, under a cloth. works like a charm. have some more patience can take a week or more before the seeds crack.


Well-Known Member
Hi Slammin'...nice to hear from ya;) I know all you say is true I'm just impatient LOL I soak overnight in water in dark place then do the paper towel in the baggie in a dark warm place. WELL, guess what?!?!?! I had a Mr. Nice sprout last night so it's under the lite & it's 2 siblings should show me something by the end of the day. FINALLY one of the original Mother's Finest seeds cracked today so it's now in RW YAH!!!! 6 days to crack that seed, GRRRRRRRRRRR Still have lil faith in that last Jack Flash seed in RW to give me a seedliing but I'll give it some more time. One of the Jack Flash seedlings stems got really long & kept tipping over so I staked & tied but I may lose. The 2 bagseed look burned to me. Not sure what that is cause all they have gotten is about 5 ml of ph water once maybe twice a day. No clue!! Gonna get some pics on here today...I promise;) MJ


Well-Known Member
when i sprouted my seeds i waited for the tap root to get no more then a 1/4 inch then placed them in rapid rooters. as for the first set of leaves, they were burning twisting curling folding over and just not doing well but after about the 3rd set of leaves they started to pick up and grow. i hope everything is going well for you now, and good luck.


Can someone tell me what this is? Is it nutrient burn, bugs or even a def? the plant is about a month and a half in and stands about 6 inches tall. The Temperature stays about 75-85 degrees. I cant flush the plant cause it is in a planter. There is new growth since the pics, but the burn seems to have gotten worse on the top leaves when i tried to give it some MG. some one please help!!!!!



Well-Known Member
thats nute burn ...or def ...which both are kinda in the same because if the lockup they show def when actually ther is a toxic level ......hit em with pure water see what happens

are those outside? i need to know that first of all