Virgin seeking experienced hand...


Well-Known Member
Hi, virgin grower here in need of serious tutoring!! Have BCNL Bloombox up & running ($5500 in the hole). Recently germinated 8 Jack Flash them sprouted & under light in clone dome. After about 10 days began venting lid off dome to "harden" the babes...they died within 8 hrs. :cry:OK, live & learn... called BCNL (excellent tech support but you never get the same answer twice!!LOL) was told I should've just planted in 3" rockwool & left in dome for a few weeks. Skip ahead to today.... I have 8 Maple Leaf Indica babies that sprouted 2 days ago & went under lights in the dome yesterday. I can see about an inch of a root growing out of the rock wool of a few of them & they're looking good....T 88F.... H 88% Besides being patient & making sure temp & humidity stay good, what should I be planning for. I do not want to screw this up again since these seeds cost around $200 bucks & I'll be growing dirt weed if this fails. PLEASE can someone mentor me on this journey?!?!?!?! Any & all help is greatly appreciated:peace:


Well-Known Member
ok so no responses or anything but I think I'm still doing ok with my babies. Checked them this morning & they're holding at T87F & H 88% so I'm happy....some of the stems are turning a purple color. My gut is telling me just keep lifting that lid a few times a day & let them do their thing. Am thinking I should wait until they get a few sets of true leaves before I try to do anything else with them assumming they don't get so tall they hit the dome lid. The dome is creating so much moisture I haven't had to water . Have read on here that babies can go their first 2 to 3 weeks without nutes so that makes me happy because those nutes make me nervous!! LOL Also, should my babies be under constant lite or should they be under veg lite? I believe the machine has them under 18/6 like veg. They're thriving so I guess they're ok, LOL Sure would be nice to have some feedback....Peace;)


Well-Known Member
Hmmm putting my experienced hands on a virgin cherry seems like it would be a lot more appealing than just answering some questions. what a let down.

What are you doing with a humidity dome on seed sprouts? Those two don't go together, you don't need a dome at all. Your problem is most likely that you either fertilized (you shouldn't for a month) or you overwatered them so much you drowned them to death.

Those are guesses, because so far I haven't heard what you did that killed them but the dome is wrong don't use it again only for clones.


Active Member
oh honey to start, your paying WAY too much so dont ever buy seeds from where ever your getting them again, go to thats where i get my seeds they have all the best farms in amsterdam there for guarenteed best prices you can even get 5 FEMENIZED seeds for around 40 bucks or less depending on the strain but all prices are in Great British Pounds so go to to convert that to american dollars. next he's right you dont need any kind of chamber just a simple grow space, your lights will make it the right temp for your plant trust me. now he could be right about the nutrients so im gonna tell you how to not over fert. for the first 3-4 weeks of life do NOT give anything but distilled water. once they r 3-4 weeks old they will start to need veg nutes so go to home depot and get miracle gro all purpose NURSERY SELECT if you cant get that than look for another 20-20-20 formula (it will say 20-20-20 on the box somewhere.) water just as the instructions for indoor plants says. also go to and read ten biggest mistakes growers make it really helped me when i got started, if you have any more Q's just post and ill keep my eye out for you



Well-Known Member
Lol...can't say I feel the same on the virgin territory but am happy to have an ear nonetheless, LOL According to BCNL this is how it's done...crack the seeds in paper towel & a lil water....plant seeds about 1/2" down into ph balanced pre-soaked 1" rockwool then place in clone dome in dark warm location until sprouts appear. Once seeds sprout then you place the entire dome under the lite on a tray that sits maybe 12" from the lite....this creates a greenhouse type environment in the clone dome. I haven't watered these or the first batch nor have I fertilized. So you are saying these 4 day old babies should be in what type environment? Have you ever grown in Bloombox or might you know someone who has? This is my first grow & I REALLY don't want to mess this up!!! ;)


Well-Known Member
Thanks Pink...these seeds came from Sensi over in Amsterdam that's why they cost so darn much & not feminised seeds either, LOL Just didn't want to mail order or grow this dirt weed we have around here. OK, so where should I have my babies? They seem to be thriving but please do tell me the rationale behind taking them out of the dome? They're protected & moist...why is that a problem? Also they have a shield to keep the leaves from burning... I'm confused now but I will do what needs to be done...are you familiar with BCNL bloombox? Thanks again for your response ... really do appreciate it!!!


Well-Known Member
So far so good as far as I can tell....all 8 of my babies are still alive with roots showing out bottom of rockwool & 1/2 are putting on 2nd set of "true" leaves. This is after 4 days under the lite... Am assuming I need to wait until I have lots of roots to plant in 3" rockwool? Who knew gardening could be so nerve racking, LOL? :peace:


Active Member
lol yes it is nerve racking the first couple go-rounds but i have grown long enough to know that if anything the dome will just make a prime environment for fungi, actually thats how you grow shrooms lol in a dome with humidity because they r a fungus really. its good your babies r doing great im hoping to see more female growers out there like u, sometime i feel like the only one ha ha. since your babies are sprouted you can plant them in a 6" potter, i would add some peat moss and bark/charcoal to the rockwool mixture for better nutrient retention.

Good Luck Babe!


Well-Known Member
I dont have the BCNL but something simliar. It seems like you have to learn the system as much as you do the growing ins and outs. Maybe you should have started with the bagseeds and done trial by error?


Active Member
oh and a closet is a prime spot for a grow space because theres a bar to hang the light and its private, plus i have cats who love plants so it keeps them away lol


Well-Known Member
ok so no responses or anything but I think I'm still doing ok with my babies. Checked them this morning & they're holding at T87F & H 88% so I'm happy....some of the stems are turning a purple color. My gut is telling me just keep lifting that lid a few times a day & let them do their thing. Am thinking I should wait until they get a few sets of true leaves before I try to do anything else with them assumming they don't get so tall they hit the dome lid. The dome is creating so much moisture I haven't had to water . Have read on here that babies can go their first 2 to 3 weeks without nutes so that makes me happy because those nutes make me nervous!! LOL Also, should my babies be under constant lite or should they be under veg lite? I believe the machine has them under 18/6 like veg. They're thriving so I guess they're ok, LOL Sure would be nice to have some feedback....Peace;)

hello growing with a DWC system is kinda nerve recking some times, i know because i have a bloom box and have 5 cycles under my belt. i have learned alot since the beginning . i had no luck with seeds my second cycle was from seed, bc god bud , it was sad. i wont grow from seed any moore cause i get clones that are healthy and good to go and always females . seeds take about 58 days before starting to show sex if u are good u can clip and clone then flower. talk about stressful, i have been told that purple stems arent a good sign. when u get past finding a female and are reedy to clone , i can help. but it sounds like u have a ways to is my last 8 weeks into flower.



Well-Known Member
Hi pink..thanks for the good info.... prolly I should've grown some bag seed to get my feet wet but no turning back now!! lol Fishen..are the white perch biting where you are? So glad to meet someone with a bloombox....what do you think? 5day old seedlings? Leave in dome or plant in bottom of veg side? Would have to hand water for now. Transplanted to 3" rockwool yesterday but left in dome...all had at least one good root with branches coming out of bottom of rockwool... this is pure indica here so it should be easier right? Personally I think the hardest part is the waiting & trying not to peek in on them more than a few times a day...don't wanna stress them!! For now they are resting safely & growing like.... well.....WEEDS!!!!! Thanks for your responses...MJ:cool:


Well-Known Member
hi pink..thanks for the good info.... Prolly i should've grown some bag seed to get my feet wet but no turning back now!! Lol fishen..are the white perch biting where you are? So glad to meet someone with a bloombox....what do you think? 5day old seedlings? Leave in dome or plant in bottom of veg side? Would have to hand water for now. Transplanted to 3" rockwool yesterday but left in dome...all had at least one good root with branches coming out of bottom of rockwool... This is pure indica here so it should be easier right? Personally i think the hardest part is the waiting & trying not to peek in on them more than a few times a day...don't wanna stress them!! For now they are resting safely & growing like.... Well.....weeds!!!!! Thanks for your responses...mj:cool:
5 days i would probably start vinting your dome a little and let the stems start to get stronger. After u see roots that is a good indicater that thay ar geting redy for the veg side. I have w widow & purple kush growing at the same time. The sens grows fast and tall were the kush grows shorter, it takes a few times till you get the how tall to veg before u flower. My rule of thumb is sens veg till about 10 inch, with indo u want about 20 inch, befor going into flowering. I actualy made some suports under my res tank so i can rais the plants and tub up to the light, beter lumins . After thay grew up to the glass i lowered the tank by 8 inches, i contenued to do this until my res is back down on the botem. One key about theas boxes thay are prone for mold , humiditys must be low in the room u have ur box in,if it is alredy high u shuld add a dehumidifier in ur room also add fans inside ( as maney as u can ) helps to keep air moving. Also thay dont tell u but use co2 from veg all the way threw flowering it helps alot. Keep an eye on ur temps room temp of 75 deg brings temp inside ur box up to 81 deg, that is starting to get hot. Heat stress leads to mold in a humid inverment.and dont over fill ur res tub that will lead to root rot. And defenatly use enzimes in the res tub , i use hygrozime it realy helped me , i started in the begining of sumer and got heat stresed, brown roots and slime. Caled bcnl and thay didnot know what to do, thay told me i shuld try moving the box to an other room. Lol . Talked to my local hydro man and he told me to tyr hygrozime and i love it.

U will deffenatly want to clip and clone ur plants after thay get a litle biger make shure u r growing girls and not seeds. When i grew from seed i found 5 boy out of 7, 3 weeks after flowering . Very sad

good luck 2 u , may all ur buds be big ones.


Well-Known Member
Well I checked my babies this morning & all is going well....looks like my runt (small & leaves curling under) may be giving up the ghost but I'm gonna keep watching as I've done everything I know to do for it (adjusted position in dome in relation to lite...fresh air):( other 7 are nice & green ...just chillin' & growin' LOL Have a couple of stars***I vented the dome today as temp was near 85F & humidity was around 78% so I just laid the lid over the dome opposite of how it should go & we shall see. I did put a basket on shelf to sit babes on so as not to get any more "leggy" although I don't think they are considered "leggy" as of now. Maybe this is not a good move...dunno!!Fish how do you vent the dome? Also do you mind me asking how did you raise the resevoir? Might need to be doing that here once I plant them in the bottom. Am still a nervous wreck & I can't believe it's only been a week since I soaked the seeds...obviously this is all my energy has been focused on...seems more like a month!!! LOL Is anyone else scared to leave home? I keep thinking I'll come home & they'll all be dead, grrrrrr Any experienced hands with Maple Leaf Indica give me a holler....MJ:peace:


Well-Known Member
Babies are now 8 days old...looks like runt is definitely a goner as roots have started to turn yellow & top growth is stunted at one set of leaves:( That will leave me at 7 MLI seedlings. DOme is in process of being removed so plants are in bottom of machine for this process. Will obtain spray bottle today and mist only as plants begin to feel dry. Will wait another week or so on nutes even though I do have some purple stems which I have read is indicative of phosphorous deficiency. Any suggestions? Also, I need to "bury" my stems however I am growing in rockwool & unsure of how to do this in rockwool...could I just get some of those grow pebbles & build up around stems or what should I do? I fear the pebbles will harm the stems, grrrrrrrrrrr I hate being a newbie already!!!!! LOL This is a hydroponic stealth system I'm working with here. Would prolly feel WAYYYY more comfy with good ole soil in cups but my path is determined & I've got to learn this system!!! In case you can't tell my nerves are totally on edge!!! This should be fun not stressful like this but I guess the "fun" will come after I am able to get a few solid grows behind me, right?? From what I can see the plants are doing fine but I SOOOOOOOOOOOO don't want to screw this up:confused: Any ideas, suggestions, criticisms, etc... greatly appreciated. MJ:wink:


Well-Known Member
Babies are now 8 days old...looks like runt is definitely a goner as roots have started to turn yellow & top growth is stunted at one set of leaves:( That will leave me at 7 MLI seedlings. DOme is in process of being removed so plants are in bottom of machine for this process. Will obtain spray bottle today and mist only as plants begin to feel dry. Will wait another week or so on nutes even though I do have some purple stems which I have read is indicative of phosphorous deficiency. Any suggestions? Also, I need to "bury" my stems however I am growing in rockwool & unsure of how to do this in rockwool...could I just get some of those grow pebbles & build up around stems or what should I do? I fear the pebbles will harm the stems, grrrrrrrrrrr I hate being a newbie already!!!!! LOL This is a hydroponic stealth system I'm working with here. Would prolly feel WAYYYY more comfy with good ole soil in cups but my path is determined & I've got to learn this system!!! In case you can't tell my nerves are totally on edge!!! This should be fun not stressful like this but I guess the "fun" will come after I am able to get a few solid grows behind me, right?? From what I can see the plants are doing fine but I SOOOOOOOOOOOO don't want to screw this up:confused: Any ideas, suggestions, criticisms, etc... greatly appreciated. MJ:wink:

it gust takes time. to bad u cant find any clones. this will seppd up ur prossess by atleast a mounth or two, or more if u dont get any girls on ur first attempt.

i raised up the rez tub by using two plastic milk crates under the tub, that will give unugh suport 4 ur rez tub with water just space them out on the outside edges. after thay started touching the glass i took two more crates and cut about 6 inches off , and left a shourt crate , shorter than the one i started with that set u up for a three step highth change.

that brings me to ask u a question. if u are looking inside does your box have a fan / exhaust at the top right inside? how long have u had ur box? what kind of sumer temps do u have? is ur humidity high?


Well-Known Member
This system is very new to me as is this particular type of gardening. I have 1 exhaust fan in veg & 2 over in flower....keep wondering when one in veg will come on since as of yet it hasn't kicked on.Have box in a closet and T ~80 with H~45% with glass of water in the box on tray. All 1" rockwool has been transplanted to 3" with a few already sprouting roots from 3" rockwool. Seedlings remain in clone tray so as to be closer to CFL; however, dome has been successfully removed. Vent cover left in place to help with humidity for now. Am hand watering this week as rockwool dries nutes. Am looking to purchase h2o2 for next phase... Keep things nice & clean. I will be glad if I get 2 females & I can begin cloning. Am researching for a couple more breeds that I might like to try my hand at and then that's it for a while. If I get mostly females I will again use Sensi. How long should I veg these plants? Peace, Love, & Happiness....MJ


Well-Known Member
This system is very new to me as is this particular type of gardening. I have 1 exhaust fan in veg & 2 over in flower....keep wondering when one in veg will come on since as of yet it hasn't kicked on.Have box in a closet and T ~80 with H~45% with glass of water in the box on tray. All 1" rockwool has been transplanted to 3" with a few already sprouting roots from 3" rockwool. Seedlings remain in clone tray so as to be closer to CFL; however, dome has been successfully removed. Vent cover left in place to help with humidity for now. Am hand watering this week as rockwool dries nutes. Am looking to purchase h2o2 for next phase... Keep things nice & clean. I will be glad if I get 2 females & I can begin cloning. Am researching for a couple more breeds that I might like to try my hand at and then that's it for a while. If I get mostly females I will again use Sensi. How long should I veg these plants? Peace, Love, & Happiness....MJ

sounds like your temps are high already, when the flower lamp comes on your temps will be 85 -86 deg 4 more deg and u will be at 90 ,heat stress & powdery mold will come . you need to cool it down.

if im growing sens i will veg them inutile thae are 12 - 14 in 3 weeks after roots develop. indo i veg until at least 20 inches