Viking Fruit 15/16

How goes the whitefly battle. I'm learning from you.
Ahh yes those damn fruitflys..well at this stage bubblegum is untouched and i seem to have nailed or killed all the eggs on the wonder woman BUT theres always a kicker ..the sr71 is just starting to throw flowers and it seems the eggs are now more concentrated on the underside of the older bigger leaves.
I sprayed all 3 of these plants 4 times in the last 2 weeks so its strange how this battle is panning out ..i shake the plants and only ever see a few lets say 10 or so live whiteflys fly up so its under control but im looking forward to the next drop in hot weather in 2 days time to give another gd spray although with the amount of eggs on the SR i. Spraying that one tonite regardless of our hot day tomorrow
I also find shaking the plants and spraying a foot above where i shake is taking down the live ones that fly up
Helps to have two ppl do this one shaking one spraying you see the flys drop dead straight away
Lmao, man that thread got ugly quick but nothing like a big bag of dicks to straighten things out!
Well a few dicks were bent not straight lol

What did I miss ? This Nazi editing shit is pissing me off. Along with don't talk about trading sharing or gifting yet it's OK to have threads on how to mail drugs in the federal mail and how to make lsd, shoot herion, and make crystal is OK .