New Member
Why are you getting all excited? Reading more into my words than there is to read? I've stated my opinion on video's childish behaviour and I'll argue my point till the fucking cows come home, should the need arise. How is it behind his back graf? Have i pm'd people with it? This is an OPEN FORUM. I know video would agree with me, what he did was extremely childish. I blamed it on the alcohol.this is so stupid, keep talkin shit about someone who isnt even here, thats the way to do it.... HE'S GONE!!! good job to everyone who helped cause this shit, Im sure that more will be leaving too thanks to people like this guy.... it wont be long b4 I go if this shit continues.....
maybe if you would have helped out a little more you would too have a nice little fan club, then you would feel superior and not have the time of day to talk shit behind peoples back.......
I'm not talking shit, you are. Get a grip.