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New Member
this is so stupid, keep talkin shit about someone who isnt even here, thats the way to do it.... HE'S GONE!!! good job to everyone who helped cause this shit, Im sure that more will be leaving too thanks to people like this guy.... it wont be long b4 I go if this shit continues.....

maybe if you would have helped out a little more you would too have a nice little fan club, then you would feel superior and not have the time of day to talk shit behind peoples back.......
Why are you getting all excited? Reading more into my words than there is to read? I've stated my opinion on video's childish behaviour and I'll argue my point till the fucking cows come home, should the need arise. How is it behind his back graf? Have i pm'd people with it? This is an OPEN FORUM. I know video would agree with me, what he did was extremely childish. I blamed it on the alcohol.

I'm not talking shit, you are. Get a grip.


Well-Known Member
but since we are keeping this thread alive I might as well speak how I feel since everyone else is....

I really feel like some people are seriously jealous of video and what he became in his time here, sure, he abused his authority, but theres alot of other abusing here that is all over the site and nothing gets done about it... imagine that.... oh, and I love the way that some people here actually think that they are never wrong!!! its great, they love to argue about ANYTHING so much that it gets to the point where the other end of the arguement doesnt even want to continue and then the main arguer*** automatically wins, fueling his ego........ any guesses


Well-Known Member
skunk, I cant believe that you have so much time to actually critcize EVERYTHING about him, the same way that babygro did..... I talked to video alot, not sure about you, but I did... I learned alot about this site from him.... only because of the people like you, that are here to criticize any person who doesnt do something right or makes a mistake somewhere.... but what the hell.... haters are everywhere.....

and..... if he were active in this thread, it would not be behind his back!!!

has video posted in this thread???? no which means he knows nothing about it, which means it IS behind his back


New Member
Graf, you did accuse me of being jealous. Come on now mate, please. I'm not jealous of anybody. I'm the best person I know and that's a fact. I merely stated in public how I saw video's parting shot. He didn't just leave with a nice farewell he left behind a pointed finger(s). Which has caused all of this now. All he really had to do was never click onto this site again. What would you do Graf? Say you were in video's shoes, would you have acted like he did or acted with dignity?


New Member
Also Graf the reason I said the thread was funny was because of all the knives I witnessed coming out. Then after me laughing at this you accuse me of doing the same thing.

I'd say whatever i said here again to videoman.


Well-Known Member
hello skunk, I come in peace, welcome to earth....

You ARE in fact doing the same thing dude.......

pointing a finger at someone............ hello??? anyone in there dude???

thats why I wanted the thread closed, because of the pointing fingers, but OF COURSE!!!!!..... you HAD to disagree, its just your brain that you dont know how to control yet, its okay, I cant be mad for that


Well-Known Member
Theres one other thing that has gone unmentioned so far, which i have been pretty nice about so far.

Videoman didnt like how i stuck up for babygro publicly so he went straight to rollitup and told him about me selling seeds.

What does that make someone in your eyes.

In mine it makes them a grass/snitch/tell tale or whatever, certainly not someone i would trust


Well-Known Member
HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now youre both on the same page!!!!!!

back to this again.... why even bring it up?????

its over and he is gone now, the both of you are happy so why do u want to keep bashing him?????????????


New Member
skunk, I cant believe that you have so much time to actually critcize EVERYTHING about him,
Graf hurry up and grow a brain mate. You make those accusations you better quote me to back it up. Show me this EVERYTHING. Reread and quote my original post Graf. reread it properly.


New Member
but since we are keeping this thread alive I might as well speak how I feel since everyone else is....

I really feel like some people are seriously jealous of video and what he became in his time here, sure, he abused his authority, but theres alot of other abusing here that is all over the site and nothing gets done about it... imagine that.... oh, and I love the way that some people here actually think that they are never wrong!!! its great, they love to argue about ANYTHING so much that it gets to the point where the other end of the arguement doesnt even want to continue and then the main arguer*** automatically wins, fueling his ego........ any guesses
What's your fucking sig' say Graf? You want to argue about ghosts, you'll lose. YOU want to argue for belief in a creator, you'll lose. Anyone with common sense can win these type of arguments... it sounds to me like you're the one that's jealous Graf, your sig coupled with this post says it all.


Well-Known Member
dude, Im not gonna do SHIT for you....."mate"

and Im not gonna argue w/ your ignorant ass either, you brought this shit back up so that YOU could feel good about yourself...

YOU are pointing fingers about his departure..... why dont you understand that??? is it because you sit and look at the screen all day tryin to find a mistake by someone and just flame the fuck out of them????

youre a loser dude, get a life away from your dell man, its annoying listening to your bitch ass here neverending about someone who isnt even a part of the site


Well-Known Member
I dont believe in ghosts.....

I know for a fact if Im looking at 1 spot on the carpet, my dog definately is not smart enough to go look at what Im looking at, and neither is your dog, dumbass

I dont believe that there is a god that knows the decisions we are making either, so fuck yourself


Well-Known Member
I dont believe in ghosts.....

I know for a fact if Im looking at 1 spot on the carpet, my dog definately is not smart enough to go look at what Im looking at, and neither is your dog, dumbass

I dont believe that there is a god that knows the decisions we are making either, so fuck yourself
Whats this about then?


Well-Known Member
jealous?????? youre a bitch my man, Nobody wants to be a bitch, nobody, therefore not jealous

I want to thank the mods for not closing this...... I know why, cuz skunk sucks the mods dicks', therefore why would they close somethin if skunk doesnt want them to???? Im so dumb geez


Well-Known Member
jealous?????? youre a bitch my man, Nobody wants to be a bitch, nobody, therefore not jealous

I want to thank the mods for not closing this...... I know why, cuz skunk sucks the mods dicks', therefore why would they close somethin if skunk doesnt want them to???? Im so dumb geez
I think you need to check this out graf

scroll right down to the bottom and read out what the bottom right word says that is written in red


Well-Known Member
I tell you what the funniest thing i've seen all night is,

after typing that message i looked to see who's online, and it was funny to see so many people switch from this thread to that link i gave looking for the bottom right word that is in red.
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