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Well-Known Member
so is that a "no"???? or what? Im tryin to make peace w/ people and you still want to play thread games.... whats the deal here????

this thread will be done when a mod closes it


Well-Known Member
NGT, thanks, no hard feelings.

abudsmoker, we're cool then, back to normal now, Im relieved.



Well-Known Member
ok I have been reading all this crap and I have to say...................It is crap. I run a forum and game website for like 5 years now. We are huge and the trick is, you are never going to agree or get along with everyone. I had a falling out just this weekend with one of my members attacking the integrity of me and my wife. Well I let him know he was wrong and the things he said, if they had been said in real life I would have punched him in the nose. But we are still there. Still the most poular clan and forums because in life it wont always bee peechy and rose colored. We all make mistakes. We all jump to conclusions . So fucking what. This forums you have here is awesome. If you want it to keep being awesome you have to cherish the good times and let the bad times just pass and work themselves out. You can trust me on this I am from the internet! lol

Anyways hope you all understand what I mean. This too will pass. Just remember that.


Well-Known Member
tommarow on the rollup saga will abud retailate, will vm sail off to another world, do ngt ab and gf have a three way shoot out...

you guys debate well.

but really

I'm Leavin

this thread

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
I saw videoman get a warm welcome on another forum this AM...

and geez..before you rap on him him for his cut and paste..take a look at this site's "Grow FAQ's" that are basically nothing more than one and the same....

and if you notice, MANY times it's just *crap* info the person *hasn't tested themselves* and may be 30+ years old that the person slapped up to get "rep" points...


Well-Known Member
ITS FUCKING DONE!!!! the bashing on everyone has ENDED!!!

which means we are no longer talking shit behind everyones back...

I could say all this shit over again about him just wanting to help but its done already, so no more, nobody wants to hear about it anymore, the good or the bad, if hes gone, hes gone....

mod............... please, close this or it will never end


Well-Known Member
I would have handled this very differently. "Exposing" VM publicly was the wrong thing to do, ESPECIALLY after you told him you'd do the SAME thing. That's just plain wrong and hypocritical, IMHO. You say you were only trying to make him feel better. Again, I think that's a bunch of BS. Maybe you should have PMed VM privately to resolve the whole thing. You could have contacted the other Mods and had one of them remove the ban. But went public without even the courtesy of confronting VM directly. The only motivation could have been to discredit and embarass him.

I, too, am done with this topic. It's been a major buzz kill. My grow is almost done. Once I'm done, I'll probably fade away too. This is way too much childish drama and I rather spend my time online being upbeat and positive.


Well-Known Member
I would have handled this very differently. "Exposing" VM publicly was the wrong thing to do, ESPECIALLY after you told him you'd do the SAME thing. That's just plain wrong and hypocritical, IMHO. You say you were only trying to make him feel better. Again, I think that's a bunch of BS. Maybe you should have PMed VM privately to resolve the whole thing. You could have contacted the other Mods and had one of them remove the ban. But went public without even the courtesy of confronting VM directly. The only motivation could have been to discredit and embarass him.

I, too, am done with this topic. It's been a major buzz kill. My grow is almost done. Once I'm done, I'll probably fade away too. This is way too much childish drama and I rather spend my time online being upbeat and positive.
You have made your mind up on this now so there isnt any point going over it.

Let all of this die away now so that rollitup can carry on as normal.


Well-Known Member
well I have sent 2 pm's to widow maker to close the thread but we all know how responsive our mods are :roll:


Well-Known Member
Sweeet! This thread's still open! I've been wanting to hack on some people, but all I can think about is abudsmoker's avatar...I'm going to my happy place,I'm going to my happy place,I'm going to my happy place,I'm going to my happy place...


Well-Known Member
Sweeet! This thread's still open! I've been wanting to hack on some people, but all I can think about is abudsmoker's avatar...I'm going to my happy place,I'm going to my happy place,I'm going to my happy place,I'm going to my happy place...
hows that happy place going, I had a quick look at that av and boy i rushed to the toilet gagging. Ewwwww. The guy in the picture must be a kiddie fiddler.


New Member
This thread's funny. Why should it be closed? I hope widow doesn't close it as I wouldn't. Very entertaining. Keep it up guys.

I might start another thread about this subject just to keep it alive. Maybe a poll entitled Who Actually Liked Videoman?

I always thought highly of vm, despite the fact he may have cut n pasted he still took the effort to do it. To provide the site with information. People like to come here, rather than type their request into google they like to find the answers here... he provided those answers.

The final (parting shot) of vm however diminished my respect for him considerably. The only thing I could put it down to is him being very drunk to write such shit. It appears that before leaving he has pointed the finger at a couple of members to instigate some type of rift. This worked, but only to the point it gave everybody something to talk about. His accusations are over-extended at best and outright lies at worst. It seems his bitterness coupled with alcohol has gotten the better of him and he's gone all "Woe is me... and it's all your fault you bastards."


Well-Known Member
dude, why talk behind someones back??? wtf, it seems as if people here like yourself skunk, are just somewhat jealous of video since he was loved here more than you....

theres NO POINT to keep it alive, not everyone has the same opinions as you buddy.... Im not taking sides but seriously, what is the point of YOU talking about it??? some people liked him, you wanna piss them off too now, good job, goal achieved...


Well-Known Member
this is so stupid, keep talkin shit about someone who isnt even here, thats the way to do it.... HE'S GONE!!! good job to everyone who helped cause this shit, Im sure that more will be leaving too thanks to people like this guy.... it wont be long b4 I go if this shit continues.....

maybe if you would have helped out a little more you would too have a nice little fan club, then you would feel superior and not have the time of day to talk shit behind peoples back.......


New Member
So graf, you feel vm's thread I'm Outta Here was ok? I liked videoman, that thread diminished my respect for him. Maybe you need to reread it.
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