You have made your mind up on this now so there isnt any point going over it.I would have handled this very differently. "Exposing" VM publicly was the wrong thing to do, ESPECIALLY after you told him you'd do the SAME thing. That's just plain wrong and hypocritical, IMHO. You say you were only trying to make him feel better. Again, I think that's a bunch of BS. Maybe you should have PMed VM privately to resolve the whole thing. You could have contacted the other Mods and had one of them remove the ban. But went public without even the courtesy of confronting VM directly. The only motivation could have been to discredit and embarass him.
I, too, am done with this topic. It's been a major buzz kill. My grow is almost done. Once I'm done, I'll probably fade away too. This is way too much childish drama and I rather spend my time online being upbeat and positive.
hows that happy place going, I had a quick look at that av and boy i rushed to the toilet gagging. Ewwwww. The guy in the picture must be a kiddie fiddler.Sweeet! This thread's still open! I've been wanting to hack on some people, but all I can think about is abudsmoker's avatar...I'm going to my happy place,I'm going to my happy place,I'm going to my happy place,I'm going to my happy place...