victims of feminism support thread

If stating fact makes me a pig, so be it.

But the reason this problem persist to this day is people like you: You think you can just say "me too" and the problem goes away.

It doesn't. Ever.

This has gone on for, quite literally, centuries. Until you wake up, face the music and address the actual problem, nothing will ever, ever change.

“You can tell the condition of a nation by looking at the status of its Women”

A world of gender parity can only be achieved with the active participation of all genders. In a patriarchal setup such as ours, men are not encouraged enough to think about women’s rights. However, with an evolving society and progressive mindset, an increasing number of men are working towards advancing gender equality.

—The music is being faced on a daily basis globally. What are you talking about? It’s people like YOU who choose to remain ignorant with the outrageous stance —“she shouldn’t have put herself in the position”, women need to stop playing the “victim”, and “my wife” thinks feminists are idiots and they should just put up or shut up, *-that are standing in the way of progress! Like wtf? Is that really her saying that, or you saying it for her?
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“You can tell the condition of a nation by looking at the status of its Women”

A world of gender parity can only be achieved with the active participation of all genders. In a patriarchal setup such as ours, men are not encouraged enough to think about women’s rights. However, with an evolving society and progressive mindset, an increasing number of men are working towards advancing gender equality.

—The music is being faced on a daily basis globally. What are you talking about? It’s people like YOU who choose to remain ignorant with the outrageous stance —“she shouldn’t have put herself in the position”, women need to stop playing the “victim”, and “my wife” thinks feminists are idiots and they should just put up or shut up! Like wtf? Is that really her saying that, or you saying it for her?

I love how his Russian wife is supposed to be the arbiter of women's movements in the US. Sounds like they deserve each other. Let's hope they don't spawn.
I prefer strong woman...

That's been part of Western religious dogma for years. So the answer is: yes. They did.

They simply followed along with the religious doctrine of "the woman's place is at the mans feet" and have historically done so in Western culture. Only recently have women started to say that they're sick of it.

But even in doing so, they allow themselves over and over again to be put into a situation of subjugation. It's been hammered into them their entire lives.

It's a lot like a drug addict blaming drug companies for being a drug addict. Nobody made you shove the shit in your arm. You did that all by yourself. Just because somebody told you it was the thing to do does not mean you had to do it.

Is going it alone difficult? Yes. Of course it is. That's why most people allow themselves to be victimized to begin with: it's the path of least resistance.

drug companies? :lol: there is a reason why everything thc has been patented by our government. you do know drug companies advertise their wares..don't you? you do understand physicians get kick back..don't you? i posted a website link here years ago where you can find whether your doctor gets kick back..sooooooo there's that. in sales, they are known as the 'advocate'.
A world of gender parity can only be achieved with the active participation of all genders.

Which is exactly what I pointed out. You simply ignore it because you want to sugar coat things and make it all look easy. It isn't.

It's no different than racism. This country is still rife with it. Why?

Because it's what is taught us and engrained in us from an early age and has been for centuries.

They're both the same in that regard. Until we change that, nothing will ever get better. Ever.

History proves me right because to this very day we have changed nothing in either instance. Not surprisingly, both instances still exist just as strongly now as they did before this country was even this country.
I don't side with the elected fucktards on either side, I side with the ordinary people.

the "ordinary people" of palestine elected terrorists. ordinary is in quotes because they are amazingly the world's first intergenerational refugees. all other refugees seem to figure it out before too long.
the "ordinary people" of palestine elected terrorists. ordinary is in quotes because they are amazingly the world's first intergenerational refugees. all other refugees seem to figure it out before too long.
So it's fair to say the "ordinary" people from here elected Trump?

You support the Dreamers, who aren't from here but fuck Palestinian children in their own country?

Keep supporting Trump's policies though.

You never did answer actually, do you support moving the US embassy to Jerusalem?
the "ordinary people" of palestine elected terrorists. ordinary is in quotes because they are amazingly the world's first intergenerational refugees. all other refugees seem to figure it out before too long.
Well said. I agree with you.
Which is exactly what I pointed out. You simply ignore it because you want to sugar coat things and make it all look easy. It isn't.

It's no different than racism. This country is still rife with it. Why?

Because it's what is taught us and engrained in us from an early age and has been for centuries.

They're both the same in that regard. Until we change that, nothing will ever get better. Ever.

History proves me right because to this very day we have changed nothing in either instance. Not surprisingly, both instances still exist just as strongly now as they did before this country was even this country.
Well, actually, social status of women and minorities is different today than it was 60 years ago. It did take wide consensus in the country to make those changes. The big changes came when a majority of the majority insisted on them. Today, it's a minority that managed to gain power who are taking us backward.
Most people think it has been around much longer, but woman only gained the right to vote in 1920 via the 19th amendment.

That's not quite a 100 years. And there are politicians who openly say it was a mistake and should be repealed.

We haven't come that far, and backwards isn't a far journey.
Most people think it has been around much longer, but woman only gained the right to vote in 1920 via the 19th amendment.

That's not quite a 100 years. And there are politicians who openly say it was a mistake and should be repealed.

We haven't come that far, and backwards isn't a far journey.
Who is calling for repeal of 19th amendment? That's crazy!