victims of feminism support thread

Is there even an actual conversation about how to deal the extremists that latch onto just causes we support?

Or am I trying to have a serious conversation in a pure bait thread and not realizing it?
i'm still waiting for you to name and shame all those feminazis who have hurt you so bad.
You were kidding about the feminazi thing, right?
I don't support the idiots who call themselves feminists but actually just hate men, they're not reasonable and make the cause look ridiculous.

I prefer to be on an equal footing with the people in causes I support.

Perhaps the term I used has been too strongly linked to Trumpers...

I dunno, I took a tolerance break and am back on it today, so I'm pretty fucked.
"Feminism today is led by people who are essentially televangelist 2.0. They are in it for the money. They are not in it to liberate women. If they were, they'd be talking about they'd be talking about the third world. They would not be talking about video games and game shows."
I don't support the idiots who call themselves feminists but actually just hate men, they're not reasonable and make the cause look ridiculous.

I prefer to be on an equal footing with the people in causes I support.

Perhaps the term I used has been too strongly linked to Trumpers...

I dunno, I took a tolerance break and am back on it today, so I'm pretty fucked.
Women who call themselves feminists but actually hate men?

I don't know anybody that fits your description. I've met plenty of women who were angry about being treated like dirt. I've had that anger reflected back on me because it took me longer than I'd like to admit that I was ignorant. My bad, not theirs. I've met some lesbians who were downright hostile but it had little to do with feminism and more to do with anger about how they were treated.

In any case, you are misapplying feminazi. The radical right have been using that term to discredit and mute the voices of women who are politically active in the women's rights movement.

From wikipedia:

Helen Lewis, deputy editor of the New Statesman, said of the term, "the idea of conflating a liberation movement with Nazism is just deeply ignorant. It’s self-undermining, because it’s so over the top." Laura Bates, the founder of the Everyday Sexism Project, has said that "It’s a desperate attempt to demonise us, and it’s frustrating, because if it wasn’t such an offensive word, you could actually start to embrace it and own it".[11]

You are using an awful term that demonizes people who are fighting for their rights. That you redefine it to mean other than how it is commonly used doesn't dress it up and make it look any better.
Lets toss a grenade into the room...

How can people in the same breath unreservedly claim to support both feminism and Islam simultaneously?
Which form of Islam are you talking about?

Why did you pick Islam? Why not apply the same false premise to Christianity?

How can people in the same breath unreservedly claim to support both feminism and Christianity simultaneously?
Isn't there already a name for what feminism claims to be? Egalitarianism. Feminism in its current form is simply female supremacy.