Very new, need some help or advice if possible :'(


New Member
Hi everyone,

It's my very first time and would really appreciate any help or advice that could be given. I have four babies who have been in this world for around 13-14 days now, but they seem to be having problems and even though I have searched and searched I am still not sure what is wrong with them...

One of them seems to be doing very well, but has little white spots on it.

Two of them are curling really badly and I'm not sure why. The room was really hot (31C) for about 5 days, but I've recently got it down to 24-26C... so I was thinking maybe it is heat stress? When I started I may have given a bit too much water (not anything crazy) so maybe they are overwatered? Or maybe I am paranoid and they are underwatered? :'(

The forth seems to be in the middle... not doing amazing, but not really bad either...

Can anyone look at the pics and let me know what could be the problem and/or offer any advice. They are all autoflower feminized seeds... but they seems to be growing really slowly. I am new, but trying my best to learn. I think I am just as stressed as my plants cause I keep having dreams about them and worrying about their health. Now I am just starting to grasp what it must be like for parents with children :P



Well-Known Member
#3 is the only one that concerns me. What soil are you in? It looks dry. it also looks like it needs perlite.

Hard to tell what they are in but i assume you have drain holes at the bottom.

do you have a fan on them? that is not the prob but something you want.

And i would fill those containers with soil.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU

does your soil have nutes built in?....or you using nutes?

31C is too hot, that could have been the root of your problems, but you got that under sure to run a fan 24 hours a day

be careful with watering too much, as this is a common issue with new growers...wait until the cup feels light and don't flood it

pic 3 does not look good, you could add some soil to the top as it's stretching


It does not look like over watering to me. It looks like the medium you are using is probably the issue. You should use either a really nice soil mixture or a hempy style grow (Hempy is 3 parts perlite to 1 part vermiculite). You want the medium to hold on to a little bit of the water for the roots to actually feed on.

Heat is a major issue as well, these girls are very sensitive for the first week or two. Get that temp down and keep it down!


New Member
Just wanted to say thanks for all the help so far! I am in China and ordered a soil that is between 6.2-6.8. Not sure what the English name is... I'm concerned about the slow the growth, since nothing has really been changing in the last 2-3 days, although I have read that this is a time the plants might be developing a root system and growth will follow soon. Thanks again for the help so far... I am loving the fact that I am trying something new but again it is stressing me out because I constantly worry about weather I am doing enough to help them grow.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
6.2-6.8 pH which is good for your soil, but what about your water, what is the pH of it?

I think maybe your soil has nutes which could have caused your issues....or if your water is too high or low pH......or if you been over watering...hard to say without more details


That's some dry looking soil. Make sure to use soil specifically for seedlings. Soils with nutes may burn your girls when they're so little