very important primary election


Well-Known Member
A new threat against medical marijuana is coming jerry cannon is running for congress so far unchallenged. At this years primary election aug5 a man named alan arcand is running against dan benishek Alen archand is 100% pro pot .The winner will go against cannon. I know cannon well enough to say you dont want this guy in office he was sheriff in kalkaska county for a long time not a good one either and does not like cannibis. beneshek has no chance of beating this guy. so make sure you vote and vote for Alen archand he is a rep. doubt that makes a diference. This year we are allowed to vote split ticket first time since the 50s so here's your chance to get the nerd out and get a pro pot congressmen in office. go vote thanks DP


Well-Known Member
I often worry about "Pro MJ" candidates. What about the other critical skill sets a community relies upon from it Congressmen/Government? Throwing in ideological partisans that have no ability or understanding (respect) for managing public policy (their job) causes only chaos. Look at the cesspool Washington DC is today. Most importantly recall that Obama ran a "Pro MJ" campaign 6 years ago collecting our community votes and then ...
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Well-Known Member

Alan Arcand

Arcand was born and raised in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. His father was a miner and his mother was the owner of a small video rental store. He joined the United States Air Force after high school. He received his B.A. from Embry-Riddle University. Arcand is currently the owner of an automotive repair business.

In 2012, Arcand served as a delegate to the Republican National Convention.

At least he is not a lawyer from a wealthy family. Being a Vet holding a real job is impressive for a political candidate these days ;)


Well-Known Member
I often worry about "Pro MJ" candidates. What about the other critical skill sets a community relies upon from it Congressmen/Government? Throwing in ideological partisans that have no ability or understanding (respect) for managing public policy (their job) causes only chaos. Look at the cesspool Washington DC is today. Most importantly recall that Obama ran a "Pro MJ" campaign 6 years ago collecting our community votes and then ...

I feel ya, but honestly how many politicians (state or federal) that currently have a seat do you feel do a good job representing us? We'd be better off if each election cycle we simply voted anti-incumbent.

When politicians stop working on behalf of corporate interests and start working for us I'll change my tune .....


Well-Known Member
I feel ya, but honestly how many politicians (state or federal) that currently have a seat do you feel do a good job representing us? We'd be better off if each election cycle we simply voted anti-incumbent.

When politicians stop working on behalf of corporate interests and start working for us I'll change my tune .....
Touche' That seems the simplest solution in the end :bigjoint:


Active Member
I often worry about "Pro MJ" candidates. What about the other critical skill sets a community relies upon from it Congressmen/Government? Throwing in ideological partisans that have no ability or understanding (respect) for managing public policy (their job) causes only chaos. Look at the cesspool Washington DC is today. Most importantly recall that Obama ran a "Pro MJ" campaign 6 years ago collecting our community votes and then ...
I understand what you are saying, but would have to agree with st0wandgrow. The primary responsibility of elected officials, in my opinion, is managing public resources (aka managing a budget). Part of that is balancing incoming revenue with outgoing expenses.

We all want to improve society, but at what cost? I do not trust someone who can look at the problems specific to Michigan (ahhh, the roads! the rape kits in Wayne county! the Detroit bankruptcy!) and refuse to regulate and tax a product that is already being consumed and that has been 'legal' for medicinal purposes for SIX YEARS!

They want to increase our sales tax - something that impacts every single person in the state - while refusing to allow taxation of the funds running through dispensaries.

What is our unemployment rate? We do not want the revenue and jobs provided by the medical cannabis industry? We have to consider the revenue streams created and what we can do with all of that public money! Hire officers, build schools, employ the thousands of people necessary to occupy the jobs of support staff!

They WILL raise the sales tax. They WILL continue to operate at a loss or create a mythical surplus by taking away from schools. They WILL continue to blame their lack of ability on a lack of funding.

The people demanded that we have medical legislation and now legislators are refusing to write and vote on the laws that we want? The only reason they can be so bold is the stigma associated with marijuana and its carryover to medical marihuana. Until users stop being afraid and assuming that this is not their world, then change will not be demanded.

I am voting a green/anti incumbent position, but then again this is what I am attempting to have my career be, so voting a green ticket doesn't seem like some 'stoner thing to do' and I am not disregarding communal good in favor of a recreational drug, I am trying to vote myself a legitimate career instead of lurking in the shadows and worrying about posting things like this.


Well-Known Member
Politics in today's world are not what they seem, what you think or what the politicians would like you to believe. We have laws written in the thousands of pages of legalese which not one member of Congress can either read nor write. So whom is writing these rules and running our country you ask? It's the billions of dollars of lawyers, PR firms and lobbyists down on K Street. I often through around the term "lawfare" here which is actually not a word, but rather a simple term in attempt to educate.

This lawfare transcends the simple abuse of criminal law through prohibition schemes we speak of here brother. In particular it is this corruption of "regulatory capture" within our government that we watched destroy our economy in 2007 and it's the reason we will never truly recover. It's how our government sells us progressive tax law and effectively delivers an extremely regressive one. It's how Republicans and Democrats fund their billion dollar campaigns and maintain power. IMHO education is societies only means of survival, as this is the only way equality in a democratic society can be achieved. How to remove the root evil that is successfully being sold to us as a solution :confused:

Regulatory capture is a form of political corruption that occurs when a regulatory agency, created to act in the public interest, instead advances the commercial or special concerns of interest groups that dominate the industry or sector it is charged with regulating. Regulatory capture is a form of government failure; it creates an opening for firms to behave in ways injurious to the public (e.g., producing negative externalities). The agencies are called "captured agencies".

Are you beginning to understanding why I chose the term "lawfare"?
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Well-Known Member
Politics in today's world are not what they seem, what you think or what the politicians would like you to believe. We have laws written in the thousands of pages of legalese which not one member of Congress can either read nor write. So whom is writing these rules and running our country you ask? It's the billions of dollars of lawyers, PR firms and lobbyists down on K Street. I often through around the term "lawfare" here which is actually not a word, but rather a simple term in attempt to educate.

This lawfare transcends the simple abuse of criminal law through prohibition schemes we speak of here brother. In particular it is this corruption of "regulatory capture" within our government that we watched destroy our economy in 2007 and it's the reason we will never truly recover. It's how our government sells us progressive tax law and effectively delivers an extremely regressive one. It's how Republicans and Democrats fund their billion dollar campaigns and maintain power. IMHO education is societies only means of survival, as this is the only way equality in a democratic society can be achieved. How to remove the root evil that is successfully being sold to us as a solution :confused:

Regulatory capture is a form of political corruption that occurs when a regulatory agency, created to act in the public interest, instead advances the commercial or special concerns of interest groups that dominate the industry or sector it is charged with regulating. Regulatory capture is a form of government failure; it creates an opening for firms to behave in ways injurious to the public (e.g., producing negative externalities). The agencies are called "captured agencies".

Are you beginning to understanding why I chose the term "lawfare"?
Quoting because this needs to be read and reread and shouted from rooftops and mountaintops, until the populace reaches critical mass in being appalled, offended, and infuriated enough about it, to unite against this common and stealthy enemy, so that it may be eliminated.


Well-Known Member
I feel ya, but honestly how many politicians (state or federal) that currently have a seat do you feel do a good job representing us? We'd be better off if each election cycle we simply voted anti-incumbent.

When politicians stop working on behalf of corporate interests and start working for us I'll change my tune .....
Yes. Until we devise a strategy that can effectively resolve the issue of regulatory capture, the best we can do is vote out incumbents, in order to slow the advance of "the machine." The less time any politician or official spends in office, the less damage they can do while there.

We need to minimize their damage while simultaneously devising the most perfect possible solution to eliminate "them" from the system, entirely, and also protecting that cleansed system from further infiltration and corruption.


Well-Known Member
Are you talking about disowning the district of columbia. I dont even consider them part of this country anymore. If you guys know of any special interest groups that would be worthwhile please post them.


Well-Known Member
Vote out the prosecutors and judges that still believe in the fairy tale of 'no medicinal benefit'
Remove Cannibis from the forfeiture list.
Codify the RIGHT to grow


Well-Known Member
We know several.
Prosecutors is:
With nothing but volunteer help and donations we intend to effect those elections at least

Who would vote for someone who believes in fairy tales? Get the word out. Talk to people. Tell them who and what you are. %63 asked for our help. Let them know what is being done to us in their names