Very High Temps. Help!


Well-Known Member
Okay so I am trying to finish my second CFL grow, strains are nirvana ak-48 and master kush. My box is in a shed which in the winter was cold as hell, but with lights on it was like 78 and used a heater to keep it at least 50 lights off. Anyway they came out great and a great yeild. My problem now is that my shed gets soo hot, and with the lights on at night it has been a constant 100 for the last three weeks. I have two weeks left and they have continued growing beautifully, my question is will this high heat lower the potency of my product and is there anything that I can do to combat this, I dont want to have 5 oz of awesome looking bunk weed ya know. Any help is appreciated, thanks.


Well-Known Member
I have a 50 cfm exhaust fan at the top and two fans inside the box with passive intake, not really trying to get into portable ac and what not in my shed, might draw attention. Mostly wondering if this will affect the potency, they look fine and will be done in two weeks but hoping they can maintain at 100 till then. My setup involves 12-42 watt cfls, and a 68 watter all made into one hood.


New Member
Oh they will maintain at 100 degrees, but they will be stressed as hell, and may reduce the potency some. Also some bugs may like those temps.


Well-Known Member
So far no bugs yet, but thats why I shut it down for the summer, just too hot and too many problems in the summer, the cold seems to be easier to control, and I've had my plants down to 40 many times in the winter and they did fine.


New Member
I have a buddy who run his room at a constant 60 degrees to fight spider mites. He has a HUGE A/C unit though.


Well-Known Member
I thought about getting one so I could continue through the summer but I feel it an unecessary expendeture at the moment. I want to wait until I go hps to really start spending the money on shit.


Well-Known Member
If your room temp is 100 then it's higher under the lights and they will basically cook from the inside out.. Bud production will be greatly slowed, bud will be airy too


Well-Known Member
Thats gonna suck because I have no other place to dry them either! waste of three months i guess