Vertical Scrog LED Closet Grow || Flooded Tube/ NFT || 450w - Headband - 2’ x 3’

Are these LEDs going to produce fat, sticky buds?

  • The buds are going to be amazing and you'll wonder why anyone uses HIDs.

    Votes: 18 19.1%
  • The buds will be good, and the yield will be good compared to the power used.

    Votes: 33 35.1%
  • The buds are going to be fluffy and weak and you'll wonder why anyone flowers with LEDs.

    Votes: 10 10.6%
  • Why not just wait and see?

    Votes: 33 35.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

we all had a great time! Glad you All had fun too. Sorry i got you too high! If its any consolation we only had the first bag of each type we tried. Neither of us would have made it back to the main house if we had polished off each bowl. :-). Hope you enjoy the smoke too! Let us know how it all is. (Smoke report) :-). Ive only vaped it so ur my smoke tester. Lol. Happy holidays my friend. :-)
Wake-N-Bake Dog for me this am.

Went to a party that NOBODY smoked at lol.
It was crazy to be the only stoner there, some ppl went out with me to smoke just to watch , I thought they were gonna hit it too?!?

LOL, to watch.....this reminds me of when some dude at
the Co-Op at UCLA referring to me as "doing beer" when
he saw me enjoying a bottle. What planet are you from? :0)

I have very few friends that I've had for a really long time. I find it weird though that I do meet a lot of people, make friends and for whatever reason they just don't last. I have 2 friends I've known in the 20 year range and I can honestly say that I think I'll know them the rest of my life. I've had dozens of friends that I thought I would know or continue to be friends with and I just don't, some small minor detail will keep me from communicating with them. Or they were a situational friend and I didnt realize it till the situation had passed. One such example was motorcycle riding. I made some friends throughout my time riding a crotch rocket and these dudes I would ride with and also party and hang out with. I felt the bikes were just a perk and didnt realize they were the glue holding the relationship together in the first place. After getting pulled over many times, getting my bike impounded twice and finally getting arrested for doing a wheelie in front of 3 cops I had to sell my bike. My other riding friends eventually got rid of their bikes as well so it wasn't like I was just the odd man out, but regardless I just had less and less contact with those dudes to where I haven't spoken to any of them at all in over 3 years.

But yeah, you're being a whiny bitch :)
I was thinking the same thing as Some guy, Fu@k dave. I have no friends I've known for more then 6 years other then my wife. I wish I had the chance to hang/visit like some of you get to, honestly makes me jealous.
Also... After seeing this grow in person. Holy cow. I cant beleive how much light the plants are absorbing. They are also super close to the lights with zero burn or bleaching. Very thick, robust growth. I told jig my only concern would be needing even more light to cover so much growth. He literally HAD to remove some of it or it would just be too dense. I am now even more curious to see the end results with these lights.

Awesome grow jig. I like your tubes better than soil. :-)
And on the other end of the friend spectrum, I had a lovely time with a fellow RIU'er yesterday. Our families hung out, babies 'played' together... more like laid on the floor together. And HOLY SHIT>>>>>>>>>>> I got SOOOOOOOO high. I seriously had to stop smoking lol. Fucking volcano bags get pretty up there for highs.

And I got a wonderful christmas present that included Blue Dream, AK 47, Sour bubble, and Diablo OG. Also some lovely homemade breads. Mmmmm monkey bread is good... not sure what it is, but yeah, you guys should try some.

It's friends like this, and you other folks I know from this website that have me think why waste time and effort on an old friend who doesn't seem to care. Especially when I have friends who do care and make extra effort to be kind and caring.

EXCITING PLANT NEWS: Just went in the closet and saw the first hairs. There are white hairs popping up all over the place. Can't wait for them all to start marching in. Trichs soon to follow (i hope)

i have to agree jig as i came on to riu with the idea i would not be posting just came to look at grows of strains i had ordered. I read a bunch of the 600 guys grows and finely saw the link to the 600. i started to read a was moved to join in. I have had poor luck with frinds my self mostly because i try and be a good honest man and have been screwed over by many people. hell me and my wife got left at the Hilton in Shreveport on our Anniversary shit was like two hours from our house. Bitch was so drunk see went to TX she had to have her old man come and get her there in our car we had left with him. So i was like f her we dont do shit with her any more. i am like that it has been my experience if they do it once they will do it again. Well my wife got to kicking it with her and lieing to me about it and we almost broke up over it. well she talked me in to chilling with her after some time had past. You can bet your ass she f us again so now my wife is a little wiser for it. it is hard to come by people of you guys caliber. stay cool jig it will be all good in the end
Just to throw some of my thoughts out about your grows current state. Of most LED I have seen that produced some bud they were all strong enough to bleach the plant when they were too close. The fact that your plants aren't bleaching even with the LED so close kind of throws up a flag to me that they aren't very strong. I don't fully buy into the oh ours are in the perfect light spectrum blah blah blah. I could be wrong, and in your case its a good thing or your plants would be bleached to shit. But it does raise questions as to how much usable penetration am I getting at say 2'? Obviously to get any kind of coverage from a light that is achieved by raising the light and increasing the footprint. Yeah common sense, but some people don't think about it :)

It raises more questions for someone growing horizontally like myself. I can't/won't put a light 2" over a plant because there won't be any light for the other plants in my case. If I were to use LED in my room I would need at LEAST 4 panels to cover my space, or what I'd be willing to try anyway. These were things I'd thought before but just wanted to share my observations.
Just to throw some of my thoughts out about your grows current state. Of most LED I have seen that produced some bud they were all strong enough to bleach the plant when they were too close. The fact that your plants aren't bleaching even with the LED so close kind of throws up a flag to me that they aren't very strong. I don't fully buy into the oh ours are in the perfect light spectrum blah blah blah. I could be wrong, and in your case its a good thing or your plants would be bleached to shit. But it does raise questions as to how much usable penetration am I getting at say 2'? Obviously to get any kind of coverage from a light that is achieved by raising the light and increasing the footprint. Yeah common sense, but some people don't think about it :)

It raises more questions for someone growing horizontally like myself. I can't/won't put a light 2" over a plant because there won't be any light for the other plants in my case. If I were to use LED in my room I would need at LEAST 4 panels to cover my space, or what I'd be willing to try anyway. These were things I'd thought before but just wanted to share my observations.

I think it might help that they dont use lenses so the light is less focused which could possibly cause less bleaching. Its diffused more.
But since they are multichips and 3w chips in a close array they still have penetrating abilities.

That being said one of my plants had some chlorosis on the top leaves and i thought it might have gotten bleaches but im pretty sure its a slight def because the rest arent showing it and its the same height.
That's the kind of math my wife does. I don't get it. Makes my brain hurt. Kinda funny considering how much I love math. But that's arithmetic. I like math. Not arithmetic. That's what calculators were invented for lol.

So, I wanted to share or something. Something I can't get off my mind. I have a friend Dave who lives back in San Diego where I'm from. We have known each other since like 1st grade. We were best friends half of high school and after. We were in our band together, hung out just me an him a lot. I went to college, he didn't. I moved closer to school and we sorta had different circles after that. Well really, he stayed with the home town circle and I sorta moved on to new friends. Then I moved to LA and pretty much never heard from my friends again. Him or anyone else. I guess that's what happens when you move away.

So, years go by and we run into each other at a wedding. We patch things up (he totally ditched me on my 21st birthday) and things seemed alright. Talk now and then. He comes up for visits. I go down a couple times to visit. It's cool, old friends, talk now and again. Nice. Not as close as I would like, but whatever, I chose to move away.

Then there's the Broncos connection. We have both loved the broncos independently since we were little kids. both liked John Elway and are pretty die hard fans. (all relative I guess). Last year I had an idea the broncos would make the super bowl, and I thought it would be fun to visit Denver while the superbowl was going on. If they won it would be fun to be in the winning city and celebrate with the hometown fans. I called up Dave and asked if he wanted to go with me. Dude didn't even hear me out, like 2 sentences and comes up with a list of reasons why he couldn't possibly go. Never heard that I was gonna pay for his flight, and we were gonna stay with friends of mine, so no hotel cost. Ok, so nevermind that.

And then there was this week. Dave, two of my other best friends from high school, and a few others took a trip to Denver to watch the Chargers take on the Broncos. Friday they went snowboarding, and saturday they were in Boulder. The only way I knew any of this was someone's girlfriend posts it all to facebook.

The point of it all is that I'm pretty hurt that Dave didn't even think to chat about the exciting trip he was taking. I kinda feel like Fuck Him. I don't even want to talk to him about it because I feel like I'll just sound like a whiny bitch. Maybe that's all I am being. Not really sure. Do you guys have any thoughts?

I'm just so bummed he wouldn't even want to talk about it with me. :(

Now that you are Married w/Child, people will think differently about you, cause you got responsibilities beyond Yourself now. That's OKay, cause if you are doing Life right, the way YOU feel, and your Priorities are a Changing! Thats OKay TOooo! Dont hold it against your 'ol Friend, and Enjoy his company when you get the chances. I found it MUCH Easier to NOT have EXPECTATIONS? Definitely stay out of HIS Head. When he enters the FAMILY role, you may have another chance at the Closer relationship, cause then he will be able to relate! Dont be surprised that he is probably JEALOUS of the LOVEFEST you now belong to!

Finding other Growers/Partakers, Married w/Child will provide you with Play Date Excuses that will Please everyone! It just isnt the same, hanging with the 'ol Single Buddies and leaving the Wifey at home to take care of the Little Treasure.


Peace and LOVE to ALL (past-present-future)

Just to throw some of my thoughts out about your grows current state. Of most LED I have seen that produced some bud they were all strong enough to bleach the plant when they were too close. The fact that your plants aren't bleaching even with the LED so close kind of throws up a flag to me that they aren't very strong. I don't fully buy into the oh ours are in the perfect light spectrum blah blah blah. I could be wrong, and in your case its a good thing or your plants would be bleached to shit. But it does raise questions as to how much usable penetration am I getting at say 2'? Obviously to get any kind of coverage from a light that is achieved by raising the light and increasing the footprint. Yeah common sense, but some people don't think about it :)

It raises more questions for someone growing horizontally like myself. I can't/won't put a light 2" over a plant because there won't be any light for the other plants in my case. If I were to use LED in my room I would need at LEAST 4 panels to cover my space, or what I'd be willing to try anyway. These were things I'd thought before but just wanted to share my observations.

I hear what you are saying about the lack of bleaching vs. penetration, we will see I guess. I feel like the stuff on the insides/ back of the plants are super healthy and pretty developed for being shaded quite a bit. I can't really say how these things work in a different configuration, as I am still learning how well they work the way I have them set up. I do know that these are about the healthiest plants I've ever grown, so that's something.

The white hairs started showing up. And I think they are done stretching.
I know... best plants ever so far and theres me in the corner going yeah but... I've just gotta be that guy! You know that whole question everything mentality! Like I said though in your circumstance all of the stars are aligning so far!
I don't think I mentioned it here. What's in my tank to get those beautiful roots:

Tap Water
DutchMaster Grow A+B
DM Zone
GenHydro pH Down

I swear by the DH Zone man... it works wonders.

im copying your answers for the test..
I'm fighting with bleaching myself..I thought it was me not givin the girls enogh food but I may have to turn the lights down a bit.
Wow a lot to read here but I'll get through it eventually.
Glanced over most of it though, and those tubes are impressive to say the least.
Can't wait to see more jigs:bigjoint:
AIMG_20131216_211058.jpg ok fam this is one I been dreaming about.a ken mix male and I don't know its name but I can tell u that the male smelled like a dead I was smoking my dj short blue moonshine and thought it would be a good idea to breed the as I gem the seeds the smelled like the daddy.this is my outcome 17 dead mans chest lol I made that name up.
Wow a lot to read here but I'll get through it eventually.
Glanced over most of it though, and those tubes are impressive to say the least.
Can't wait to see more jigs:bigjoint:

Welcome to the journal. Hopefully you get a laugh reading through stuff.

I didn't really get a chance to work on the closet today even though I wanted to. I did however come up on a MASSIVE load of firewood. The electric companies tree guys came down my street today. As they cut stuff down they chop up the bigger stumps and leave them in piles on the side of the road. They made 4 piles, I picked up 3 and half of the big pile before I told my neighbor he should get some. I still totally hoooked him up by telling him, but part of me feels bad cuz I got so much. It's a crazy amount. At least a seasons worth. :)

Poor baby got her 4 months shots today. She is NOT happy.

I'm stoked though... got some horchata to drink.