That's the kind of math my wife does. I don't get it. Makes my brain hurt. Kinda funny considering how much I love math. But that's arithmetic. I like math. Not arithmetic. That's what calculators were invented for lol.
So, I wanted to share or something. Something I can't get off my mind. I have a friend Dave who lives back in San Diego where I'm from. We have known each other since like 1st grade. We were best friends half of high school and after. We were in our band together, hung out just me an him a lot. I went to college, he didn't. I moved closer to school and we sorta had different circles after that. Well really, he stayed with the home town circle and I sorta moved on to new friends. Then I moved to LA and pretty much never heard from my friends again. Him or anyone else. I guess that's what happens when you move away.
So, years go by and we run into each other at a wedding. We patch things up (he totally ditched me on my 21st birthday) and things seemed alright. Talk now and then. He comes up for visits. I go down a couple times to visit. It's cool, old friends, talk now and again. Nice. Not as close as I would like, but whatever, I chose to move away.
Then there's the Broncos connection. We have both loved the broncos independently since we were little kids. both liked John Elway and are pretty die hard fans. (all relative I guess). Last year I had an idea the broncos would make the super bowl, and I thought it would be fun to visit Denver while the superbowl was going on. If they won it would be fun to be in the winning city and celebrate with the hometown fans. I called up Dave and asked if he wanted to go with me. Dude didn't even hear me out, like 2 sentences and comes up with a list of reasons why he couldn't possibly go. Never heard that I was gonna pay for his flight, and we were gonna stay with friends of mine, so no hotel cost. Ok, so nevermind that.
And then there was this week. Dave, two of my other best friends from high school, and a few others took a trip to Denver to watch the Chargers take on the Broncos. Friday they went snowboarding, and saturday they were in Boulder. The only way I knew any of this was someone's girlfriend posts it all to facebook.
The point of it all is that I'm pretty hurt that Dave didn't even think to chat about the exciting trip he was taking. I kinda feel like Fuck Him. I don't even want to talk to him about it because I feel like I'll just sound like a whiny bitch. Maybe that's all I am being. Not really sure. Do you guys have any thoughts?
I'm just so bummed he wouldn't even want to talk about it with me.