Vertical Scrog LED Closet Grow || Flooded Tube/ NFT || 450w - Headband - 2’ x 3’

Are these LEDs going to produce fat, sticky buds?

  • The buds are going to be amazing and you'll wonder why anyone uses HIDs.

    Votes: 18 19.1%
  • The buds will be good, and the yield will be good compared to the power used.

    Votes: 33 35.1%
  • The buds are going to be fluffy and weak and you'll wonder why anyone flowers with LEDs.

    Votes: 10 10.6%
  • Why not just wait and see?

    Votes: 33 35.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Sounds like some nice changes man. I'm guessing I missed that casey jones while I was away from RIU, but thats fcking awesome. I can't wait to see how this one turns out for ya, cus its really looking impressive already.
Last night was the thing of dreams.... and it's still going. Babe got put down at 10pm. It is now 8:15am. She only woke up once to be fed at 4. This is by far the best and longest night she has had. DST, SomeGuy... there are blue skies in the future for you.

Wonder what ever happened with all the other babies that were due around the same time. I know Gamberro was due the same day as me, and I thought there was at least one other person expecting too. Let us know guys if you are lurking.

Speaking of babies.... wife saw 2 ends of the weight spectrum recently. She saw a 16 month old who only weighed 12 lbs ( , and the other way she saw a 4 month old who weighed 22 lbs (10 kg)

And suddenly I find a nice round number for easy conversion. 22 lbs = 10 kg. Actually 9.979... but that is about as close as you are going to get to a round number. Remember that fellas to speak easily with our friends from the rest of the world. 22 lbs = 10 kg. So using my freshly awoken brain only, I am right around 54-55 kg. And my baby is about 7 kg.

I got a cat that weighs 11+ kg. WOOT big ole fat Lewis Hamilton.

I passed the fuck OUT last night. Went to bed at 7pm. Sorry mom... I saw you called at 8. I was sound asleep. Ah man I feel like a king today. It's going to be a good one.

8:25 and baby still out. holy cow.
Coffee is on. Im the only one up. Bag time! :-)

we have been lucky with this little boy so far... Sleeps 3-4 hrs at a time usually. I cannot wait to see neil and hannah side by side. Today should be a blast man. :-).

Fyi: the other day i was like: "my plants arent stretching much first week of flower". Last night i opened up and was tying back for over an hour. Everything seemed to have grown 4-6" overnight. If this trend continues i will have bud on the ceiling for sure. Lol.
I passed the fuck OUT last night. Went to bed at 7pm. Sorry mom... I saw you called at 8. I was sound asleep. Ah man I feel like a king today. It's going to be a good one.

8:25 and baby still out. holy cow.

Coffee is on. Im the only one up. Bag time! :-)

we have been lucky with this little boy so far... Sleeps 3-4 hrs at a time usually. I cannot wait to see neil and hannah side by side. Today should be a blast man. :-).

STONER LOGIC.... SOoo SomeGuy is your MOM? Hehehe

Silly med. ;). Im a weed fairy. Lol. You must be waaaay stoned this morning. Im trying to catch up to you but its tough. ;).
WooHoo! BAKED - YES!

Still a bit confused after ALL the Metric Conversion stuff!

Ya KNOW your a STONER when you spend the first part of your day Reviewing and Editing the Night before's Posts! But this a.m. stuff is PROOF of Wake-n-Bake'n.... WooHoo!

Man Jig is it full in there!!
I predict some big changes in that closet in the next week or so.

I decided to try a vert light in my garage tent, but plants are already flowering.
Ill see what I can do to get the light hitting them well.

Sounds like baby is getting to the point where nights will be longer (not every night maybe though) but much more often if not permanently.

Speaking of weight
Went to my friends last night and I weigh 230 acc to his scale.
I am gonna do something outta normal for me and start a cardio program.
I rely on hardcore weight training for my cardio, but I havent been able to hit the weights like I like to for several yrs now and its showing.
Silly med. ;). Im a weed fairy. Lol. You must be waaaay stoned this morning. Im trying to catch up to you but its tough. ;).

WooHoo! BAKED - YES!

Still a bit confused after ALL the Metric Conversion stuff!

Ya KNOW your a STONER when you spend the first part of your day Reviewing and Editing the Night before's Posts! But this a.m. stuff is PROOF of Wake-n-Bake'n.... WooHoo!

Wake-N-Bake Dog for me this am.

Went to a party that NOBODY smoked at lol.
It was crazy to be the only stoner there, some ppl went out with me to smoke just to watch , I thought they were gonna hit it too?!?
WooHoo! Now this is just PRETTY!



jiggy that's insane.... wat light u running in there currently... ?

That grow pictured with the trained plant was 400w HPS and a 250w MH. After that I went to 1000w HPS.

RIght now I got 3 - 150w GrowEvolution panels.

So I'm only pulling 450w for the lights. Plus I switched out my 6" 435 cfm fan for a $13 home depot bathroom fan 50 cfm. My electricity draw has at least been cut in half since my last grow. I still hope I can pull 10+ oz though. I've consistently gotten around 0.5 g/w though my grow career (like it's a job or something lol). So if I do that on this grow that would be 8 oz. I don't know if I'd be happy with that. I guess I'd be happy to a point, but I think 10 is the low level for satisfaction.

Anyways, have a good saturday.
i got ten last go not at all what i wanted. i pull stuff off and compost it not everything gets rooted. you ever come buy some cherry pie out your way i know 209 had one but he hasn't been by the 600 in a bit. glad H. is sleeping for you i fill bad for you guys my babys were so good at making the whole night from the jump. i will be in for hell in a few years is my guess.
Sleeping that long is a great feeling. I remember what a relief it was the first few times she slept through the night.
I have some useless info you can use... don't remember when I came up with this but because I drive so much I always wondered how long it would take me to get certain differences. So here you go! Oh yeah this only works if you drive mostly 80 on the freeway like me :) So I see a sign that says its 25 miles to my destination. Take the miles and cut in half - 12.5. Then cut the half in half 6.25 and add them together. About 19 minutes. Its nice cuz I can do it in my head with pretty much any number just round them off. 300 miles = 150 + 75 =225min 3.75hr. I'm like doubly high right now so I thought Id share this gem of knowledge :)

Its useful when the kids say, how long till we get home! I give them an exact minute!
I have some useless info you can use... don't remember when I came up with this but because I drive so much I always wondered how long it would take me to get certain differences. So here you go! Oh yeah this only works if you drive mostly 80 on the freeway like me :) So I see a sign that says its 25 miles to my destination. Take the miles and cut in half - 12.5. Then cut the half in half 6.25 and add them together. About 19 minutes. Its nice cuz I can do it in my head with pretty much any number just round them off. 300 miles = 150 + 75 =225min 3.75hr. I'm like doubly high right now so I thought Id share this gem of knowledge :)

Its useful when the kids say, how long till we get home! I give them an exact minute!
Funny shit, I do something similar and works within minutes of my guess too. Lol ATB!

Looking lush, Jig! ATB!
That's the kind of math my wife does. I don't get it. Makes my brain hurt. Kinda funny considering how much I love math. But that's arithmetic. I like math. Not arithmetic. That's what calculators were invented for lol.

So, I wanted to share or something. Something I can't get off my mind. I have a friend Dave who lives back in San Diego where I'm from. We have known each other since like 1st grade. We were best friends half of high school and after. We were in our band together, hung out just me an him a lot. I went to college, he didn't. I moved closer to school and we sorta had different circles after that. Well really, he stayed with the home town circle and I sorta moved on to new friends. Then I moved to LA and pretty much never heard from my friends again. Him or anyone else. I guess that's what happens when you move away.

So, years go by and we run into each other at a wedding. We patch things up (he totally ditched me on my 21st birthday) and things seemed alright. Talk now and then. He comes up for visits. I go down a couple times to visit. It's cool, old friends, talk now and again. Nice. Not as close as I would like, but whatever, I chose to move away.

Then there's the Broncos connection. We have both loved the broncos independently since we were little kids. both liked John Elway and are pretty die hard fans. (all relative I guess). Last year I had an idea the broncos would make the super bowl, and I thought it would be fun to visit Denver while the superbowl was going on. If they won it would be fun to be in the winning city and celebrate with the hometown fans. I called up Dave and asked if he wanted to go with me. Dude didn't even hear me out, like 2 sentences and comes up with a list of reasons why he couldn't possibly go. Never heard that I was gonna pay for his flight, and we were gonna stay with friends of mine, so no hotel cost. Ok, so nevermind that.

And then there was this week. Dave, two of my other best friends from high school, and a few others took a trip to Denver to watch the Chargers take on the Broncos. Friday they went snowboarding, and saturday they were in Boulder. The only way I knew any of this was someone's girlfriend posts it all to facebook.

The point of it all is that I'm pretty hurt that Dave didn't even think to chat about the exciting trip he was taking. I kinda feel like Fuck Him. I don't even want to talk to him about it because I feel like I'll just sound like a whiny bitch. Maybe that's all I am being. Not really sure. Do you guys have any thoughts?

I'm just so bummed he wouldn't even want to talk about it with me. :(
And on the other end of the friend spectrum, I had a lovely time with a fellow RIU'er yesterday. Our families hung out, babies 'played' together... more like laid on the floor together. And HOLY SHIT>>>>>>>>>>> I got SOOOOOOOO high. I seriously had to stop smoking lol. Fucking volcano bags get pretty up there for highs.

And I got a wonderful christmas present that included Blue Dream, AK 47, Sour bubble, and Diablo OG. Also some lovely homemade breads. Mmmmm monkey bread is good... not sure what it is, but yeah, you guys should try some.

It's friends like this, and you other folks I know from this website that have me think why waste time and effort on an old friend who doesn't seem to care. Especially when I have friends who do care and make extra effort to be kind and caring.

EXCITING PLANT NEWS: Just went in the closet and saw the first hairs. There are white hairs popping up all over the place. Can't wait for them all to start marching in. Trichs soon to follow (i hope)